Hiya /fembot/, let's discuss times when phalloids were literally subhuman, from outright evil abusers to "nice guys" with a stick up their butt. Don't forget what they did to you.
Pic related men are pigs
Hiya /fembot/, let's discuss times when phalloids were literally subhuman, from outright evil abusers to "nice guys" with a stick up their butt. Don't forget what they did to you.
Pic related men are pigs
Boys rule and girls drool! Yeeeee team male get rekt scrub
>Go outside
>male tries to talk to me
>smells like he hasn't showered in weeks
>can't respect personal space
>politely make an excuse to leave in a hurry
>he goes home and posts on r9k about how im just being a roastie for rejecting him
every time
Literally every single person is terrible. I'm terrible. You're terrible. The next poster is terrible.
This is not news. You might as well make a thread about how water is wet.
>she don't date brown men in 2018
oh no bb
do u respond like this to female hate threads here too or are you just mad that this is about you
Phalloids gonna phalloid
Us phalloids only hate women because youre so cruel. You hate men for not being "good enough" it's not the same because women start it.
Whenever I see them, yes I do. Those threads are equally boring.
brown and black men are even worse than white guys, they act like arrogant children
"She rejected me time to kill her"
t. totally reasonable and not violent males
grow up kiddo
Us women only hate phalloids because you're so cruel and narcissistic. You hate women for being 'roasties' (not good enough) and have done for thousands of years. It's not the same cuz men start it
not a chick but holy shit, this went down yesterday on grindr when I wanted to try finding someone to get high and watch star trek and cuddle with.
Men are kinda fucking scummy. This shit freaked me out for a couple hours, especially with his close proximity.
Bleurgh. Hope you don't get stalked
>"She rejected me time to kill her"
>t. totally reasonable and not violent males
That's not what I said but in a way, yes. You can't reject 80% of dudes just for being too short/a little awkward/some other thing and then expect men to be chill with it.
We're only cruel and narcissistic because women choose to fuck the cruel narcissitic men.
Do you think if women started fucking small meek nice submissive guys men wouldn't clamor to start acting that way? YOU have all the control and then get mad when men decide not to play anymore or to change the game.
Women can't judge us since they don't know what it's like to live with a high sex drive.
Men literally want sex all day. The fact that we're not raping at random despite being stronger is a sign of how civilized we've become over the ages.
Nowadays girls are not just allowed but encouraged to dress as provocative as possible, yet it's still considered a crime when a men acts on his natural instincts.
Can you imagine what life is like this way? For maybe 80 years of your life, you're being taunted by half of society to commit a crime that will ruin you forever.
No, you cannot understand that.
I was with someone and put him up in my home for the last 10 years, and I got sick of him putting his hands on me for the last time the other day, so he vandalized my moms car. But the cops want to fuck him so they still treated me like shit while I filed the complaint. I know why I am culpable, but for the most part I regret ever making excuses for him and relying on him as my only friend.
Are you 16 years old? Speak for yourself.
I don't walk around wanting to rape anything you weirdo.
women not aloud on this board pls leave
You're missing the point, which is that you're just mad you can't get a date and that's clearly the biggest problem you have with women. It's pathetic and exactly the kind of reason you can't get a date in the first place desu.
Dudes don't get rejected by average looking girls like me for being "too short/little awkward" it's really rare for me to get propositioned actually. I reject guys for being wastrels and narcissists.
It's really not that simple.
Women don't choose to f the cruel narcissistic men, cruel narcissistic men are good at pretending they aren't cruel and narcissistic. I met a genuinely charming and nice guy back in school and he was EXTREMELY popular. A genuinely nice guy, which is something narcissistic cruel guys are trying to emulate. No one wants to date a guy whose idea of being 'nice' is not hitting you. And no one wants to date a guy who can't stfu about how bad women are either.
Women do f*** small meek nice submissive guys lol, ever been to cryscafe? That whole place is full of girls who want to be mommy gfs. It's a big market it's just that those kinds of girls don't wanna hang out with nasty guys like you who just pretend to be meek but are actually shitty and get mad at women because you can't get laid and you believe you're owed sex.
