has anyone you knew in school died yet?
Has anyone you knew in school died yet?
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A Chad, a Brad and three Stacies from my old class died in a drunk driving accident.
did you like them? How did they treat you in school?
I was indifferent to them. They didn't really interact with me, much like the rest of the class. I think I only spoke to Chad and Brad a couple of times in like 3 years. The Stacies were on another plane of existence and ignored me. I didn't approach them either.
Yeah, kid in my math who use to bully some spergs in math, fell off a ute tray in the out back. snapped his neck.
wasn't a bad person. just in a bad place. from what i saw.
I know at least one Chad who was murdered by a crackhead a year after we graduated. Can't say I was sad hearing the news that's for sure.
I sure hope so but I am too lazy/don't care about them to check goybook or social media
Robot-like guy. He drown during the summer that followed graduation.
Some dude I sat next to in every class for 2 years because we were sat in alphabetical order. All we would do was play tic tac toe, hangman, or just draw on each other's papers. He died 2 months after graduation due to a car accident that wasnt his fault. Honestly I still don't know how to feel about it because all I knew about him was his name.
Yeah. M8 of mine got stabbed in early 2012. Only found out like a year later. His face was all over the news and shit. He wasn't even 18 yet.
Found out a few days ago that a guy I used to kind of know committed suicide a few months ago. Too bad, he was a decent guy who I guess had some mental illness that caused him to go off the rails a bit.
Brad/Chad type I knew from Sisters school died in a plane crash. Was a great guy, shitty way to go too, rest in peace.
literally my best friend hahahaha fuck life
envy you lads, I am 25 and nobody I knew in school died yet
Some dumb bitch fell off a cliff when I was in high school. Later, one of my buddies who gave me my first tattoo died from a heart attack. He basically just sat around drinking and eating junk food all day as well as being a former meth user.
Thots are permanently confined to a lower plane of existence. Pay them no mind
I'm 28 btw. Other than that, I don't think anyone else has died.
Some bully turbo chad I meet in middle school commited suicide like 4 years ago. Honestly I was glad to hear about it, even though he never targeted me personally.
>Be me
>16 y old student
>chilling in the dorm and playing vidiya
>suddenly friend comes
>since I lastly was forced to move to another room in the complex from friends pretty much no one visited me, and if they did it was a short encounter
>I was actually pretty happy that someone came and stayed in my room longer than 30 seconds
>He sat down and told me that he looked for my roommate who was at his gf's place every day
>"but since you are here..."
>told me that friend that was about to graduate died of overdose
>He was gay but no one cared about that
>He was funky guy
>First shock hit me with no feel afterwards
>I didn't feel sad or down I felt pretty neutral
>Some little talk about him and then he left
>after he left i was thinking about best moments when we were with him
>Only person that stayed at my room to talk didn't actually want to talk and he just wanted to tell my roommate that friend died
>well... that sucks
My best friend killed himself during the beginning of my senior year. Other than that, no. Fuck you cunts
One girl's leg fell off.
All three people from my class with the same first name as me have died/become physically disabled. I've tried to kill myself twice in severe ways and not a scratch :p
Yeah, a friend of mine died. She was 18 and, as far as we knew, completely healthy. She had a heart attack in a night club. She was drinking but no drugs or anything like that. Felt really bad about it at the time, there was a group of five of us that were pretty tight and she was in it.
This really nice Mormon kid I used to sit next to in history class and everyone liked got smacked by a car while on his quadbike at night with no helmet. Apparently survived the first impact but was knocked into oncoming traffic and then ran over. He survived that too but died on the way to the hospital. My teacher and students ctually cried talking about him. Is it selfish that I thought about how those tears would not be there for me?
One guy killed himself and was forgotten the day after. I never knew him very well, seems like nobody did.
Guy who was a bit of a bully died of cancer in grade 5. He was actually kind of nice to me which was weird.
Another guy I knew who was an annoying little shithead died because he got drunk or high and crashed his snowmobile a few years ago.
One guy a few years older than me died just after finishing school because he drowned at sea.Then girl and guy same age as me. Girl died after having a fit in the bath and the guy died in a car accident.
Weirdly though the girl and guy my age had dated and were quite close before he moved away.
Multiple. Like 5 people? All from my graduating class 5 years ago. 3 car accidents, 2 of which were caused by them being drunk, and 2 drug overdoses.
apparently some stacies died but i didn't know them, i didn't know anyone
ive hardly spoken to any of them since i graduated. i assume Ill be the first one to die. unless my freshman crush, the emo girl who sold me weed, got kicked out for wearing earings or some bs like that, dropped out of public school, became a prostitute and got arrested by 17 is dead. she probably is i guess.
even though she became a total degenerate i still fantasize about that grill when she was a qt freshman. I block out the memory of seeing her dressed like a skank in a transit station with 2 black dudes in their late thirties. she said "hi, i remember you!" I was so shocked i just said something beta and walked away. this was like a year before she got arrested.
One kid in the retard class who had a huge fucking head and couldn't talk and was in a wheelchair all the time died at school. He just died.
>died 2005
jesus you must be a 30 year old boomer by now
At least 5 from overdoses and car crashes. I didn't know any of them well. One stacy just went from xanax and alcohol.
A good friend and fellow writer died of a heroin overdose a few years back. We tried to write a one-act show our junior year as part of a school competition, but he kept throwing really inappropriate Pulp Fiction gags in there.
