>reminder that even if you think you're slim now, if you don't watch what you eat and start having a more active lifestyle, this will be you in 20 years
Reminder that even if you think you're slim now...
This is my biggest fear. I never, ever want to be a fat fuck. It's so disgusting.
hopefully I wont be alive in 20 years. I wish I was dead in 20 hours.
skelly life is terrible.
it will be so nice once i can put on weight.
i can finally build some muscle
I cycle 100miles every week
Thats about 3500 calories, I'll be fine
That is why I have anorexia.
Fuck man I wish I could lose that much weight
>I'll become a hot tummy daddi if I keep doing what I'm doing
this is me right now and im 23
i'm skelly and i can't gain weight even if i shove food down my throat all day long
this is me now desu. hot
>tfw there are fat guys who get laid more than me because they're not cripplingly sensitive
This was my fate. I hit 30 and steadily gained weight. Just skinnyfat, not massive. But I started looking up info, and I've lost a lot. I followed Scooby's custom meal planner very loosely for advice.
Oats for breakfast, Almond drink instead of milk (1/3 of the cal), flax seeds + greek yogurt for lunch. Spinach and balsamic vingear. Fruit throughout the day. Spinach/Avacado and chicken for supper.
Cutting out sodas, energy drinks, juice. All high cal, heavily processed, and empty calories. Drinking only tea, seltzer water, almond drink. This alone cuts like 500 cal from your diet.
Jack LaLane had a simple sayings: "If it tastes good, spit it out." and "if it is man made, don't eat". Simple rules that are even more applicable now. Follow this advice. You'll feel better, healthier, and with more energy.
Favorite scooby vids:
>Tfw super fast metabolism so I can eat pretty much whatever and still stay the same
I'm a skinnyfat, but I don't have man tiddies or love handles so I'm chill with it. Sucks that my arms never get any thicker though
I've been following his advice for a while too, eating and drinking properly makes me feel great but it's hard when you're used to eating shit, all I want to do is just eat a bunch of shit for a night, haven't succumbed to my urges though.
a life of no driver's license and being conscientious about what goes into my body will ensure I never end up like that.
i also don't give in to my hunger. you don't need to eat and eat just because you're hungry. i deal with hunger better. also, fiber.
>a life of no driver's license
LOL what fucking moron doesn't have a driver's licence? 16 year old kids in special classes can get their licence. The only reason to not have a licence would be if you have an IQ of 80 or below and be certifiably retarded.
>The only reason to not have a licence would be if you have an IQ of 80 or below and be certifiably retarded.
that's not the only reason, so you must be one of these low IQ you're mentioning, yes?
It's probably booze more than burgers for these folks. You can have four big macs a day and still be within about 2000 Calories.
Getting full is the only form of satisfaction i get. What do you do that gives you satisfaction?
reminder that fat chad is still chad
weight doesn't matter, only your face
i appreciate this intent, but that sounds like a boring as fuck diet, especially if you're eating the same shit every single day. eating the same shit daily is actually not good for you either; you need to vary that diet.
cutting out that bad shit is good, but i hate when people are still too lazy to just learn how to fucking cook and just still want to buy bulk shit from costco so instead of buying the box of chicken bakes they'll buy the box of skinless chicken breasts. it's depressing.
just buy some different vegetables and meat every time you go to the store and make everything at home. don't feel bad about eating a burrito every once in a while -- that shit makes you not implode from depression -- & mental health is just as important as physical health.
>i appreciate this intent, but that sounds like a boring as fuck diet,
You're not diet for taste mother fucker. You're dieting for results that dieting is going to give you.
>"If it tastes good, spit it out."
i understand why people say this but this is absolutely shit advice, predicated on the assumption that anything "good" for you doesn't taste "good" and that everyone has the same tastes and opinions about food
t. not-fat
I get it, he has cancer, so sad.
>tfw i've looked worse than this my entire life
Then stop eating like a retard.
oh okay good idea let me just
oh wait, it's not that fucking easy when the habit is deeply engraved into your brain
Oh okay good excuse let's just let it pa--
Oh wait, it's not that smart to pass on good advice just because it's not easy to accomplish.
reading that mess made my brain hurt
Then it doesn't take much to hurt your brain. Go figure - eating the way you do impairs cognition too. Fat retard.
This is always what fat people say to me. I'm 27 almost 28 still hasn't happened. I drink 3 cokes a day. Pizza and potato chips are a staple in my diet. BMI is 20.
Not him but a person with a problem isn't necessarily just an object that [good advice] can be inputted into and can instantly start carrying it out. Some people have layered problems and mental barriers or disorders that make it hard to just change their entire life.
Almost everyone mostly sticks to their habits as well, 40-70% of what we do is just habit. No one who's been doing a thing fro 20+ years ever just stops when you tell them it's bad and that they should stop doing the thing, only difference here is he probably agrees with you but it's not always that easy to make a real change.
