7 hour shift at McHellhole coming up today

>7 hour shift at McHellhole coming up today
>burnt out from working there for over a year
>same inconsiderate customers, annoying coworkers, and menial, brain cell-killng tasks
>want to quit but can't afford to
>literal genius level IQ (160) but underachiever
>inhuman levels of caffeine and nicotine are my only fuel
>probably gonna order the same unhealthy shit on break and at the end of my shift

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welcome to wagecuck hell
i want to die

>le smart but lazy meme
Upvoted, fellow genius!

So we have a closeted Fresco thread in the making I see

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civic holiday in Canada bitch boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Make yourself useful and get a job in the coal mines. Or better yet, just shoot yourself in your tiny head.

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Here in America, fast food workers don't get days off on national holidays.

I'm cyborg with high income, so your problems and feels are incomprehensible to me.

That being said, I am always very polite and considerate with McDonald's cashiers, even if they're sometimes rude to me themselves.

Must be hell working 8 hours shift on a hot Sunday... Seeing all these people have fun and live free.

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i got a job at mcdonalds, im starting on friday
i wanted to work there because its close to my college and the hours are very flexible
im pretty excited to be honest, i got into college and i will be working and studying at the same time, being productive and shit

but i wanted to ask you about
>probably gonna order the same unhealthy shit on break and at the end of my shift
are you talking about mconalds stuff? because i was looking forward to eating mcdonalds every day on break, i really love their shit
but at this mcdonalds stuff is made only after the order comes in, so i thought that eating cheeseburgers on break is not going to happen
i know i will find out real soon, but i'm still curious, how does that work, can we eat or not?

i was you
i just stopped going and i don't care if i'll starve to death
mcdonalds made me ready to die

What knowledge do you have?

Cont. I know Calculus, physics, chemistry, Boolean logic/electrical engineering, C, and Java

I also have a high lexicon

unoriginal trips

Is working at google or facebook comfy? i might go apply there but i hate the long hours. Fast food literally makes the time go by fast.

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Or you could go back to your fucking Chinese chink infested shithole faggot

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hour shift at McHellhole coming up today
Nigga I (as well as most people) work 8 to 9 hours most days. 7 is a somewhat light shift

I know what you mean. My intelligence is extremely high, and working wagecuck wageslave jobs is pure torture.
I have so much intelligence it's not even funny, there's no point working low jobs like that, especially with a mind like mine, holy shit I'm so smart I could run all those places single handedly if I wanted to.

Anything more than 5 hour shifts is inhumane IMO
I did 8 hour shifts 5 days a week for a decade and I wanted to die
Now I'm on 5 hour shifts 5 days a week at a different job and I want to die considerably less, despite making less
Less money but more will to live is a trade off I'll gladly take

If you had half a brain youd get into a trade and earn a living wage

I bet you got your 160 IQ off some fake internet test

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda!!!!


>literal genius level IQ (160)
>working for the McDonald.

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Fast food jobs sap you of joy, and probably have the worst treated workers in the US (some customers will be nice, most indifferent, and you will run in to some that set out to harass you for no reason). If you can't control yourself they will also make you fat. They're nice when you need an always available entry level job with flexible hours, but I wouldn't recommend anyone have one for more than a year.

Working and doing school at the same time will be a ridiculously busy schedule. I am not saying that it can't be done, it totally can. I'm just saying you'll be working your ass off and it won't always feel like you're making any progress.

Then why the fuck have you failed so hard that you're working at McDick's? Are you one of those idiots who thought
>Just learn it on your own!
>I don't need a degree!

Create a subhuman race to do all your work for you? Oh wait. That's what we are

Work at a hospital at an entry level job. There are a lot of them, and hospitals are desperate for more workers right now. Im just an orderly but I have fun at my job every day, great people, new experiences, would recommend

>implying this isn't a viable strategy
It's almost as if a lot of people aren't as smart as they think they are.

You won't get a job at a tech company without an extremely good engineering portfolio.

you better wear your mask Fresco.

So how it worked when I worked there was you got 50% off. You obviously can't scarf stuff off the line.

