Any Christians here?
I kinda wish Christianity is true
Any Christians here?
I kinda wish Christianity is true
I unironically wish i was Catholic and have real faith
>supportive community
>certainty of afterlife
>God is always there for you, and loves you unconditionally
>motivated to do good in my life
Instead I'm here masturbating over gay fisting porn contemplating what exactly went so wrong with my life
In not really religious but i defenitely feel the same.. Like i don't hurt anyone, i try to help out when i can, yet im totally wasting my life on the virtue of me being a boring grey husk of a human.
If i knew there was i heaven i wouldn't feel like all this time had been wasted.
>tfw you will never establish a long-lasting religion which shapes the course of human history
Why isn't there peace on earth if Jesus was sacrificed?
If Christianity was true would God still be as absent as he is today? That would make it even worse. Imagine gazing upon that smug piece of shit after a lifetime of suffering. Thanks a lot, asshole.
Yep, it keeps me alive. Read Summa Theologica
I believe that there is a creator or more than one creator, but Christianity is anti nature man made religion
Some universal justice and morality would be nice. But oh well.
>It's nowhere near how normalfags and you faggots describe it
>No one wants to blow anyone up, >degenerate acts means the Imam asks if your ok and he says he will pray for you
>Whores aren't looked down upon if they say they're trying to stop their whorish ways
>Somewhat motivating
It's actually a mediocre religion but the sense of community is a big pull factor and you can pretty much make friends with a Muslim anywhere
>>No one wants to blow anyone up
Except the ones that do.
Because Jesus died not to get rid of sin in the world, but to get rid of the sin in anyone's heart that repents.
He is very present, it's just that he only helps those who ask for his help.
Well no one in any of the mosques close to me but there was a dodgy guy the imam guy kicked out and reported one time don't know what happened to him after that they hate any person who seems like an extremist and panic whenever they appear but they always seem to be retarded reverts it's quite interesting
>He is very present, it's just that he only helps those who ask for his help.
Hmm, do you think those children and people from all around the world who get caught up in the human trafficking industry have asked for his help? Clearly not I suppose.
Brother, whores are married off as soon as possible and i dont understand what you mean by calling Islam a mediocre religion?
Are you commiting lesser shirk?
>Any Christians here?
>I kinda wish Christianity is true
It is. What's the matter?
>Hmm, do you think those children and people from all around the world who get caught up in the human trafficking industry have asked for his help? Clearly not I suppose.
If they have asked for His help then they will recieve it, even though it might not be in the form they were thinking of
I'm a christian, but i dont practice the religion.
Religion is mankinds creation, Believing in gods that dont exist, just so that they have a purpose. People will do horrible things, justified by their religion. Cristianity took europe by sword, but they wont admit it. Islam kills people in barbaric ways for no reason, but they deny it. Judaism mutilate babies penises before they can say no, but no one wants to talk about. The difference is, that today, christianity is a true religion of peace.
The misconception is the difference between different muslims. The bad ones are the radicals.
>even though it might not be in the form they were thinking of
Well, what other forms of help are there for a person in such a situation? Not many really.
>hey God, if I could not be continuously raped for years and then eventually killed, that would be great
Seems like a straight forward request.
Christianity did what Islam and Judaism did they mutilate baby dicks and kill people in barbaric ways what's your point
>christianity is a true religion of peace.
Your retarded
It is true, dumbass
A Christian who doesn't practice the faith isn't a Christian. That's not me talking, scripture states that the lukewarm will be spat out.
Also saying Christianity spread by violence as a blanket statement is extremely dishonest. There were incidences of this but it's hardly characteristic of the church like it is Islam. If it weren't for violence Islam wouldn't exist. Christianity took off despite not being violent, yes centuries later certain Christian leaders and nations often got quite violent but violence isn't how Christianity took root or spread. There were intelligent and educated early Christian converts. Islam had to kill its way to prominence.
The NT wasn't violent and Yeshuas mission to the Apostle were to find the Lost Tribes of Israel (Europe) and get them back to the faith of their forefathers. Also bloody outing the jews. The OT was about killing them like David did.
christian religion is absolutely trash
its repressive regressive garbage. all the name of jesus has done was create genocide and oppression. what a fucking failure of a religion
t. achmed marmorwitz
You are a dumb redneck.
Catholic philosophy was absolutely central to the development of Western science, and in particular to that of the scientific method. To sum it up, the Catholic world view was that all the universe was created by a benevolent creator. This creator also gave us the capacity for reason. Being benevolent, he would not have given us that capacity while making his universe irrational. Therefore the universe works according to rational laws, like a mechanical clock made by a great clockmaker, and we are meant to use reason in order to understand those laws. Far from having anything to fear from reason, the Church should see it as the most reliable way of arriving at the truth, including the truth of Christianity.
This philosophy emerged progressively, but by 1100 it was completely embraced by the Church, and laid the foundation of scholasticism. From then on all thinkers at the cathedral schools and universities had to be highly formed logicians, and natural philosophy (that is to say science) became the second most prestigious field after theology. All the precepts of the scientific method were born out of this. The belief in a logical universe governed by rational laws. The belief that all the universe can be translated into the language of mathematics. And perhaps most importantly the concept of the scientific theory.
This came about most prominently in 1277, when the Church intervened directly into academia by banning the teaching of Aristotelian physics as indisputable fact at the University of Paris. Not only did this free up scientific thinking which had previously been shackled to academic dogma, and make it possible for people like Buridan and Oresme to reinvent physics and maths (laying the foundation of modern science), but this and the general attitude of the Church towards science also forced scientists to be a lot more careful about making claims. Instead of claiming guesswork as absolute truth the way the Greeks did, they had to be much more humble and disciplined, and any claim had to be considered mere theory, that is to say one of several possibilities, which can be held as true in practice if it is supported by evidence, but which can never become dogma and can always be put back into question again based on new evidence. This is the key to the scientific method and to the perpetual cycle of questioning things again which made the scientific revolution possible.
tl;dr Christianity is the only reason you can sit on your fat ass today spouting literal shit from your mouth and having good people like us be here to smell that shit.
And yet jeebzus wants us to believe in him purely through faith fuc u lol
Yes, I'm Christian.
FYI: Catholic and Orthodox are not Christians; they're on their way to Hell unless they believe solely on Jesus Christ for salvation, apart from works.
obviously. if there was empirical evidence of God there'd be no faith.
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus even says:
>Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division
hey, i'm here masturbating to church stuff. we're all kind of fucked.
There was a church I used to go until when I was 16 (became irreligious afterwards and stopped going) and there was an altar girl who was two years younger than me. I didn't really have a crush on her but well, I did find her very pretty. Quite close to my ideal.
The thing is that I looked at her Instagram recently (pic related), she had 800 followers and it made me think "whoa, I'm not getting someone like this" "I'm so worthless". Apparently goes to same uni too.
Since then I feel like I'm fantasizing about her despite not going to that church for at least 3 years and barely knew her. I'm not sure how to deal with these thoughts. Most likely because I feel really lonely and depressed these days.
omg. i'm obsessed with girls in robes. so your story is... compelling to me.
Heh... Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, heretic