No one gives a f*** if you don't play, don't act like that's what you're doing, you're still trying to play you're just doing it while also trash talking every single other player and getting mad.
Probably won't. I was watching my friends cat when those messages went down and it's a good 10 miles away from my actual residence so I'm thinking i'll be safe.
Appreciate the concern tho fren!
Dude lol get an onahole or something and just jerk off every day to get rid of those urges. Either that or maybe try putting that energy into either talking to a girl or bettering yourself so you can get laid someday. Like I empathize with my fellow robots, and have to either be benzod up or have minor panic attacks whenever I talk to women, but this is pretty fucking pathetic.
they fully understand that, and still do it. It's a form of cruelty and an act of making you submit. They see you wriggle in front of them and visibly restrain from looking down their cleavage and it gives them an nauseating feeling of power.
tfw no nice robot bf who gets hit on by older men and gets panic attacks when he talks to you so you can mommy him
cops are bastards like that
when do we start the e-girl uprising
Honestly at this point I hope you go through hell in this life and the next. I give up. I do hate you, I hate you all, I hate women too, and I hope I live to see the species go extinct. I hope all of your children develop leukemia or autism.
Sounds like someone trying to make a joke to seem interesting because he was told by everyone to just bee himself and be aggressive because that's what chicks like. Reminds you of anything?
Yea guys who fake being nice and try really hard to act like they are are awful. Genuine kindness is always a nice trait though
Water itself isn't wet though user. A non viscous liquid coming into contact with a surface creates wetness
This. I don't like to be a drama queen but the black/hispanic kids in my school straight up harassed me consistent. I told them to stop repeatedly but theyd still try and touch me and grab me. After a while I blew up on most of them at once and it finally stopped.
If you're talking about middle eastern/Indian she's right to not date them. They smell like armpit, couldn't protect you if they tried, are have copy and paste drone personalities, and aren't good looking
This. I don't judge guys for how they act sexually. I know they're just sorta slaves to their sex drives and it has a tight leash on everything. If I had a constant itch like that I'd go crazy if I couldn't scratch it too
I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but in my life I have found that when being aggressive and domineering I have far more success with women than when I was meek. I'm not a tall man so I need to be even more imposing in other aspects to make up for it because women just don't like short guys.
Really what you're saying is the same bullshit that men always hear, it's not applicable in the real world when we actually go out and try these things. Women are not interested in fucking nice dudes men, I think this is where the problem actually is. You can't help being attracted to domineering assholes I get that and I don't blame you but don't pretend like you/almost every woman would pick the small nice submissive guy over the tall aggressive guy (or in the nice way women put it, "confident/assertive").
Females have complete control over males in a species its just how it is it's not fair but we can't really do anything about it, but it's just annoying when women do things and then blame men for it.
Pic related is what I do to smart mouth cunts like you.
>Genuine kindness is always a nice trait though
Obviously not.
I have started training myself to become an asshole since kindness is very clearly unappealing to women. It's really hard and I haven't really made any progress yet, but at least I'm trying. I guarantee you that when I succeed in becoming an asshole I will no longer be alone.
>Uses a tag
>Tells others to grow up
Fuck off you casual dyke.
See even look at this "they couldn't protect you"
THIS is the main criteria in women's partner selection, if he could "protect" them (ironically, from other men).
The whole thing is quite funny.
>e girl uprising
>but the cops want to fuck him?
Gay cops or girl cops? Not that it matters, I'm just kinda fucking curious.
Having only one or two friends kinda fucking sucks, I probably don't need to tell you this, but diversify your friend groups. Putting all your eggs in one basket is a recipe for disaster.
ACAB, fren
I don't want someone who encourages that behavior senpai, as cute as that sounds, it's something to be overcome, not accepted
Are straight men different? I'm like 80% straight and hadn't ever so much as been on a date with another boy, and this was only my 4th or 5th message, but most of them were crude like that.
>Yea guys who fake being nice and try really hard to act like they are are awful. Genuine kindness is always a nice trait though
Wetness is literally "the state or condition of being covered or saturated with water or another liquid; dampness."
And I would say that water is pretty damn saturated with water.
