I'm straight but I would suck a robot's dick and lick his balls while he browsed Jow Forums

I'm straight but I would suck a robot's dick and lick his balls while he browsed Jow Forums.

Is this normal? I just love my fellow robots so much.

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HEY. Stop being gay here. Robots don't feel love.

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dw user i know it can be hard to accept your sexuality
i fantasise about guys pretty much all day, only get turned on by guys but i'm still straight in my heart.
>tfw no robot bf to help make me accept my sexuality and not see it as something to be ashamed of while he barebacks me and holds my hands apart by the wrists so I can't hide my blushing face and makes me call him daddy

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if you live in ny i can make this dream your reality

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>tfw in ny
>tfw not sure what to do

nyc, question mark?

I was with you until
>makes me call him daddy
fuck off faggot

I will suck your dick while you watch anime.

yes, in the city

Yeah i know it's disgusting but in my fantasies it's such a turn on, sorry if you were disgusted reading my post user

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oh uh. i'm a 19 soon to be 20 year old, i dunno what to do next

I'm straight but I want a robot to suck my dick and swallow my load. Then I'd call him a good boy, pat his head, and cuddle with him a bit. That's normal right?

It's fine. It's not gay unless you're on the the one getting penetrated

But then you'd have to be hard which would imply you're aroused by a guy, isn't that pretty fucking gay?
If you're the bottom all you need to do is think of it as a prostate massage it's not as gay.

Even if I want to pin a qt robot down and make him mine while whispering lewd things in his ear?

Nahh you're aroused by the fact your cock is going into penetrating someone else. you are essentially territorialising them, very masculine stuff bro

this is a gray area. i dont know man

I'll make sure to say no homo as my cum is leaking out his ass and he's recovering from the prostrate orgasm I have him. I should be fine then.

nyc user? you there

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It's not gay if it's just love for the homies, it's completely normal user

Oh so is this love story over? I feel bad for you anons

>tfw robots are the only people I trust and connect with
>don't like male bodies but women are awful
>only saving grace is that I hate vaginas and love penises
I wish I had a cute robot to stick my dick in or at least another robot to play with his penis.

yes, but i will live at least.

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post discord u fag

if you say so Q2#4240

Robot dick is the yummiest after all

You can play with my penis all you want. We could give each other brojobs haha, just as friends though.

Me too, anyone here in the UK haha?

Not quite unfortunately, I'm in Germany and really want my dick sucked by another robot. Maybe I'll find one who'll be willing to swallow my cum some day.

tfw no passable trap robot gf(male) to suck my dick

At this point I'll honestly take anyone who's not too masculine and hungry for dick.

Das it mang das is it


(No seriously, pls be in London)

I'm so not in London unfortunately.

Only if it's shaven.

i'm a masculine dude who wants to tie up a twink boy with a big dick, edge him until he's begging to cum, then drain his balls with my mouth

not gay

Sounds hot user. I'm getting twinkier and would like to have this done to me at some point.

But I was told circumsized dicks are looking like the toe of a dead person!?

I'm a bibot in bay area looking to touch a dick. Is anyone available?

I want to find a feminine bf, not a tranny because they're mentally ill, just a boy that looks cute and has no body hair at all. Everyone on grindr is too masculine though, I have no idea where to look.

Try looking in the garbage desu

I want this too, but I don't expect him to be cute and hairless all the time. Just once in a while for sexytimes.

ill be your daddy

t.r9k boomer.

>I'm straight
>I would suck a robot's dick
Either you're a closeted faggot or this is bait.
Or both.

>tfw no germananon to put me under his desk so he can't see me while i swallow his cum

You can make that a reality if you post contact info.

there's nothing wrong with taking a little hormones to preserve feminine looks and it doesn't make them a tranny

>ywn recommend user a particularly raunchy doujin, then blow him under the sheets while he reads it, occasionally plopping his dick out of your mouth to ask if he likes a specific part

I've done this and it is as hot as you imagine

You got me all hard with that talk you horny anons. I hope I'll be serviced like that too one day.

Where in the original UK original user