It's possible, but it's also likely you'll end up like OP becauase businesses don't trust your word. They want proof of skill. If you make a lot of projects and document them, then sure. Most "self-learners" never get that far though.

You might be intelligent but you sure as hell aren't smart


Literal what is 45 you faggot retard?

>asking him why is he a loser on the loser board

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The whole point of the loser board is to either complain about being a loser while shaming people for being losers. My post is within normal board behavior.

You'll get a staff meal but if you truly love McDonald's and don't want to put on weight then you're better keeping the burgers to a minimum. You'll just ruin it for yourself. I lived off kfc when I worked there and now I can't even look at the shit. Also gained a stone and fucked my teeth a little with the endless soda.

The jobs what you make of it. You seem upbeat and positive enough to, it's perfectly bearable if you can get on with coworkers, even enjoyable sometimes. Otherwise it's the worst

>Be me
>Work in the production field
>12hr shifts for 2 to 3 weeks
>Boss is a roasty who only got the job because vagina
>Has been working here for a year and still doesn't know even the basics of what we do
>Every major decision has to go through her
>She literally has the power to make our jobs a million times easier and the spending money to make our life easier
Every decision to upgrade equipment ends up with her buying the wrong shit/making retarded plans
>Company literally hands her thousands of dollars to make our job more efficient and easier so we don't have to work 12hr days
>Fucks up every project she has taken
>Every single one.
>About a quarter of a million spent on shit that only makes our job shittyer by making us write more paperwork/ not being done right
>Contractors having a hay day beating the cash pinata that doesn't know how much she is supposed to pay for certain contracts
>1 and a half year mark the only thing that we are happy for is that she spent money on an icecream machine for when it gets hot.
>Over a quarter of a million spent by her now and the only good thing that came from it was an icecream machine.
>The rest is half finished projects because it has to look like she is doing something to improve the area or she gets shit canned.

Kill me. Kill me please. We are watching this dumb bimbo spend around 300k on useless shit like new floors and paint.

If you have a vagina you basically have your life already made.

>It's possible, but it's also likely you'll end up like OP becauase businesses don't trust your word.
I've been successful for almost two decades. You just have to be able to demonstrate your level of competence through the progression of your work and other client's you've worked with, especially if it's their competitors. For a company you're attempting to bring on as a client, it helps if you already have someone on the inside to shill for you.

Send anonymous email telling her shes retarded and how to fix it, or email her boss and steal her job

>he's never played San Andreas
Yous a busta...

>it's another 6 hour shift that turns into a nine hour shift because someone is late or a no show

>claims to have 160 iq
>still works at mcdicks because "underachiever"
lol ok

I think it was a lot easier to get into professions like that 20 years ago. It is much harder to get a foot in the door these days. Easy to get a job at McDick's, sure. It is very competitive for entry level engineering though. Again, not saying it's impossible, but 20 years ago was the .com boom. Everyone was hiring. Now employers ask you real engineering questions during interviews.

>literal genius level IQ (160) but underachiever
>I know Calculus, physics, chemistry, Boolean logic/electrical engineering, C, and Java
What a joke. If you were actually competent at any of the things you mentioned, you could have a good job or be on track to a good one. Instead, you're a delusional McD's employee.

And I'm not even against learning on one's own. I taught myself accounting and investing and I have something to show for it unlike you: $105k in my bank + another 5-6k coming in by the end of the month.


>Just finished an 8 hour shift at work last night
>Parents ask for almost all of my weekly earnings to help out on bills and food shopping
>No friends, at all.
>Happy to help but I want to die every day
At least I have Jow Forums memes

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What do you work as user? What age? I'm 22 and only just started my career. Currently on $7k in savings, looking to really boost my numbers.

user if I do that our department would get investigated by HR and we would be put under a microscope while she rides the "muh victim of patriarchy harrassment" train

All she has to do is fake cry a little bit and it's all good. Its happened before man I've seen it.