Sure does smell like dyke cunt in here.
Gay cops. He told me himself he heard them say they wanted to give him a handy. I think most of them are at this point because they're too ugly to be strippers and get off on cheating on their wives or something.
>tfw no nice chad bf who's so attractive even people of his own gender hit on him but he's so shy he'll do everything I say and be my beta provider forever
FTFY. You are vile.
>My individual experience is how everything works
Being a massive doucebag attracts shitty girls that will probably cheat on you
What's funny about it? I'm 100lbs, weak, young looking, and don't like walking through certain areas around me without a man because things have happened there. It's perfectly rational to be attracted to a man who could make sure me and my children were safe because anyone without a y chromosome is automatically physically nerfed by biology.
It's the same as a man saying "I look for a woman who looks like she could bear many healthy children
No, it's not. An asshole is an asshole is an asshole
yup I sure am lying about everything i say
please meet the razor toothed tentacles in my vagina so I can use you for nutrients
Wait a second
I get hit on by guys all the time and girls give me their numbers pretty often
Am I Chad?
I'd never play for the other team no matter how bad things got. I'd just cave people's skulls in indiscriminately. So don't take it personally, you never did anything to me, but I do still damn you to a life of misery and weakness.
>I'm 100lbs, weak, young looking, and don't like walking through certain areas around me without a man because things have happened there.
Holy shit bitch, get a gun and protect yourself.
If you didn't make men large and aggressive in the first place you wouldn't need men to protect you. That's what I meant by it's ironic, you women started the problem yourselves and now you are wrapped up in it.
Being kind repulses every single woman with no exception. Personal experience is the correct way to validate a hypothesis. A hypothesis can be based on statistics. If the statistics and real life are consistent, then it can be said that the statistics apply to the population being observed. All the data says that kindness is repulsive to women. It also happens to be what each and every one of us observes. Women quite literally would rather be in an abusive relationship for a decade than even so much as give us a chance (i.e. respond when we say the word 'hi', completely undecorated of anything else).
This is a fact.
Stop lying to us. You've done enough damage as is lying to us our entire life, making us work on things that not only women don't like but are actually turn offs to them. Such as generosity, financial success, fitness, kindness, emotionalism, etc. You are the reason why we will die alone. You have doomed us. You are a monster.
>does that mean I'm chad if I'm chad
>we made men large and aggressive
uh, yeah, sure. absolute faggot
yeah, because women just hate niceness? absolute faggot
I hate you too and wish to bring pain to you directly. Just for the ability of being proud of your obliviousness, or being outright cruel in your outlook.
>when the gay poojeet wants you to show dic and balz hai babbey u so butiful
t. faps 3 times a day
What's funny about it? I'm 100lbs, weak, young looking, and don't like walking
No, a large collection of water becomes a single entity, therefore not covered in water
A. I live in MA, not happening
B. I'm talking about the principle of attraction
If I see a guy give a fucking homeless guy some food, I'm not gonna think "WOW WHAT A FUCKING BETA I BET HE HAS STEP CHILDREN" I'm gonna think "wow, that's a genuinely nice thing to do, good on him". Maybe it's more of a social thing than biological, who knows, but still.
And fitness is definitely attractive
First of all, I did nothing. You're basically blaming modern women for an evolutionary arms race, which is just wrong.
Except I'm not really a chad. I just have a babyface and live in a town full of fucking pedophiles.
a 20 year old who can't talk to women and does nothing besides work his minimum wage job and smoke weed isn't a chad.
>uh, yeah, sure. absolute faggot
Yes, women bred men to be large and aggressive. Early humans had almost no dimorphism, women and men were about the same size, same bone density, etc. Then women only mated with larger aggressive men over thousands of years and here we are now.
>yeah, because women just hate niceness? absolute faggot
Yes, that is the case.
>brown and black men are even worse than white guys
What race do you think most guys on Jow Forums are?
>yeah, because women just hate niceness?
I have never seen any evidence of a woman not explicitly hating niceness. Be it statistics, records, or real life. Not even once. So even assuming there are women who don't hate niceness, objectively speaking, they are unicorn tiers of rare.
