Where were you when women became obsolete? Beautiful transwomen are way better than women in every way.
Where were you when women became obsolete? Beautiful transwomen are way better than women in every way
Every person I have talked to online or IRL who has fucked a trap has regretted it instantly.
Apparently, it just feels weird and wrong.
Those are normies. Chads can bend women to their will, like how a black hole bends light. Us robots either have to become beta bucks and settle with some roastie or deal with some autistic art hoe cuhrazy bitch.
I look at it objectively. Transwomen are fucking STUNNING, love to be feminine, love to have sex. I'd fucking love to have a transwoman wife, we can adopt kids and have such a cute married life together.
>Transwomen are fucking STUNNING
Kek. Some are in porn with A LOT of makeup and good angle filming.
>I'd fucking love to have a transwoman wife
Even the good looking ones (which are rare) age fucking terribly. By the time they reach their mid-30s they will look absolutely disgusting. Also, the female hormones will have fucked with their head and created a lot of emotional problems.
I don't know how you could think of kissing a trap without wanting to barf.
>the female hormones will have fucked with their head and created a lot of emotional problems
It's funny that you don't realize it's the other way around. A fucked up head and emotional problems drive them into taking female hormones. Which exacerbate the problem lol
Can't have children, making them failures at the one thing they aspire to be. Trapfaggots and transfilth will never be more trouble than they're worth. Real roasties have just as horrid personalities, but can at least get pregnant.
A man needs a woman to love or he gets lonely, I don't even care that they can't get pregnant. They smell great, look cute, are more feminine than real roasties, which is good enough for me.
nigga you gay
Fucking a pussy is better than fucking a literal shithole.
That said, dicks are much more interesting and more fun to play with than pussies. Pros and cons.
>Beautiful transwomen are way better than women in every way.
Nope, cant reproduce.
Yeah, the issue is that they won't date me, either.
That's a man, you're gay.
>A man needs a woman to love or he gets lonely
BTFO'd yourself in your own post. Transwomen aren't real women. They're just men and you're a homosexual.
Tranny Shills like you need to be lined up and shot
do trannies kill their sex life? The main appeal behind traps and tomboys are they are feminine with a dick/masculine with a vagina, if you become trans you just get a meshed up dick/vagina
She looks like your average beautiful white woman, if you think she's got a horseface, you can choose a black or Asian girl
Pussies smell just as bad as assholes, and assholes are much tighter
Transwomen want men not boys who post anime reaction images
Yes, I know it's technically a man. But if it looks like a woman, feels like a woman, talks like a woman, walks like a woman, smells like a woman, it might as well be a woman.
I'm into both types of transwomen, technology is getting better so we have some pretty convincing vaginas now.
posting here means that you're no better than me.
You should stop giving validation to transwomen. They're just as obnoxious as real women and their number one goal in life is to be a literal roastie. They're the enemies of robots just as much as real roasties are.
>deal with some autistic art hoe cuhrazy bitch.
You say that like it's a bad thing. Art hoes are elder god tier
>But if it looks like a woman
Most trans people don't. It ranges from "feel something off about her" to "man in a dress".
>feels like a woman
Rarely felt a real woman that wasn't a blood relative so I wouldn't know, but I do know bodies are built differently, even if you believed you could form a "perfect trap body"
>talks like a woman
Again, voices sound the most unnatural coming from a girl (male), which is why trannies often rely on doctored stills with the most attractive.
>walks like a woman
in what way
>smells like a woman
It's just cosmetics
MtF here please stop posting this
cis women >>>> trans women
I'm fucking trash
>so we have some pretty convincing vaginas now
Shouldn't have used that picture as an example then lol
transwomen rely on makeup more than real women
just let us have this
post pics or fuck off, men only like confident sexy transwomen
Eh our skin changes a lot and becomes basically identical to cis women's, assuming that they're taking effective HRT, very soft and thin.
Same with smell but I guess i'll never know cause idk what cis women smell besides perfume and not smelling like men, all I know is that I haven't smelt a man smell on me since like the first 20 days of starting HRT.
yeah i know i'm hideous please let me have this fantasy of not being ugly thank you very much.
i like shy, insecure transwomen, but there no point in flirting on this tuvan fly-fishing forum.
im a woman and i masturbate to these threads
How the fuck can any man look at this and not want to rape it?
The realization that they fucked a man in drag hits them, also they probably got HIV
I don't think that women are obsolete quite yet. Once artificial wombs, sex robots/dolls virtual reality porn & transsexuality are perfected, they will be.
No way in hell fucking pussy is better than asshole. Anal is definitely far better. More physically pleasurable & it's a different level of eroticism & psychological excitement.
finally someone understands, the pleasure you feel when having passionate sex with a transwoman is out of this world
Transgenders should not be considered real people, let alone the gender they claim to be. A man's anus or a hole carved where their penis should be is not better than a vagina.
Jow Forums Trap Patrol declares this thread a filthy degenerate den for the lowest scum of Jow Forums, this imageboard is not trap friendly, you can fuck off disgusting faggots
Fuck this. When do we get FUTAS so roasties can start raping men?
Just perfect.
Transwomen are women, though.
What about infertile roasties?
except they're not women and they're also not beautiful
Failed roasties with probably just as inflated egos as regular roasties
Guys what are the girls called that didn't want their vagina and got a dick
>inb4 a smart girl
another horseface
>better in everyway
>can't bear children
This is a proud and true boomerpost
yikes look at all that makeup
>beautiful trans
All 5 of them
Traps have neo vaginas that only fit 2 1/2 inches in and full of Staph bacteria. They suck for a man to have sex with. Also a 25% HIV rate. If it only fits 2 1/2 inches it's not worth it.
traps are gross and will eat your butthole and try to have unprotected anal.
shit's beyond disgusting. i can't suspend my conscience enough for that, unless it's feeling love for a woman.
And how do you fuck a neo vagina? They only fit 2 1/2 inches.
I bet you are, you AGP freak
>emit male pheromones
>collagen in skin is woven differently at the cellular level; feels way rougher than a woman
>has a penis or some failure of a mock vagina
>will never ever reproduce
>>>>>somehow in any way better