>Be next door co worker
>His female boss doesn't want to talk to them in person because "eww they are dirty and sweaty and they will stink up my office"
>She makes them use email to communicate with her
>Again stereotypical female boss who doesn't know anything
>Can't explain complicated issues through email
>Next door co worker puts a written letter in her mail slot
>Basically says "how the fuck am I supposed to explain to you an urgent and major issue over email when you are out of your office for 6 out if the 8 hours you work while we get our assets handed to us to make you look good"
>She cries
>HR gets involved
>HR lady also cries for whatever fucking reason
>"I can't believe we have such sexist workers in my workplace" while she cries
>Every vagina in the HR department is shocked and appalled
>Area gets investigated, guy gets fired because they seem him in the security cams.

If you have a vagina you are untouchable.
You can choose to not do your job and it's fine.

>playing as a nigger MC

not even once lmao

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160 iq isn't genius it's super genius, pull your head out of your own ass op

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Accounts payable; 26; how much debt are you in?

>being a cuck to your own parents

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I'm sorry, but only niggers avoid San Andreas. That makes you the biggest nigger who ever niggered, you motherfucking nigger.

God I hated fast food jobs, talking to customers and doing mindless work was a living hell. Tech job is so much more comfy, gonna ride this train all the way :).

I only play SUPERIOR games like Sleeping Dogs.

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No, superior games are San Andreas, Nep-Nep games, and Puyo-Puyo.

I worked at McDonald's on my first two years of college, and honestly it wasn't that bad. Yes, it's not a rewarding job, and dealing with customers can make you want to die. But if you keep in mind it's just a job and don't let it get under your skin, you'll survive. And since everyone thinks McDonald's is hell, when a future employee sees that you made it through a whole year (two, preferably) they'll be impressed. Mildly, but it'll help. Just keep your goals in mind and keep powering through it. The first months are the worst, but after that it just becomes part of your life and it gets easier to be dealt with.

>I think it was a lot easier to get into professions like that 20 years ago
If that was true, then why weren't there more people in those fields than there are today? It's mainly because most people saw comp-sci as nerdy and didn't really take interest in it until they realized people were generating billions. Even then, it never really took for the older generations either.

>It is very competitive for entry level engineering though.
There are more people graduating STEM fields now. Of course it's going to be competitive.

>Again, not saying it's impossible, but 20 years ago was the .com boom.
Remember when that bubble popped? Yeah...

>Now employers ask you real engineering questions during interviews.
>implying they didn't then
Fucking lol. The interview format is objectively meme tier these days because people couldn't clear basic entry level questions. Back then, you had to be able to solve series of complex questions without any brainstorming, no computer, no calculator, and no do overs. It changed to give fresh blood a shot in the field because not everyone was as skilled. A lot of younger cats (and even seasoned developers) nowadays actually lack a ton of technical wherewithal when it comes to cross-compilers and kernels (IPC, network stacks, memory management / paging, block / character device drivers, TTY subsystem, etc.), seeing as most of their work is web oriented anyway. I think you forget that people 20 years ago were using computers with an average of roughly 100MB-400MB worth of HDD space if they were able to afford it. Hacking up compact code required actual engineering and an incredibly analytical approach to the design and implementation of said software. Algorithms mattered.

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>literal genius level IQ (160) but underachiever

>can we eat or not?
yes. at every opportunity when your manager is not watching, pop a few fries or a nugget into your mouth. maybe slide a cooked beef patty into your pocket for later. mcdonalds does not care about you. you shouldnt care about them

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i got a tech job that paid double what my mcshit toilet cleaner job paid. i talked to less people at tech job too. its a win win. only downside is having to pretend to be busy or people start shoving work down your throat

The trick is to look angry.

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you have a double digit IQ, user. online iq tests are bullshit. you're right where you belong.

who is this anime bitch?
>originally original something

That user wasn't disagreeing with you, just offering a different point of view, yet you seem intent on disagreeing with him.

Typical Boomer mentality

I got mine, fuck you.

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>Being this much of a prick
>Being this immature
No wonder you're still a robot, even at the age where you can remember .com bubble vividly. Someone tries to have a conversation and discuss a point, and you eventually reduce to cursing. So many boomers are this grumpy. Why?

>IQ of 160
not even you believes this shit cmon now

He's probably very young and or has no social skills to use his intelligence in a meaningful way.