>A. I live in MA, not happening
What's not happening?
>B. I'm talking about the principle of attraction
So am I, what do you mean by this?
>I'm such a robot, I'm extremely attractive and women literally throw themselves at me XD
>abloobloo why won't girls higher than 9.9/10 talk to me I'm so lonely ;_; am i rite fellow robots? XDD
Kill yourself, chad.
>I'm not gonna think "WOW WHAT A FUCKING BETA I BET HE HAS STEP CHILDREN" I'm gonna think "wow, that's a genuinely nice thing to do, good on him"
That's what your ilk ALWAYS say and yet you would never even entertain the thought of going out with someone who would do that. I mean even beyond the fact that you've obviously never seen what happens when you give a homeless some food, what it really means when food is given to a homeless, etc.
I'm a cop and multiple women have tried ti persuade me into not giving them a ticket
I never surrendered
Take this, roastbeefs
Well then, I'll see you in hell.
If I have a ball of iron, you could say it is covered in iron. If I have a ball of ice, you can say it is covered in ice. If I have a ball of water, you can say it is covered in water.
I want to kill and eat a white female
Fucking hell, this post made me chuckle.XD
>nice guys
Ugh, the worst. These guys are the reason I deleted my dating apps and rarely appear outside except for work
>extremely attractive
I'm like a 4 on a good day. No woman has ever taken interest in me. Not 4s, not 2s, none. I don't really blame em, though. I think you're just calling me a Chad to cope with the fact I'm not angry and bitter and can't think of any other reason for me to not entirely hate myself and the world around me other than the fact I must clearly be getting tractor-loads of pussy or something like that.
>be you
>get called by a woman crying over having been abused by husband
>put phone down
>"take that roastees" heh
>go back to eating doughnuts and not being able to move like a fat bastard
ur a absolute retard
>women are to blame dont look for the man behind the curtain
absolute faggot
Sorry I completely fucked up that reply, that was for the guy who said to get a gun
I'll just try and fix what I butchered here
You're basically blaming modern women for an evolutionary arms race, which is just wrong
I think thats the only thing that I needed to fix
At this point you're just choosing to believe what makes you angriest, and that's on you
Wrong. I'm not gonna say my ice has ice on it.
If you're at a restaurant and the waiter comes by and fills up your glass, are you gonna complain and say "BRO WHAT THE FUCK YOU GOT MY WATER WET"? No, because water + water =/= wet
>girls give me their numbers
>yeah but Im a four on a good day
Quality bait my friend, youre really reeling them in!
>get btfo
>ur a retard xd
>I wiiiiiiin
I've never gotten a girls number though.
Like, ever. There was once a 70-ish year old lady took mine when I told her I'd fix her computer after work, but that's the closest I've come, user.
What the fuck do you mean "men behind the curtain? You're saying it's men who made us bigger and stronger and aggressive and not women choosing to mate with those men?
>You're basically blaming modern women for an evolutionary arms race, which is just wrong
>I think thats the only thing that I needed to fix
I'm not blaming modern women, I'm just pointing out the irony of the situation. When women are online, or in college classrooms, or whatever, is when they can sit around and logically analyze with their intelligence the source of their ails with males - men are too domineering, men are too aggressive, men are too strong and we're never safe with them around, etc. But when you're out and about looking for partners, those same traits taht are logically the problem are the very traits you're attracted to. I'm not blaming you for it or saying you're bad but it IS ironic and it is a funny situation you women have put yourselves in. You can't deny that.
This post was formatted terribly I'm sorry about that. I'll reformat it good here:
What the fuck do you mean "men behind the curtain? You're saying it's men who made us bigger and stronger and aggressive and not women choosing to mate with those men?
The rest of the stuff. I'm sure you understood though who I was talking to.
I'm embarrassed for you, spamming the word faggot like a child who just discovered the internet.
And you think those posts are worth tying an identity to.
Who cares if everyone knows you're a grown infant as long as they recognise you right?
State of you lol
He can't take a hint but you're pretty trashy for not saying anything.