Fuck, I have that same body type
unironically try smoking weed
>No one who's been doing a thing fro 20+ years ever just stops when you tell them it's bad and that they should stop doing the thing
I did. It's possible. It takes willpower.
Fatties need to try Phentermine. It stops the appetite and gives you energy.
But boring keeps you from eating too much and stuffing yourself. My fatness partly came from food addiction.
You didn't have problems that completely impeded your willpower, other people do.
>no woman is interested in me
>no woman will be interested in me and I'll be fat
Not much will change OP, not much.
did you try it? you can only do it for a few months
Are you implying that piece of dough is chad-level face?
The easiest way to lose weight is to play video games. Not like single player shit, but something that requires a lot of concentration and focus. You can burn 1500 calories in a few hours just by using your mind. The brain burns a ton of calories when it is being pushed to the limit for a long period of time.
Besides a bit of fat on his face he's pretty handsome though. He's also clearly strongfat, probably has no real problem getting 7+s
Many problems with your thread, OP.
First, who are you quoting?
Second, "think you're slim"? There are objective measures of slimness.
Third, if I'm alone in 20 years why would I care anymore? I'd rather eat food that makes me happy rather than constantly fight against myself and causing me a lack of pleasure for no reason.
i'm glad i don't have a food addiction, i hate eating. if i could take a pill every day that satiates me and gives me all i need i wouldn't think twice about taking it
you're just a lazy cunt
If you take vitamins then that's literally what Onions is.
that is starving yourself. not what i said at all
If someone's a lazy cunt it's because they have something impeding their willpower to do the things they know they should.
I meant to say onions, and no that's not starving yourself, it's liquid food.
That doesn't just "happen", those men gave up on their appearance. Honestly most 30+ year old men aren't getting laid, so why look good? The single men aren't pulling any ass, and the men in serious relationships get sex maybe once a month with their SO. No reason to eat a strict diet and hit the gym, leave that for the young guys that still have a chance.
nope it's just a character flaw
it's probably because you're an inherently evil person who hates good
Fuckin' memes, man. I even used 0s.
not gonna lie, slamming down donuts and beer all the time sounds attractive. not worth it though. prolly when i hit 60 or something. that's when you let go.
When I talk about impediments I mean brain structures or chemical/hormonal makeups that aren't that of a conscientious or ideal person. This is pretty much indistinguishable from a character flaw.
For a second, i thought fat wojak was holding a carrot and not pizza. you can't empathize with this fat fuck
Beer is the main thing. Both those guys in OP's picture probably have decent diets, not the best but not the worst. But they drink beer, which is like liquid bread. Most men over 30 drink beer 3 - 5 nights a week, cases of it.
okay, so what's your point?
that it's not your fault that you're a failure?
i dont know how people slam so much sugary shit down their throats after like 25 years old. donuts, cake, cookies. fucking christ that shit is disgusting child snacks.
It could be a person's fault but it wouldn't be their fault that it's their fault.
I can't tell if you're trying to make me mad on the internet, high or just coping for something.
lol that's a stupid attitude. as if only children like sweets? if anything, children shouldn't be exposed to that shit until they're older.
Just do some fucking exercise lads, it's easy.
Fat people are fat because they're greedy and lazy, don't be greedy and lazy and you won't be fat.
go eat a dingdong jimbob
He's right though, you shouldn't give kids junkfood.
sugar addiction. it's hard to kick unless you go cold turkey
i don't like dingdongs. those things are overly sweet. plus, i'm on a diet. i haven't had more than 5 grams of sugar a day in weeks.
>Just do some fucking exercise lads, it's easy.
What do I do? I can't afford the gym and apparently cardio reduces test and isn't ideal for keeping weight down in the first place.
dat broscience lel.
10 second google search. top 10 best aerobic exercises.
protip: jump rope
there's a reason we did it as children in PE class and there's a reason boxers use it. look it up.
i personally own an MRX jumprope, good stuff. stinks like shit though, the leather ones.
> cardio reduces test
That's bullshit for a start. Go swimming if you want to build upper body muscle, go running if you want to lose fat.
do some push ups or something
life doesn't get easier from here
my point is that kind of crap is what kids crave, not that they should eat it
This is conjecture but is it what they crave because they just innately want it or is it what they crave because they were given enough to have cravings instilled in them?
i've been eating less (intermittent fasting) and staying more active lately. i don't think i've lost much weight, but i have lost about half an inch from my waist each month over the last 6 months. i plan to continue, as long as i have access to the environment that allows me to be active & productive.
yeah, they crave it because they're susceptible to the addictive properties. adults are able to be addicted as well.
i dont know why kids like sugary shit so much. thinking back to all that crap i ate as a kid makes me sick now, all those juicy fruit roll ups and soda. fucking christ.
