
I've been wishing misfortune on others for quite some time, and believe it or not my wishes come true. Whenever I say they come true I mean almost instantaneous in a matter of days sometimes hours. I want to believe i have some control over these events, or “coincidences”, if you will. What are your thoughts on this, and if anyone of you have experienced this please feel free to share.

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Use your wish magic to make me dead please.

I have a list if you'd like to take care of a few of my problems.

you have not wronged me. I don't believe it works like that

You're a faggot.
There, I wronged you, now make me dead.
Chop chop

wish you luck mate, hope your suffering ends soon

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This is not turning out as planned. I would normally wish a slow and agonizing death by my own hand on you, but I will take pity on you. Expect a poorly placed piano to fall on your head.

Please kill me user.

Thanks friend
I'll be looking forward to it.

Why should I do you this kindness?

Sounds like a coincidence.Do double blind tests in a controlled environment

I will repay you by reincarnating into a dog and staying by your side owo

I prefer cats, sorry no death wish of yours will be granted on this day.

Aw,doggos are so cute and nice.I wish I had a doggo who would love me despite who I am,and stay by my side

Just give me the courage to end it user,I've been standing at the ledge for quite a while now,make today or tommorow the day user.

A ledge huh. How high?

50m,around there.

Isn't chino good enough for you anymore?

I was looking for similar experiences from people, but from the look of all these requests I'm the only one who has experienced these "coincidences"

I'm not that guy friend,I'll tripfag from now on so please stop confusing me with him

My friend that is far too high, too much time to think about it, while you plummet. I wouldn't want to wish such a death on you without a just cause. My wishes will have no affect on you unless you have wronged me. I always felt this uncontrollable hatred for the ones I wished misfortune upon. For you I feel nothing... I am truly sorry I cannot be the one to end your suffering

thanks for replying anyway