cont Maybe it's too soon to start a another, but the last one has me tearing up and it's at the image limit. So please post some. Or maybe even just talk.
I don't have very many but I have a couple that weren't in the thread.
cont Maybe it's too soon to start a another, but the last one has me tearing up and it's at the image limit. So please post some. Or maybe even just talk.
I don't have very many but I have a couple that weren't in the thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
What was even more depressing about this one is I took the screencap and the entire thread had maybe 8 replies :'(
rip pal
I don't expect many replies since it's morning time in America and the sun is coming up.
don't know but i feel emotion from this
Pap used to me about how he'd only get peppermint sticks and chicklets on Christmas
war is hell and hell is other people.
i don't understand what you mean by this oririri
true NEETs have no time zone man.
its kinda sweet picture man, tehy didnt have much but the family cared.
Somehow i find these pictures comforting even though they are really sad
try reading faces of suicide
no one would suspect it
but it lurks
Suicide is sad for the family but good for the person who does it.
any true robot knows this
>12 year old robot
it's two different quotes mashed together. you got any more of the kinda pics? thx user
Are you your own best friend, user?
Dog stories always get me
True. I hate my life. I hate this world and most people living in it. But everytime i read suicide stories it reminds me that i cannot put my family through souch a pain. I am a terrible person but i won't be a dick towards those who raised me and provided for me.
>Are you your own best friend, user?
Sadly but no. I hate myself for not being perfect.
so normal, that there was nothing wrong with him. NOT ALL HANDICAPS CAN BE SEEN!!! If you seen me, you would never think I was disabled. If you got closer, you would see the scars on my throat that go from ear to ear. You wouldn\'t know I was stabbed 17 times, raped, beaten and buried in a gravel pit. You wouldn\'t know I use my Handicap plaquard because I get scared walking a long way in the parking lot of a store. I earned it, even though people tell me \"
you\'re not handicapped.\" I do the best I can do every moment of my life to cope with a horrific past. I refuse to stay closed up in my home like a hermit. God brought me back to life in that grave of mine in the gravel pit; and I\'m going to honor every moment I take a breath.rnrnLook at all the young and older people on this wall; and it makes you wonder \"didn\'t they know how much they meant to someone\"? Didn\'t they know that someone\'s heart would be shattered with their death? Didn\'t they know how we struggle with more questions than answers? Didn\'t they know we blame ourselves somehow by thinking \"we should have known\"? Every person deserves to be loved and accepted \"as is\". That\'s how God loves them. Bullying is claiming many lives and this is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! The schools don\'t want to get involved. Some of the kids doing the bullying are the Alumni\'s kids. Get involved when you see bullying so people don\'t feel this is the only way they e
scape the hazing, the cruel words and taunts from bullies. If someone would have \"got involved\" when I was screaming for help in the gravel pit; I would have only been raped and beaten. I wouldn\'t have had my throat slit from ear to ear and my left lung punctured. The woman said she heard me screaming, but didn\'t want to get involved. WE NEED TO GET INVOLVED AND SAVE MORE LIVES. PLEASE HELP ME KEEP OUR KIDS ALIVE AND SAFE. WE SHOULDN\'T HAVE TO BURY OUR KIDS
Congolese father stares at the severed hand and foot of his 5-year-old son after they were cut off as punishment for him not being able to meet Belgian colonial quotas for rubber collection, circa 1900.
she was only 10
goddamn user both the pic and text there made me feel hard. saddest one of those faces you've posted. rip
God damnit. I hate bullies so fucking much
something original text
>in the wee small hours of the morning
>when the whole wide world is fast asleep
>the past is a gaping hole
OP from last thread. Thanks user. This means quiet a bit that you continue my legacy. Good night. Also check file name so you know its OP from last thread. It's me lads.
>past is gone, future is unknown yet you dont live in the present
Even the kindest people end up killing themselves.
quads confirm. thank you for making the thread user. i lurked at work on break. it was the highlight of my day and the saddest i'd felt in a long time. i was excited to get home to post a few but it hit the limit.
i almost didn't continue this but im really glad i did.
I'm glad you did as well. Im going to go ahead and play some vidya and drink some Pepsi and find more feels TJ add to my collection. Thanks again OP
>The past is a puzzle, like a broken mirror. As you piece it together, you cut yourself, your image keeps shifting. And you change with it.
I'm going to bump one more time. I'm out of sad pictures, so yall post more. I'd still like to talk
>time is relative to the observer
>so yall post more
it's too early for NA
narcotic's anonymous? you wanna talk about it?
So why? If everything was going so great
>If everything was going so great
apparently it wasnt.
Its OP from last thread coming in with feels to save this good thread.
All these are from last thread as well so it's basically a port of last thread.
This one is sad as well oririririri
Anyone have the thread with the leukemia gf and the Christian step ma or whatever? That one makes my blood boil it doesnt make me sad
Going to throw this in here so captcha doesnt reset
Ah damn this one hits a wee bit close to home. I'd rather not say why though so dont ask.
Ah these ones. Two animal feels coming up after this one so strap in.
Both are doggos by the way. First one.
Second one is originally coming up saddened up with vinegar. Hope this helped
Forgot to upload photo?
Sleep tight OP your threads still here.
Ultra feels that surprisingly made a lot of people sad on last thread. Check it out.
Jesus fucking hell user why would anyone do that fucking hell
Bump originallenee
much funnier if you read in a sth african accent
Didnt meet daily quota of rubbet
Rubber was pretty valuable back then, I guess.
I think he stole it and got his deserved punishment.
I like and dislike sad greentexts for some reason? Why?
Source anime is Re: Zero
Can't steal what grows from your home soil, colonizer.
Fucking hell, I nearly had something like this happen to me. I was watching HotKinkyJo wrek her ass on my phone one night, when my dad came to the door. He knocked, I got up out of bed and right as I opened the door I went unconcious and fell backwards head-first unto the corner of my bed (it's a hard 90* angle). The tab was still open, but luckily I hid the phone under my blanket before I got up to answer the door. I very nearly could have died that day, and one of the last things I'd've seen was a prolapsed asshole - and everyone would know it too. Wew.
wow that's literally how I'm going to die. and it's not going to be the first time this happened either, when I was a teen I once fell asleep at the computer with shemale hentai....
Anime: Cowboy Bebop
Anyone who's not an impressionable faggot knows that speaking in such absolutes is for fools and followers.