He had been suffering with the drugs for as long as I knew him. It still fucks me up a bit, knowing that hes in the ground in an Adidas tracksuit, the memey fuck. Rest in Peace, Joey.
32 actually. Been coming here since 2005.
A guy from my high school killed himself this year. I only had a few classes with him when we were in school. Not really friends with him but he was nice. He was gonna enter his second year of uni when he killed himself over the summer. I wonder what he was going through.
Oh and forget to mention, 3 more died while I was in school, though I didn't know them. One was the vice principals son who committed suicide, the other 2 got T-boned by some stupid old guy who didn't stop at a stop sign.
I guy I graduated with got shot when we was trying to sell his car to a nigger
a guy i went to high school with crashed his car and burned to death in the ensuing fire
another one crashed his car but died immediately, he was texting and swerved into oncoming traffic
a couple of them died of heroin overdoses
another one, he went missing for a few weeks and they found his body in a river but i don't know if they ever determined a cause of death
i only graduated four years ago
>the other 2 got T-boned by some stupid old guy who didn't stop at a stop sign.
the boomer menace strikes again!
my best friend died in a car accident when he was 15 and i was 16
>so many overdoses
is this shit really that common in america? thats fucked. i guess it really is an epidemic huh
one of my better friends growing up died from a heroin overdose. He was a crazy fucker who once threw a soda on a couple fucking in the movie theater bathroom.
love you forever buddy
Area I grew up in (Manatee County, FL!) is like top 10 in the country in heroin overdoses or something I think. Am , and that is what the 2 drug overdoses were from.
Nope. A friend of mine had a close friend in 4th grade who died of cancer.
God dammit got mixed up, meant I am
There was a Stacie who died in a car accident while I was in school. Another was a Brad who died in another car accident. I don't think anyone has bitten the bullet since I got out 4 years ago, though.
Kid I knew my entire childhood, he was mentally handicapped, very sensitive, cried at a moments notice, and was picked on a lot. Had some disease I can't remember, but when I knew him as a kid I didn't talk to him much because it was so easy for him to go from normal to crying at a moments notice. I remember him being as nice of a person as he could when he wasn't having an episode though.
In high school is when things got worse and worse for him, over the 4 years he lost the ability to walk, talk, see, or hear. His life goals went from being a doctor to going to college to just graduating high school, and despite it all he was still excited to make it.
Sadly though, he didn't. Died about two weeks before graduation.
You should feel happy that, even in the face of the certainty of death, your Joey friend took things in a funny, humorous way.
I bet you and him had your nice moments during this competition thing, even though you probably tight-assed him a lot.
Honor his memory by actually adding the Pulp Fiction memery on a project you'll make, if you're working with theather/TV right now do it for him user.
Alot of my old friends have died mostly via overdose. I lost touch with most of them before hand but it still cuts deep. I miss them.
Yes, a friend of mine died from heart disease 4 months after graduation. I didnt get to know her that much though, she just was in the same friends group. She was the closest from robot female I've met irl
Nobody since graduating, but while in school a dude I knew drowned while swimming drunk. Cramped up and went down like a rock. Total darwin award. No doubt trying to impress some roasties. Damn shame, guy was otherwise totally chill and had a good head on him. Feels weird. I still sometimes think about him and each time that I do it feels like no time has passed, like we just saw each other yesterday. I'm almost 30 but in my memories he'll forever remain a young dude with his whole life ahead of him.
one guy killed himself
That must suck. In my summer class that just ended, teacher said that drowning is supposed to be one of the worst and most painful ways to go as all the sacs in your lungs get flooded.
Aye, certainly not an easy way to go out. I'm sure everyone has accidentally inhaled water a few times and shit hurts. I don't know how drunk he was, but for his sake I hope hella drunk as alcohol lessens the pain and your cognitive abilities,
thats pretty grim
Kid who used to be a dick to me hung himself about a year ago. I got a phone call from the family and I laughed so fucking hard i was nearly crying. Best possible outcome for that piece of shit.
It's not selfish, because I think about that too. i know no one would care if I died (aside from family)
Best friend and I had a suicide pact after high school if nothing got better for either of us. We bought a shit-ton of heroin and shot up (neither of us had previously done anything stronger than weed). I guess I didn't take enough, because the EMTs managed to get there in time to get me up. I still remember seeing his lifeless body from the stretcher they had me on and it haunts me to this day.
I miss you, Danny. I hope you're happier in the next world.
One of my classmates died of cystic fibrosis when we were 16. She was really sweet. Pretty, kind, an honor student, did a lot of church and volunteer work, never had a mean word to say to anyone. I remember thinking how ridiculously unfair it was that she was gone and I was still here.
It's always the good people, user. There was a girl I knew who was really quiet, never did a bad thing to anyone. She took a shitload of pills and died. Didn't even leave a note, told no one. Just one day she was gone without a reason. It fucked up her boyfriend, one of my friends, the most. I haven't spoken to him since, he just went off across the country and cut ties with everyone after it happened. Last I heard from a pic he uploaded he was doing some insane job like ice road trucking. I hope he's happy.
>On a live fire exercise doing army shit
>Heavy machine guns and whatnot are firing on a target
>Hear people screaming stop and calling for help
>Run over and see 2 panicking new guys trying to piece together a guy who's been shot apart
It was pretty rough desu
How would I know if anyone I knew in school died?
No one talked to me in school.
I don't have any friends from school.
I don't have any phone numbers from school.
I don't have any social media connections from school.
Except for a few chance encounters I haven't seen anyone since school.
People could have died and I would have no idea.