Hoiw manly/girly are you user?

Hoiw manly/girly are you user?


post your result

Attached: 4578894598.png (293x390, 13K)

>61% masculine
>25% feminine

Oh no

Attached: C3FFD1A2-198D-4771-816A-35F4201C1952.jpg (750x824, 430K)

I'm a manlet though

Attached: casuallyfemale.png (560x666, 29K)

>feminine trait is almost double the masculine trait
oh no, this isn't good. I guess it isn't that surprising but I didn't think it would be that large
>inb4 numale

Attached: idrlabs gender test.png (300x445, 18K)

Just call me chad turbocock

Attached: result.png (370x516, 19K)

Did this already, got >90% female and 0% male. Wasn't news, digit ratio already confirmed I was supposed to be a girl. They should measure prenatal hormone levels and abort freaks like me, it's the kindest thing to do.

what the fuck, why is everyone here such a fucking faggot.

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I spit on you effeminate pussies.

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>greentexting url's

fair results

Attached: testthing.jpg (1297x620, 87K)

You are pretty!
Prominent Features
Wide face
Normal forehead size
Wide interocular distance
Good nose for face
Normal mouth size
Small chin
Good face symmetry

I'm a trap so I used the female option. This certainly picked me up when I was having a shitty day

Are you people blind or just dumb

I'm not even a trap. What does this mean?

Attached: selection.png (636x924, 73K)

>Masculine: Low
>Feminine: Very Low
That's surpising. So... nobody?

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I will fuck up aero

Attached: IMG_20180805_110604.jpg (1080x1487, 75K)

Time to start taking your whoremoans and begin worshipping BBC.

>What does this mean?
You eat too many soi products

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Jesus Christ, how do you people fail this test?

Attached: Untitled.png (763x661, 28K)

>95% masculine
can I chad now?

>Has any % feminine


i guess i expected this

Attached: sfd.jpg (284x498, 21K)

These sorts of tests are prime triggering grounds for me so I wanted to make myself feel good before the answer. though this is pretty much true

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t. schizoid fuckup

Attached: IMG_20180805_170944.png (720x989, 60K)

I had similar results, it's probably because most of our answers was in the middle and system couldn't analize it.

I don't really care about these things, though.

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Here you go faggot..
Or am I the fag here.....?
*existential nightmare*

Attached: IMG_20180805_170942.png (1080x1660, 137K)

>those low scores on both
>not even 50% in total
tfw alien here, i knew it

Attached: a.png (303x307, 12K)

Guess im alright
So yeah

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Call me slavchad the cocksaint

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these tests are pointless

Attached: faggotness test.png (310x454, 16K)

This seems about right to me

Attached: 2018-08-05 09.23.59.png (1042x1584, 105K)

I agree,but they are interesting.

crap how did i get 0% masculine i have a pp uwu

Attached: soiboi.png (296x395, 13K)

I simply disagree with too many of the traits. I just don't have any personality to be measured in the first place.

Attached: gender role.png (765x686, 28K)

you sound like you are really just robot. emotionless.

i guess this is balnced

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Which one of you femboys is gonna suck my dick first?

Attached: Screenshot_20180805-115347~2.png (1440x2174, 149K)

Not gonna deny, pretty accurate test.

Attached: Screenshot_20180805-175612~2.png (1080x1692, 110K)

Fags are most feminine bitchmade men on the planet.

Attached: btfo.png (604x962, 83K)

Visiting normie

Attached: snippy.jpg (740x733, 42K)

I'm literally female (girl). Dress and look extremely feminine, aesthetic aim is angelic, very pale, blonde, thin, usually smiling, soft, usually wear white or florals. I'm pretty much a snake in sheep's clothing. I always get results like this.

Attached: boimode.png (578x849, 39K)

Tbh only gays I've seen were either very skinny and feminine or huge and masculine, broad face and jaw with a beard.

Wonder what causes it

50% M
17% F

I'm soft and caring, I'm a girl now

Attached: transgender.png (298x495, 18K)

Please be my gf, I'm this user

last time i did this test i got 25/25... i am not brave enough to do this a second time...

