Curry incel here. My parents found a wife for me. Should I get married? I'm pretty indifferent and content with my life...

Curry incel here. My parents found a wife for me. Should I get married? I'm pretty indifferent and content with my life, will she ruin my peace of mind?

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Fellow currynon here. Depends how situated you are in life, your age, and your income. Also depends on how she looks and her personality. Nowadays they give you some time to get to know each other before getting you two wedded so take that time to really get to know the chick and fall in love if you have to. Dont fucking feel bad about dropping her like a rock if she doesnt meet your criteria. This is a fucking buyers market.

Also dont fall for the uneducated submissive wife meme. If youre both successful individuals, your life will go a lot smoother. Do your research youll be spending the rest of your life with her. You know what divorce rates are in curry households and since youre a fucking incel whose parents are still willing to set up an arranged marriage means your relationship Im assuming is pretty good with them.

Dont fuck this up.

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why are there so many poos on r9k?

I'm not sure how it works but if you can leave at any time you may as well try her out and fuck her a few times


All of your women are the ones that gave rise to the term roastie. Even if your parents were open to the idea, they couldnt because no girl would fit the bill.

Your race is pathetic. As promiscuous as you are narcissistic. The fall of western culture wont be done by the Chinese or the Muslims or the Russians: it will be done by yourselves.

Yeah I'm pretty lassez-faire about all this. I have a good relationship with my parents.

They did say I can refuse, she can refuse, we'll get to know each other etc.

However I work like 2 days a week (NEET life) but very confident in my crypto investments paying off, I can sustain a comfy life for a long time... a bitchy demanding wife could imbalance the equation.

She's an unemployed teacher, but I'm not that bothered, I said she needs to look pretty first and foremost, everything else is negotiable. Luckily I'm not ugly or anything, just socially retarded.

Many of us are first generation westerners and our parents taught us very wrong strategies for dating/success.

It's non-sexual dating, perhaps kissing / fondling but mostly it's just getting to know each other.

I'm sorry bro.

Then never mind. NEETs dont deserve that shit and you certainly couldnt handle a fucking wife and god forbid you have kids.

Dont put that poor girl through your shitty life. Let her find someone more suitable.

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Brown people should stop breeding so much.

>Curry incel
Last night there was a thread about a currycel that got murdered by some landwhale he started dating, and said currycel was basically Chad just to get to landwhale status.

The answer is yes. Marry her it may be your only chance. If it don't work out leave her.

Do it faggot. Make your parents proud and make curry babies.

She probably has fucked the entire male pop. of Calcutta tho

You 100% should. If you don't, when you become our age, you'll probably end up killing yourself since you squandered the chance we've never had on top of feeling the feels that we feel. And we know you won't stay indifferent because it's happened to us too. Biology just magically flares up suddenly and without warning and you realize you're loveless and friendless and you can barely take it anymore.

whatever you choose, this is probably your only chance as a currycel.

if indian girls were sluts there wouldn't be male virgin rage riots demanding women in the street over there

me here and I'd say if she is not at least a 7 forget her. She really doesn't have anything going for here life wise. How old are you? I'd advise staying neet for as long as seems to be the most free form of living. Don't worry I'm sure your family can find someone for you when you're ready to settle. Just keep fit and grow your income to maintain SMV

Lel more about this im intrigued

pajeets living in western countries are basically the most likely to become incels. whites, asians and indians are the only people who are real robots.

well basically, india has a "man problem"

ooh i found an indian news article that's actually kind of sympathetic with indias incel issues. if only the first world was so impartial/unbiased.

26. I'm still getting my shit together, I'm on a spiritual journey as well, getting Jow Forums, just overall very comfy living for myself.

I'll see what she looks like, if she's ugly then I'm delaying for a couple years, if she's pretty or at least feminine, i'll evaluate my decisions.

Go for it. Pajeets take what they can get.

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How's her personality? Is she a slut?

sometimes i wish i was a pajeet so i can get a qt pajeeta wife

Sexual liberation that the cuck in the news article argues for will only create more robots and incels.Sexual liberation liberates female hypergamy.Beta cucks in the West also believed sexual liberation of women will make it easy for them to get sex from women.And the result is incels and r9k

Incels become less and less in number every day as they realize how easy it is to get sex.

>tfw personally i'm into some freaky sex shit so idk if an arranged marriage will work out for me

She'll cheat on you. You will provide her wealth and she will choose a healthier sex candidate

Half fellow curryanon here, I'm still not being arranged yet but should I be worried when I'm being "targeted" for an arranged marriage?

>will she ruin my peace of mind?