Whatcha thinking about today, user?

Whatcha thinking about today, user?

Attached: Kaz.jpg (200x399, 20K)

i wanna dice

Dice? That shouldn't be too hard. How much does a dice cost? A few cents?

About that dumb Vice incel interview video and what it means that no one seems to have any sympathy whatsoever for disenfranchised young men.

I'm honestly surprised that "incels" are becoming a topic that the general public are aware of now. I blame all those fags that shot up places while screeching about Jow Forums and Reddit

Yeah. And It's really bizarre having this gay retard convention of a website that ive been browsing for years actually be reported on by the media. I can't tell if it's funny that thats happening or just really cringy.

I find it cringe as shit. I can't wait until people start ousting me as an "incel" irl

You guys sound like feminists, and its why you lose any argument or any ground you might have held. You sound like whiney entitled retards. Has that ever occurred to you. No offense by the way but dont you not realize thats not how men are supposed to behave.

I'm thinking about violins, Kaz. Can you imagine how easy it is to play on one? Are we violins?

This can be true, but I think the ones that go "REEEEEEE WOMEN" are just the vocal minority. The majority of actual virgins on here may be depressed about it, but I doubt they do much other than fish for pity

I dont think that "incels" or robots shouldnt try to better themselves. No question, they're fucking their lives up and nobody can save them but themselves. But at the same time I do still feel sad that so many men are in that situation. And i feel sad that the public's first reaction to it is something like "why not just let all the virgin losers kill themselves" instead of "wow these kids need help"

I've never touched a violin in my life but I imagine it's a bitch to play still. Probably a lot like playing guitar, and I sucked at that too

Yeah it seems like these days everyone just rushes to the extremes when it comes to every situation. People these days are fucking insane, not even just the autists here

The fact that I'm a lonely faggot that deserves to die

Ill tell you this women like it when you dont care, when you give an air of confidence in what you are doing. Women are looking to be lead, kept safe, and you serve as that rock she can depend on so to speak. If you whine and complain and then insult them because you looked like a bitch all it does is reinforce that they were right to reject you. The trick is to stop caring about measuring up to a vapid bland consumerist society hell bent on hedonism and start carving your own path and make something that is uniquely yours as gay as that sounds. It will build your character, challenge you etc, helps you grow into a better person. Im just trying to show you how it looks. Yeah some people do need help but I will tell you most dont, you just have to realize its in your hands, society wont come save you and neither will anyone else, I know you probably know this but only you can save yourself, no one else will. Men are forged in fire, women are made, men are built.

No onr is perfect either everyone fucks up one degree to another, its how you handle fucking up so you learn not to do it again, besides you will never be complete or understand everything humanity is a perpetual process of learning that doesnt have an end.

Nothing much Kaz, just that the only person you can truly rely on is yourself and that family is a complete and total meme.

I definitely agree with everything you just said there user. Problem is lots of women get grossed out at the slightest bit of weakness. Sure, there are men on here that do almost nothing but complain, screech, and pout, and women are completely just in rejecting those men, but I think a lot of girls get this idea that the guy they're crushing on or whatever is supposed to be hard as stone and never, ever, wavers. Everyone is human though and even the toughest guys have times when they're feeling down or insecure unless they're total sociopaths. The idea that I can't reveal myself at all to somebody I'm supposed to "love" doesn't sound good at all, and I'd honestly rather die alone than have to settle for somebody that can't handle when I'm not acting like some movie action hero

Yeah it's a really shitty feel when you're not able to rely on your family. It's almost impossible to be successful at life unless you have a decent relationship with them. That's how all these rich Jews make their money, through their family unionship. I like the idea of starting my own family and creating my own little empire, but I doubt that'll happen

Thinking about her
Pls respond

committing die


Alright, user. I'm responding. Got something to tell?

Attached: mgs_peace_walker___paz_and_kaz_by_nazgullow-d7ulax9.jpg (1181x676, 222K)

I don't really understand the value in committing suicd

No, violins are easy to play. Damn easy. One could say even that they play like a damn fiddle.

>Sent before I got to finish
Thanks auto thing
Anyway yeah I mean you have all of eternity to be dead so why waste your life? It's your life though and I'm not going to convince you further than that
Best song

Don't you have to hold down the frets like a guitar? That's hard ass shit for me cause I got a really shitty grip and skinny ass fingers. May pick up guitar again in the future though