I'm not saying men are to blame, no one is really to blame
The US dropped the atomic bombs because they had to (let's not get into a whole historical debate, for the sake of the metaphor, let's say they did. even though it was totally necessary to prevent the ~1 million estimated allied casualties from invading Japan), do you blame the rest of the world for trying to match that sort of power? And do you blame them for the the ensuing dick measuring contest of bombs?
And I never said men were too dominant or aggressive, black men are because they're fucking apes
>First of all, I did nothing. You're basically blaming modern women for an evolutionary arms race, which is just wrong.
>feel endangered
>wont take steps to protect self
>rather find someone else to protect you
I'm blaming women for being lazy cunts who have no ability to defend themselves, but then run around calling everything a man does towards them "rape".
Except when chad does it.
>be you
>get called by a woman crying over having been abused by husband
>put phone down
Maybe you shouldnt have marrued bad boy chad, lmao.
Maybe you should just leave, but you wont because you "LOVE HIM", and will change him into a loving basedboy.
The absolute fucking state of "abused" women.
The same way the argument is being made that women made men massive and aggressive is the same for men making women small and fragile. Your ancestors could've dumped on in the 5'10" girl but willingly chose the pint sized one. Don't want women to be small? Fuck taller women
I do take steps to avoid being kidnapped and gang raped, I avoid certain streets and areas if I'm not with a guy I trust, sometimes I have to take longer routes to places because of it. It's a pain in the ass, but it's the cards I was dealt.
>Fuck taller women
I would but women dont like shorter guys lmao.
Also your size isnt an excuse, i've seen 5ft nothing girls at the range shooting everything from little compact pistols to heavy rifles. Stop making excuses lmao.
We could go back and forth all day on "date shorter guys" "no date taller women". Nothing would be accomplished
I'm not using my size as an excuse to not carry a gun. Even if I had one I still wouldn't be itching to use it like some edgy cunt. Given the laws here, itd be a pain in the ass to get a gun, just to take the safe route anyhow
^thats me making an excuse
>We could go back and forth all day on "date shorter guys" "no date taller women". Nothing would be accomplished
The majority of women wont date a shorter man, majority of men dont fucking care. Its on your gender to fix things now lmao, we're post 1960s
>I'm not using my size as an excuse to not carry a gun. Even if I had one I still wouldn't be itching to use it like some edgy cunt.
Good, egdy retards give everyone else a bad rep.
>Given the laws here, itd be a pain in the ass to get a gun, just to take the safe route anyhow
Sincerest apologies to living in a cucked country/ state.
Hey user I'm horny all the time, and it sucks having to impress basic sluts to get laid, but I dont struggle against wanting to rape. Get help.
The conversation died and I lost interest. Do I need to file a formal termination of conversation if I dont feel like hitting him up again?
No you disingenuous annoying twat you obviously don't need to do that horseshit you just described but you're clearly ignorant and cowardly for ignoring the guy rather than give him the time of day to be straight with him.
user was being totally fair and you're continuing to prove his point by getting all pissy and defensive, go ahead and give me one of your pissy replies now that I've also told you the truth and why not throw in another absurd obnoxious strawman while you're at it.
>cryscafe full of girls who want to be mommy gfs
h-how do i start talking with these girls, isn't that place no boys allowed
>tfw get really nervous around girls irl but ok online
>tfw no loving mommy gf to comfort me and make me feel safe
There is literally nothing wrong with the texts in the OP, homosexuality is a mental illness
ah, those are the old school incels.
the respect women kind
I ghost or ignore Tinder/Bumble matches all the time
>ever been to cryscafe? That whole place is full of girls who want to be mommy gfs
It's not true, she is just lying to deflect the point of the argument which is that women are the ones who cause men to be domineering aggressive controlling dangerous people.
ITT: ugly hambeasts and tripfags
you femanons wouldn't be on Jow Forums if you could operate socially, you're just as bad as us if not worse
Doesn't really even matter if she's lying or not since there's no way to start a conversation with anyone on there.
How do I stop hating women, then?
I know my experience is with a certain woman and that not all of them are like that, but there's a certain reaction I have that makes me incredibly uncomfortable around them.
The average man could kill most of you with just his bare hands so good luck with that