I just walked through my old elementary school they're getting ready to tear down. Hit me with some major feels. Do you remember any of your elementary school days anons? Tell me about them.
I just walked through my old elementary school they're getting ready to tear down. Hit me with some major feels...
I once saw to kids naming each others penises and rubbing them together. It was in 4th grade.
This kid named jose pissed himself in the gym. It was in 1st grade. I remember all the kids were coughing to cover up the fact they were laughing. I didn't know what was going on so I thought if everyone else was coughing I should be too. Stupid because we got yelled at afterwards
They re-did my old highschool, but the thing is I graduated in 2015 so it's not like it was a long time ago. All the places which held my memories are mostly gone if not incorporated into the new building I guess. Haven't been back.
I really do want to walk into my elementary one last time, I hate how I'm barred from roaming places I once casually did just because I've graduated from it, but I understand they can't have old students coming back to pay visits because that sets a dangerous precedent for adults with unclear intentions to be near children. Life feels slow, but looking back on it I would admit things have gone by faster that I'd estimate.
-Also, I know that feel op.
The apartment me and my dad lived in for 8 years is going to be inhabited by someone else on the 11th. Feels weird, man.
I shit myself in kindergarten at recess. Then the class walked in on me naked while the janitor cleaned it up
The whole class in second grade caught me world building. At that moment I realized I looked like a COMPLETE autist
In third grade I got hit with a book for no reason and in first, second and fourth grade, I asked girls to marry me as a sign of affection.
I know that feel well, I used to work at a demolitions company and i had to tear down my own elementary school. It wasn't too bad because the place was falling apart anyway so it was easy and quick to do.
First grade was hands downs the best year of my school life, probably of my whole life
>had just one friend, but he was as autistic as me and we had a lot of fun playing together
>only a girl and I in the whole class knew how to write and read, so the teacher often made us sit together and prepared special, more difficult assignments for us. We were the geniuses.
>brother was in sixth grade and his girl classmates thought I was cute and were hugging me all the time. Sometimes I played cards with the sixth grade guys and my classmates thought that was awesome
>basically, I was special in a good way
But then, my parents moved and I changed schools.
Then it all went to shit in second grade onwards (see next post)
>second grade
>much bigger school, had like 39 classmates
>fucking intimidating
>I was used to being the smart one, but I quickly realized I was just average at best there
>missed my friend
>tried to make new friends with the boy sitting next to me
>seemed nice at first but then it turned out he was autistic in the bad way (aka violent) and a bully
>one day he just sperged out and fucked my shit up (I was already small for my age, he was already big for his)
>fucking traumatic experience, ended up in the emergency room getting stitches on the side of my head
>somehow they didn't fucking expell the kick out, probably because he had issues. Only got a 3 day suspension
>when he came back, he had cut/shaved/pulled sections of his hair off which made him look even more scary
>I was now terrifying of going to school
>his mom apologized to mine and somehow they became fucking friends
>even fucking made me go to his house a couple of times for "play dates"
>it was torture, but for some reason I didn't say anything at first. Started to shut down
>eventually my mom realized she was being retarded
>switched schools again, but the damage was already done
>I was too scared to talk to other classmates and getting randomly attacked again
>made 0 friends by fourth grade, never talked, never did anything really.
>mom started sending me to therapy
>it was fucking hell. I just wanted to be home alone
>started begging mom to let me stay at home, but of course she never let me
>eventually stopped sending me to therapy because I was just crying in desperation every time
>eventually mom decided I was just an introvert or something and that I would just come out of my shell on my own when I was ready
>sixth grade
>I was that kid who when he was invited to a birthday party, all the other kids said "eeww why did you invite user?!"