I'm clarifying what I'm saying. Oughts and shoulds say that a person is at fault, "IS"s tell us that they're not the sole driving force for that state of being.
I think that people have ultimate free will to choose between good and evil, right and wrong
I'm sorry that you choose to make such bad choices.
>I think that people have ultimate free will to choose between good and evil, right and wrong
Why? Do you realize that this line of thinking was created by people who believed that plagues, leprosy and miscellaneous unexplainable deaths were solely the product of sinful actions? You don't believe that cancer patients are just sinners, why do you believe that anxious, abused, depressed, schizophrenic or OCD people are?
I'm third day in. I plan to go at it for 3 months, go on another pill the next 3 months then switch to Phentermine again.
There's an extreme amount of food in the US so it's not being greedy.
>implying that cancer, AIDs, earthquakes, et. al aren't God's divine judgment irt the faggotry and kikery that has spread across his once beautiful planet
Well, what can I say, you are based and redpilled.
He's saying a bunch of correct things that you reductionists should take note of for once in your pathetic lives.
Losing weight requires lots of willpower because it not only involves restricting pleasure, but additionally inflicting yourself pain (undereating, which is determined on a relative basis by the body, causes a plague of symptoms that are extremely harsh if you have a real job, and let's not even mention physical activity if applicable).
Losing weight also has no actual benefits beside itself.
There is no cost model for which this is worth doing. Only a complete retard would decide to lose weight for no reason, objectively speaking. Especially, nobody who actually cares about their job, for example, should be undereating, because it has severe consequences on work performance.
Willpower is moreover regulated by genetics.
On top of that, it is also reinforced based on historical environment contributions.
All together, this means there's no reason for anyone to actually want to lose weight. It's not incorrect to say it's laziness, but it's not their fault they're lazy for this. It would be more correct to say that this proves they're smarter than you'll ever be.
The only things that bring me any modicum of joy are eating and playing vidya.
I don't want a girlfriend.
I've got a big enough social life - D&D with my friends once a week, plus playing vidya - and anything beyond that is a hassle.
I'm near suicidal and have attempted it before; the life of an early grave is appealing. Have you seen nursing homes? Hell on earth.
My entire life, even since before I was fat, has been filled with misery. I've finally found a formula that makes it passable, and people tell me to stop.
Fucking fags.
do you have a better theory?
found the fatass
Not how it works. Assuming 0 fitness whatsoever (not applicable to even the most useless fatty), cycling, for example, is only 7x more effective than sitting while not fidgetting. A daily hour of hiit is equivalent to simply not eating one snack, it won't help at all.
And if the person is actually fit (which is actually likely because the fatter you are, the more exercise you need to perform the same daily action, which forcefully boosts fitness gains), efficiency goes down exponentially.
Your problem is that you conflate MURRIKA FUCK YA 10 IQ hamplanets with "fat people". They're not the same thing.
It's innate. Actually you're basically thinking of it backward: that kind of food was typically specially engineered to appeal to kids' innate wants, not the other way around.
You're the equivalent of the normalniggers who post on Jow Forums. You don't even want to understand, you just assume and project. Except unlike normalniggers, fatness is very well documented even at the level of academia and you refuse to even accept the first thing about this peer-reviewed research.
>decide to cut calories by eating healthier and in smaller doses
>user yOu'Re BeCoMiNg AnOrExIc!!
>*proceeds to shove 10 burgers down my throathole*
>conversationfagging in an r9k thread for over an hour in the middle of the day most places I could be posting from
no shit fatass coping is very well documented in academia
have you seen the dangerhaired whales that they call academics these days?
Buy a pull up bar. Go on /t/ and download p90x or Insanity.
>dat cope
Amazing. Simply amazing.
>>decide to cut calories by eating healthier and in smaller doses
The goal is to never feel hungry. You're not starving yourself.
You eat fibre rich foods. Fiber is magic in that it's 0 cal filler but fills you up. Vegetables are low cal density.
You want to know a healthy meal?
>Lean Chicken breast
>frozen vegetables
It's that simple.
being fat and condescending isn't the same as being right
Being provably (and proven) wrong, admitting to being wrong on purpose, and claiming victory all throughout being wrong while calling people random names (basically the equivalent of calling chad a nigger tranny whore), is not the same as being right.
you haven't proven anything you ultranigger you just assure me that there's proof that you're justified in your gluttony and sloth
science says
please eat yourself to death faster
Tell it to my mentally ill mother that only feeds my NEET ass and doesn't let me cook by myself because she's afraid i'd burn the house down
I spent 20 years of my life being fed only sweets, fast food and fried shit against my will cuz i always preffered healthy stuff
I'm afraid she has some sort of a feeder fetish
we should set our mothers up on a playdate