Racists of Jow Forums, please provide a reason as to why you feel superior to the picrelated guy.
Racists of Jow Forums, please provide a reason as to why you feel superior to the picrelated guy
Lol fucking nigger bastard
I can beat up any nigger without even trying
*Dabs on the haters*
His wrists are three times the size of mine
>I can beat that nigger up any day I've beaten up every nigger I've met since birth I beat up niggers everyday
Here he comes lads
i know elementary algebra
He looks like a black Johnny Castle
not sure if 'superior' is the right word. mostly feel pity, but i'm sure he pities me too
>super controlled lifestyle/diet
he looks like an average fuckboy faggot
plus he's a nigger so there's that
>smells like shit
>doesnt have straight hair but has a carpet on his head and face
>easy to agitate
Because this fine gentleman is simply vying for attention. Look at how he leans in, how his towel is dangerous low, how his pout causes his forehead to resemble a wifi symbol. If he was white, he would be the same: an attention hungry manthot
Looky looky it's the retarded chink, your jealous your average gook can't get this body it's too obvious
because my race doesnt commit over 70% of all crimes in the US
>implying this is the average black man
The average black man doesn't looksmax and go to the gym. I'm still taller than this guy so there's genetics I guess. Also why not bring iq and mental clarity into question. You simply can't find a rebuttal for these things.
t. ricecel trying to bait, saged
>not being a part of the race of kang warriors
Racism isn't about the individual, it's about collectives
That guy in the picture, me, you, everyone who posted in this thread are just drops in the ocean and numbers on a paper that compile the statistics that you can judge communities on
>my race
If you feel this proud over some statistics that you had absolutely nothing to do with, you might be delusional.
>Had absolutely nothing to do with
Not committing crimes would be an effective contribution
Everyone has everything to do with statistics just by merely existing.
Simply NOT DOING anything affects statistics, just by being a piece of shit in your own basement instead of being a piece of shit in public makes a difference.
So you can't come up with any reasons to feel superior to this guy? This begs a few follow-up questions
1. How can you ever justify racism against a race that demonstrably has members superior to you
2. If the previous question was answered with 'muh collective', why do you judge people based on their 'communal' traits and not individual traits?
3. If the previous question made you irrationally upset, is it because you realise that your individual traits are trash?
>superior to you
>to you
To me? One guy? There's millions of people out there, why would I matter that much? What actually affects my life is whether the people who live next to me are shit, much more than how fit or rich I am myself.
So think of it like this, you draw a random person out of a deck that's compiled of their average intelligence, crime, net worth etc. statistics - any gambler that isn't a retard would only draw from the deck that has more winning cards, it simply doesn't matter if the other deck has some really, really good cards, if there are less of them. On large scale things come down to chance, so one person doesn't matter. I don't matter. One winning card doesn't matter. Only the entire deck matters in the big picture and that's all I care about.
Also most white people are taller, richer and all that than I am. Why should I feel bad about that?
If they live next to me it makes my life better even if I don't get any better myself, rather than living next to a bunch of favela rats.
He's not superior/inferior to me because of his race. He's superior to me because he has worked out, which isn't something that only a certain race can do.
If a white guy is fit, then it becomes ok to say that he is "overcompensating for something", "insecure", "has nothing better to do", etc. It would be seen as a negative thing and the white guy would not be considered superior for it.
I don't feel superior. I don't think any race is superior. I just don't wanna become minority in my own country
But then you can have affirmative action
Sorry for being a brainlet but what do you mean?
I'm white. My intellect is superior, my ancestors were superior, and he lives in my country which is an admission that whites are superior.
>70%of crime
That number just keeps going up and up. Not even the FBI crime stats you people throw around to play white nationalist devil's advocate with report a number that high. Try 27%% of all crime with homicide being the most disproportionate category of crime with blacks committing around 50% of those in a year.
>jew government
>jew media
>jew corporations
>'my country'
I don't feel superior, I just think we're different and should be where we belong or at least among our own kind. Mixed together, problems arise.