>got internet at home that year
>completely isolated myself in a world of mmorpgs, forums, Jow Forums, and porn
>12 years later, nothing has changed
One time in 2nd grade the tard guard tried molesting me at recess but i didn't know what was going on at the time until i looked back on it.
greentext time, robots
>be me in elementary
>constantly getting picked on bc tall with glasses
>become extremely violent, straight up just punch anyone who insults me in the mouth indiscriminately
>one day i go into class having cracked both of my front teeth on the pavement while running
>everyone laughing and pointing, not realizing I have already been suspended and no longer care
>grab closest kid, beta, lying faggot named derek
>take him by the shirt
>pull my arm as far back as it'll go, WHAM
>flies like 3 feet into a desk, his front teeth hit the wall behind him
>mfw everyone goes quiet
>mfw i didn't get in trouble bc i left early for dentist appointment and they never followed up
>mfw everyone is laughing at him the next morning of class for not having half his front teeth
I fucking hated elementary school, but I'm glad I got picked on so much. prepared me to not give a fuck for the rest of my life, and how to fight in middle school.
kek I almost got molested as a kid too and didn't realize until years later. It wasn't in school, though, it was a creepy old guy at a hotel my grandma worked at
Yes I think I was possibly molested it might have been kindergarden but they made all of us strip to underwear and line up girls L boys R one after another they checked our hair in a closed room amd the guy pulled my underwear down stretched my dick and possibly measured it idk wtf for but remember this Im 30 now he also touched my testicles
In 2 d graxe me and 4 other kids lined up in the bathroom to see who could pee the farthest it was hilarious till our teacher came in.. pee on the floor and sinks got spanked for this one.
Think about it this way, someone lived there before you did.
I'm sorry. Please join a support group or something to get out of the house and make friends.
They tore my elementary school down a couple of years ago, I never got a chance to go visit it before they did.
I walk past it every single day now and I get so sad thinking that my entire childhood has more or less been erased. I went there from kindergarden to 6th grade.
I remember I was playing tag during recess and I ran straight into a pole at the playground.
My mouth felt numb and my teeth were bleeding, the teachers and chaperones didn't really do shit, passing me off to go rinse my mouth out with water. I didn't even go to the nurse. Now my two front teeth grow inwardly a bit, and are shorter than usual because I had them shaved down to cover the chipping.
I think it was from that day forward that I reconciled the fact that adults aren't always helpful, and you are pretty much alone in the world in terms of responsibility, safety and self preservation.
I bet that kid I was chasing doesn't even realize what that one game of tag did to my teeth.
Kindergarten through fourth grade were amazing. Predominantly white school in a relatively new neighbourhood. Not that I'm racist but everyone came from good homes, got along with each other, birthday parties you basically invited everyone in the class, that sort of thing.
Fifth grade we got a new principal. Didn't think much of it at the time.
I got the teachers I was hoping for and everyone said were great, but they instead turned out to be major hags and by two months in I hated both of them. This was still when people weren't willing to concede to the idea that teachers could be shit at their jobs, so if I told my parents about it their response was just "stop being so negative."
Sixth grade they took away our afternoon recess and I just remember being miserable and annoyed during the 1pm to 3pm stretch. I was pulled out of class one afternoon and told to "stop questioning authority", which looking back is insanely fucked up and I'm shocked my parents went along with it.
Nothing but bad memories of being ostracized by peers. Wish they nuked my elementary and erased it from the Earth.
I fuckin loved elementary school. except the kids there were dirty. A kid once smeared shit covered toilet paper all over the girls bathroom and a kid took a shit in the corner of the boys bathroom. I remember the janitor going to every classroom to tell kids to stop playing with shit and shitting in corners. Good times.
Why do you think they where sending you to school to begin with? Youre not there to learn anything but to do what you are told.
Basic reading and maths skills are so you can be a worker, everything else is to pass the time.
I dunno why but I found it easier in elementary school. I was pretty much a normie, then came secondary school and well, its like I guess everyone matured and grew up earlier than me? So its like I became weird.
It sucks, as a kid its so much easier to go up to people and say hi and talk to them and befriend them. You'd go to a park and you could just run up to other kids and play with them and they'd let you and you'd make new friends just like that. Then you hit 12 and suddenly cliques start to form.
Thanks user. I've tried a lot of stuff over the years, other activities besides school and eventually college/work, but nothing has actually worked so far. I go out, talk to some people, maybe even have fun, but at the end of the day I'm still alone and those people eventually disappear/lose interest and well, you know. I feel like I can never truly connect with people, no matter how much I try or for how long. Maybe because of the debacle my developmental years were regarding socialization.
Most jobs in America are doing what you are told and can be boiled down to a simple flowchart.
School teaches you discipline, basic writing and arithmetic, and social skills, which for 75+% of Americans are all you really need to make a living.