Why are you still an incel?

Why are you still an incel?

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>being an incel
>not being celibate voluntarily
>putting pussy on a pedestal
Get on my level. Bitches aren't worth the headache.

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i want to be on your level but i hate girls so much. how do you just move on, i see nothing honorable or cathartic about forgetting about it all, the only alternative i see is lashing out somehow. for me this has taken the form of basically just treating random females like shit, which is a lot of fun actually it's amazing how unused females are to being talked to like they're disliked for no reason.

Incels don't exist. There's plenty of fatties and hookers out there.

>plenty of fatties and hookers out there

human trash that don't deserve my aspergers money

But you're human trash, too. You have no redeeming-enough quality to make someone naturally like you. LMAO.

>redeeming-enough quality to make someone naturally like you

yes, I'm missing a few millimeters of bone structure

Read my post again. Apparently you're illiterate, too. What redeeming quality DO you have?

Sex dolls should be legal and the government has to fund R&D on VR anime sex experiences

bad genes basically.
i was an untouchable all through school and college. i'm less ugly now but jaded by my experiences.

I'm a male and not gay, it that redeeming enough?

these days women with no irredeemable qualities are a catch but a guy lacks some genuinely impressive things to say about himself and it's over?

Most men aren't fags. What's so special about it? What qualities do you have that would redeem yourself to women, you fag?
This thread is about sex. We men naturally find women sexually attractive. Human sexuality doesn't work the other way around. If you think, however, the relationship between sexual attraction and the willingness to commit/marry is a 1:1, of course it isn't, because to go that far, a woman has got to have redeeming qualities in her personality and values too. As a man, if you're not genetically blessed, you've got to make up for it in other ways. The only answer I got so far was "durr I'm not gay" from that faggot. Good luck attracting a woman with that.

being a woman is a free ticket to sex with Chad, no qualities required


women want sex too they're just overvalued. like all bubbles it will burst.

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>Be woman with no redeeming qualities and multiple red flags
>Get dick left and right with zero effort
>Be a decent but non-Chad male
>Fucking nothing
>White knights and simps defend this

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probably wouldn't even manage to get it up, so there's no point

Because hypergamy allows women to fuck the same Chads over and over and I can't compete with them.

I guess I could find a single mother to provide for but I'd rather die a virgin.

I'm celibate voluntarily. I've seen the worst females have to offer because I've had older women go after me since I was a god damn preteen. Rejected multiple red flags too that went on to get knocked up somewhere in UK and live as a failure and a drain on her partner. Feels good, man.

Didn't I say "we men naturally find women sexually attractive"?
What are you trying to negate? Everything in my post still stands.
>Be woman with no redeeming qualities and multiple red flags
I said "we men naturally find women sexually attractive". If men are happy to engage in sex because of a physical quality, which most men are, women don't need a redeeming personality-related quality as long as they have physical goods. It sucks but I literally acknowledged what you're lamenting already.
>Be a decent but non-Chad male
Define decent; define non-Chad.
>Fucking nothing
What are your (or the archetype to which your referring) redeeming qualities or values?
>White knights and simps defend this
I can only speak to myself - I wish men would care more about values and personality qualities. But the reality is men will be able to find a woman if they have other redeeming qualities.

I'm a volcel. The chances of you living a full life & not encountering a woman who will let you fuck & cum inside of her vagina are infinitesimal. Plenty of women have liked me in the past, and I consider myself a handsome man, but the reason why I never came close to having sex was because of me. I didn't like them the same way they liked me, and that was the end of that. Lower your standards. Of course I won't do that, but that's the problem.

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i negated "human sexuality doesn't work the other way around" women want sex as much as men they just have easier access to it so they instead value how good the sex will be. they're just spoiled that's all there is to it.

>Didn't I say "we men naturally find women sexually attractive"?

>I said "we men naturally find women sexually attractive"

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Sorry, I don't know what you're trying to say. Call me stupid, but I just don't. I'm not sure what's debatable about what I had said: men who find a woman physically attractive would want to have sex with her or sexually fantasize about her regardless of her other qualities. If you have an argument against this, please let me know.
I didn't comment on the extent to which they want it, so how could you have negated that? I agree with you. I was talking about the tendency behind women's natural lusts and what would make them want to have sex with a man or fantasize sexually about him. Most men aren't physically attractive enough to make a female brain want to practically throw her panties at him. There's more involved in attracting a woman. We men don't need that - it's easier for us to find a woman sexually attractive, is it not?

I'm trying to say that you're fucking dumb. You claimed you did and didn't say the same thing in the same post.

Good chance that you have a vagina

>I'm trying to say that you're fucking dumb
Let's see how that plays out
>You claimed you did and didn't say the same thing in the same post.
How? In each instance, I said we men naturally find women sexually attractive. Where did I ever claim the opposite? Even in the second part of I extended that same point. You're not reading clearly.

Because I'm still physically-unattractive. I mean I'm working on it, but going from ogre tier looks to date-able looks doesn't happen over night.

Incel implies inability to get a woman the traditional way. Hookers don't count.

Personally speaking, I just don't want fatties. I guess that makes me a volcel instead.

holy fuck you don't know how to read