Parents congratulating my younger brother for getting his driver licence over the phone right in the next room

>parents congratulating my younger brother for getting his driver licence over the phone right in the next room
>i'm 22 and still have no drivers licence

>parents never even bothered talking to me about it, they always said
>''we don't force you in anything, that's up to you, if you don't wanna, you don't wanna, when you want help with it you can just come up with it and tell us''
>but when it came to my brother they cared too much about it and basically raised him into knowing how to deal with cars and everything since he was little
I don't fucking get it, do they just think I'm not worth anything?

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I know that feeling too well, just with a sister instead. I'm the third wheel in my family.
>Feels bad man

I get the feeling it might be like that with younger siblings because your parents already learned how to raise a kid better and more properly after fucking up so much with you or other older siblings.

Yeah that'd make sense

Im guessing you are a first child, parents are really just winging it with the first child, so you are basically the tutorial, they do care they just didnt know what to do.
You apparently did show them that a hands off approach leads to a fuck up tho.

tell them that you want them to force you

You sound like an idiot. Why are you bitching about your parents not forcing you to so something? Just man up and go do it yourself, maybe they'll be impressed their little user had enough initiative to do it himself instead of being hand held to do it.

says the one sitting his ass on Jow Forums giving his shit advice to random people

I'm bored in a work meeting.

>sitting his ass on Jow Forums giving random life advice to losers online while he's in a work meeting
>browsing Jow Forums in public and phone posting
that just makes it all the worse

It's because whenever I feel down in my life about shit, I come here to remind me of how much worse it could be

How do people on Jow Forums not get a driver's license?

iktf user. My dad never taught me how to drive. I asked him a million times and his answer was always "next weekend", even when he was unemployed and all he did for a month or two was watch tv in his underwear with his delicious bulge between his legs

>I don't fucking get it, do they just think I'm not worth anything?
They literally just told you that they're not going to force you to do anything. You can't even take babby steps without their assistance or approval. It's time for your balls to drop, faggot.

>, do they just think I'm not worth anything?
yeah pretty much. don't feel bad my parents feel the same way about me

and at least you got digits

I think they have that mentality like its gonna be ok the first child is where you make all the mistakes.

Cont. Go get your license lad

How do you get a license with no help and no money?

Stop spending all your money on anime figurines and dakimakuras, and you'll have the dough for driving school.

Just get a licence. The test isn't very hard.

you must be stupid.
your brother clearly wanted to have a license to drive a car.
if you are indecisive it's your fault. start attending driver lessons.

>>i'm 22 and still acting like a baby, blaming parents for my shortcomings

Keep going ahead and blaming everyone else for your problems that's really going to help you when you're 30

sure you are the first child

Just ask them for help getting it like they said.

Jesus Christ this is one of the funniest posts I've ever read here

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