Unironically I like romantic, emotional guys. It's cute. Manlets are fine, how manlet? I have a fetish for it. Are you qt?

I'm a social awkward animefag who never had any friends, so don't think I'm some sort of chad. I'm just autistic.

Attached: manly.png (780x724, 52K)

I love romantic stuff but it's also really embarassing, I'm 165cm tall and somewhat cute I guess. What about yourself and where are you from?

Gore lover here, but I can't enjoy porn

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Haha that's perfect, I'm 160. I'll never actually date you though.

Whell i am 6'6 and 202 lb
Here only for bait purpose

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Well I didn't expect any other outcome.

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am i the robotest of them all


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This seems slightly off

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-05-12-55-59~2.png (1438x2344, 202K)

Guess I'm not an r9k mommies goodboi sissy scared to death of no MUH COMFY

I am happy with these results

Attached: gender test august 2018.png (911x897, 46K)

Oops forgot pix

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>tfw I tell you dudes you act like bitches whining and running all day then you get called a bitch by online tests

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Any test that pull out "share on..." option in the end is not a good test.

wtf? how can it be 0% masculine? am I gay?

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Just a little note, having more female personality doesnt mean that youre le cute femine girly boy, it means that youre a annoying beta faggot that no one likes. No one likes weak men, not women, not other men, not even children

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its true, i live a very lonely life because of it. its repsusive. i look like a huge fag also.

and i'm sure you're super masculine and dominant because you replied to everyone who honestly answered while not posting your own results
but i am le cute feminine girly boy regardless of my personality results so it doesn't really matter

Attached: d1.png (332x371, 145K)

Well I am not a sissy then, just pretty normal. That's something.

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that's why i'm becoming a girl

I expected these to be closer but I guess this is accurate.

Attached: gender role.png (716x721, 32K)

i am bi. so this makes sense i guess

Attached: bi.png (1042x766, 34K)

This is what you get when you're a dick to everyone around you

Attached: Gender test.png (377x664, 28K)

ey me too

Attached: gender test.png (745x667, 31K)

>TFW completely misunderstands the meaning of the test.


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Makes sense tho since I'm a submissive 5'6 femboy

Attached: 5.png (1080x1730, 108K)

IIRC, last time I took this the feminine column was higher and I was either "undifferentiated" or "casually feminine." My confidence has gotten a lot higher over the past several months and I'm more willing to speak up and defend my opinions instead of crumbling like a bitch.

Attached: vertical-chart.png (293x390, 13K)

>This makes you Undifferentiated-Androgynous

dont know how to feel

Attached: vertical-chart.png (293x390, 13K)

Seems like you're only half a man to me, pal

This sounds about right. I had to at least be mostly feminine to want to be a bottom boi.

Attached: gender test result.png (715x659, 37K)

Reminder if you're not casually masculine you will hate your wife and she will hate you once both of your genitals are too old and disgusting to use.


Attached: nice.png (312x407, 14K)

casually masculine?
what does that even mean?

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Surprisingly more masculine than I thought

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I like cute shit fight me

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how come r9k is so feminine?

Attached: nice.jpg (505x497, 29K)

Sure is a meme test

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very relatable user

>femininity is weakness
this is a jump you made, rather than fact.


Attached: Screenshot_20180805-143123~2.png (1080x1291, 88K)

They really should it makes life so much more unbearable

but for me it's being a girl with masculine traits

go back to your fembot thread, pussy

I feel like my results might be a little skewed since I'm having an off day.

Attached: gender 8-5-18.png (322x522, 16K)

pacifist=feminine acording to em

actually how?

Got low on both, 22% masculine and 31% feminine

no wonder ive been struggling with identity issues all these years if i'm this much half-and-halfed
born female by the way, i guess

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Marry me. I have vagene

Attached: hQVtB4.png (875x657, 65K)

Wow I'm a man and this is what I get

Didn't make me feel good at all

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I took the test pretty lazily and most things I just kept in the middle so this might not be super accurate but I honestly dont give a shit

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