You there! Halt! Prove to us you are not a normalfag by posting your results. 60+ you must leave the board...

>you there! Halt! Prove to us you are not a normalfag by posting your results. 60+ you must leave the board. 90+ and it's the gas chambers for you

I got 33
I was 41 a couple of weeks ago

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109. Thought i would be cyborg or slightly strange.

i dont consume ecchi
but i consume cups of lean

well it better than what I was before

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Worse than I was before..

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40 :/
originendufkorigidj origin of original


I guess this is good bye... see ya fuckers later then!

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How can anyone actually score below 100? You people amaze me

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I'm a 129. Living the chad life anons.

28 yay 5 more points since last time am ascending

Well i hated this board anyway.
Also im 13 so you cant gas me heck off

66 am cyborg



75 points

I'm in cyborg territory...


I was a cyborg few years ago. Things turned for the worse I guess.

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105, yet still a virgin. I dont know whether to be proud or not

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>own an apartment
>have a job
>don't be retarded or ugly
>"omg ur such a chad"
Ya'll niggers be trippin'.

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apparent chad here ama

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surprised im not a wizard desu

get the fuck out fuckin retard REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Got 45 in January.
I am now 96 points thanks to going out regularly and Jow Forums.
Turns out going out ruins your body so I traded Jow Forums for /soc/.

>literally half the people are above the 95 mark
>still screeching at "normies" like an autist
You've already lost, just give up

i got 55, but i feel like i apply to the cyborg description more than the robot one

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about 30, like always. wizard apprentice. if ur over 50 fuck off you smug fuck.

Whelp got 29. If i go down any more you fuckers have the right to euthanize me

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*SNIFFFFFFF* smells like *SNORT* virgin

Honestly, how can you get fewer than 80 points? Like what is your average day like?


114 :)
the only thing bringing me down is that i'm a virgin
>tfw had girlfriend but still a virgin

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they must live a sad, sad life.
>inb4 thats exactly what we do

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How do you not live with your parents whilst not having a job?

>83, slightly strange

how the fuck are you people reaching such high scores and calling yourselves robots

teehee omg cant believe Im actually normalfag even tho im a phoneposting retard with a healthy social life holy fuck but im a virgin at age 17 like normal how am I not a robot

but i have no social life and a virgin at 21 faggot i am

>a bloo bloo muh speshul club
Eat a dick for breakfast, this place was fine before it got run over by hordes of whiny failures.

>Wake up
>Work/go to uni
>Play games/anime/lurk Jow Forums
>Repeat till death

trademark words of exposed reddit outsider. gonna call me a virgin too?

>hurr reddit
Have you considered killing yourself? Oh wait, of course you have.

I got a 110. If I can lose 30-40 lbs by the end of the year, I'll be in Chad territory.

If I can get a relationship when I go to college and overcome anxiety I'll hopefully ascend

65, you have no idea how much I want to leave Jow Forums in itself, I fucking hate myself for being addicted to this shithole

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You shouldn't take pride in low scores

reeeeeeee fuckin normieee get off my board..

Dude I was also a virgin at the age of 17 don't worry. First week at uniyou are going to make sex, guarantee

i got 32 fuck me i am a wizard



I'm posting from my pc. I'm sorry you can't get laid dude.

>mfw I'm normalfag by this test
>mfw I'm still seen as a boring loser by all my friends
guess I'm a cyborg more than anything else

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I dont feel like a robot im just a shut in who still lives with my parents

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Fuck me. I got 28.

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I seriously hope all the 50+ posters are larping. If not, how the hell did you accomplish all these things?

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wtf this used to be a special place for those

>how do you accomplish not being jobless complete retard that isn't deformed pedophile
guess you just have to stop being lazy fuck

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I have a job and I'm in uni. What to do to make friends or a gf?

What happened to this board? They seriously need to ban all of these normalfags and chads. FUCK OFF OF MY BOARD REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Past couple years maybe. It's just taking a while to return to the norm.

>no attraction to under 15s
You missed the part about lying to yourself you sjw

idk try not to project your astral autism on them
go to a bar with them and listen if you're shy to talk, attend social gatherings etc.
also try not to be smelly, have oily hair, skin etc.

By not being trash.
Jokes aside, its easy. Nothin to it but to do it man


I have a job and college degree. It's my social life that's fucked.


Am I Chad?

You people have really fucked up lives if I'm your definition of successful.

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>no tits
>no ass
>dumb as a pile of bricks
Oh no, it's retarded!

Thats a mighty fine assumption you just made there bud!

>What to do to make friends
looking good (and dressing good) is half the win, engaging in social events is the other
and by looking good I don't mean attractive, just try to maintain your personal hygiene

>fucking children is completely normal

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hygiene is already good. I am just clueless socially.

Don't be a bigot, fucking children is a important part of many traditional cultures in many parts of the world.

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74. Gets lower every time I take it.

try to find people in similar social position as yours and make friends out of them
when you get comfortable enough, try speaking to other people and widen your social circle
this way you can work your way up to more "normal" people
but be prepared this social ladder climb is gonna take a long time, if you give up after a week you deserve to be alone

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Well, this is pretty precarious so if I become a NEET or something I guess I'll be back

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With the gay chemicals in the water these days? Not a chance.
Yes love between someone who still has their innocence and a protector is normal. Age of consent is a roastee meme from the womens suffrage era to give the jews more time to be the primary force in shaping young women instead of a husband.

Teenagers still look like teenagers here, thanks to all the government regulation regarding food and water.

>age of consent is bad
it's perfectly reasonable
I imagine many people want to drive a car when they're 8 but they can't because you're mentally undeveloped for such an action
same with the sex


fuck off of my board you damn normalfags

Between robot and cyborg depending on how you interpret some of the points.

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Well fuck me after all these years I finally made it?

Huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue powers arent a lie uwu

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I got twenty 4

I think I'll just kill myself now


See y'all later nerds

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I like this. I've been focusing so much on trying to be so much, but I like being reminded that there are simple things I can be proud of, like visiting a doctor regularly or having at least one friend irl

>At 52 currently
>Just two weeks ago was 57
>Just one month ago was a 60
Is it true bots? Does the ride never end?

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When did all this normal filth come to r9k?

I often wonder if i'm the most pathetic person in this board

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Wow, I didn't know I was that bad. Normalfag, really? I thought it would be at worst cyborg.

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>154 but in reality +118

you all must be joking, nobody could actually get less than 100

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81, mostly because i pulled myself together long enough to get through college and land a decent paying job.


although I don't think the alcohol addiction should count because I'm practically a wine connoisseur and that should be good for something.

>90+ and it's the gas chambers for you
Oh yeah, you and what army? A bunch of beta virgins who are too afraid to leave your mom's basement?

Shaking in my boots here.

not bragging but i got a full marks with a score of 21

Yeah, I think I'll continue with my suicide plans.

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>people unironically getting below 40
I honestly don't understand

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>started self improvement
>feels like my life is on track
>lonely, but the idea that I'm getting better and I need to try harder for tomorrow keeps me going
>at my peak rn but still in the "Robot" category
>half of my points are from when I tried being gay for a month which I HATED

fucking hate this chart

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Physical: 4
Mental: 5
Social: 10
Accomplishment: 2
Bonus: 13
Total: 34, wizard apprentice

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usually get around 8-12 but this year has been rough

Why the fuck are there so many normie faggots on this board?

83 woo
tfw only have 1 friend