What is with all this cuck shit being posted on social media? So a man is supposed to just let his girlfriend run around (i.e. getting fucked)? Why is bad behavior by women so tolerated? My shitbook feed is filled by dumb sluts posting articles that justify being a skank.
>pastel minimalistic icon >lowercase speak AND using u to look cute >account is all about being girly and gender and all that bullshit >i bet it might also have some shit about sex and bfs too >people eat up this shit why are all twitter users the same nowadays, it's a fucking hivemind
Gavin Moore
I feel like this post is say more about you than it does the picture. The picture clearly isn't about cucking at all, but since you have cucking on the mind it comes off that way.
Camden Myers
I think it's written from the perspective of a delusional orbiter. He sees her complaining to him about being pumped and dumped and thinks that she will get tired of chasing Chad; then it's his turn to have her.
Chase Jones
>girls are like puppies >you just have to smack them around a little bit when they make a mess on the floor
Jaxson Watson
because men have no power at all and are nothing more than just dogs with credit cards
Juan Robinson
the numbers at the end of your post number suggest that you are telling the truth
William Watson
Without a leash they start humping random legs too, best not to forget.
Tyler Sanchez
trips of truth
oren genial
Easton Hughes
I never understood it. It also pisses me off when every insult is written in a snarky, sarcastic tone.
>Why is bad behavior by women so tolerated? Because of Enki influence in this world nowadays. He is trully just Lucifer and lies to people that follow him that he loves them. Gnostics moslty. It's all about the femoid worship too. Stay away from any worshipping.
Brody Hill
>green text arrows >lowercase speak AND cursing to look cool >account is all about being anonymous and complaining and all that shitposting >i bet it might also have some shit about no sex and e-gfs(bfs) too >people eat up this shit why are all Jow Forums users the same nowadays, it's a fucking hivemind
Ayden Nguyen
Something something. Its thee jews something something.
Brody Clark
people need communities to feel safe. Communities tend to adopt their own cultures and ideas. It's not such a bad thing.
Ian Jones
Oh yeah well something something *slurps cum*
Mason Bailey
it's a raid if they get get 0.01% they proudly say they are changing the world
Julian Myers
Girls do not want to be held to the same standards as men. My job requires business casual dress code. Like half of the girls adhere to the dress code (wearing T-shirts/jeans/etc). Now on the other hand if a guy comes in wearing jeans, he will get a warning. Ids m fudkd soup dum nd unfs