How to get a roblox gf

how to get a roblox gf

Attached: 1442535988273.jpg (480x480, 48K)

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he look like he going to jail but he prob only 16

this is so fucked up wow

There's a girl i still talk to sometimes (snapchat) that i met on roblox when we were kids. I'd fucking marry her now if she wanted, but she lives pretty far away from me. She's kinda headed down a rough path from the looks of it, sucks i cant pull a white knight and swoop in but I've got my own shit to take care of rn.

Perhaps in another life

Before other commentators point out the glaring part of the photo, I don't think there's such a big age differential. The girl's phone is covering her nose and mouth, so with only her eyes exposed of course she'll look like a kid. Also the bloke's obesity makes him look years older than he actually is.

fate has handed you all the cards but you're too pussy to play them

Not necessarily brotha, more like I've got a bunch of responsibilities that i have to take care of before i can consider moving 8-9 hours away just for a girl. Think with your head, not your dick(heart) user

Thats not even a robot

just look how happy and nice he is in chat and with girls
probably very likeable person by many friends he has both guys and girls

a robot would be too self aware to type to a girl like that because its "cringey" or some shit

Thats so awsomesauce :D

I refuse to believe this is real, wtf

i know this girl irl
it's fake shit designed to trigger normies

holy shit are you me. exact same fucking situation.

this happens to me all the time

bovisouly not origienal

i rather stay a virgin forever than let the word "awesomesauce" go past my lips.

Attached: 1508602110265.jpg (656x519, 42K)

Thank you, hero

give me her details now please


Look up Good girls sorority. Hundreds of e girls larping as thots that are easy. Dress like the chad meme and you are good to go

Attached: 1533086660834.jpg (249x252, 5K)

>tfw larp with 13 year olds on Roblox high school

This is probably not good but they're so easy-going and don't mind my autism

I don't know how old girls on roblox are but they are friendly and easygoing to play with, this can't be right.

Its fucking faaaaaKeeee

ewww they are gross

Is it really this simple though? Could I go on any game and say "any girls here" in the chat and find a gf this way assuming i don't get catfished

how to get a fortnite gf

Attached: I Met My New Girlfriend On Fortnite Battle Royale - ricegum.jpg (259x194, 13K)

she's an edgy makeup-caked roastie

Attached: ew.png (963x964, 1.74M)

They are usually 15yo autist girls

It bothers me that there's no "make your own miniature game as part of a larger game" equivalent for adults/with a decent community. Minecraft does have more adults, but the tools aren't as accessible for people who want to make new shit instead of play the game by the established rules.

he is still lucky though


You basically got to be a total fag say things like awesomesause. I mean I am a sissy and even I wouldn't say something as faggy as that. But dont do that because its probably pedophilia.

yeah i guess
she's also like 5 ft tall so whatever

You'll never get a roblox gf like that. Girls love that cringy talk

>blond hair
>green eyes
>clean skin
>okay jawline
>at least a head taller than her, according to OP's pic
>no significant blemishes or deformities

He's not even that lucky, I'd say he's a 6/10 by looks alone and she's a 7/10.
That's not taking into account that they have at least one similar interest, and he looks like a genuinely nice person, albeit a normalfag.

Attached: 390958394341.png (565x643, 453K)

She's still cute and could do better than him.