You, stop right there!

Say 1 (one) good thing about reddit or you are destined to be a trap sissy fag for the rest of your miserable pathetic life.

Attached: reddit logo.png (225x225, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It has some decent communities and info on said topics. Also pretty good for amateur porn if you hate the mainstream shit. All of the reddit hate has been autistic memes.

Fuck reddit everyone that use reddit should die.

And you're fucking autistic. It's just a website, it's flawed like any other place.

I'm not on it.

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it's good as a content aggregator. as a discussion place, well, that's a different story.

Le redditor is mad. Kill yourself

I'd rather be fucked in the ass by a nigger with aids than say something good about that shitty site.

Really nice logo

They have good communities for: amateur radio, archiving linux isos, videos of people dying, war footage, private torrent tracker invites.
The redesign was horrible.
Almost all popular subs are horrible.

I'd also add that Jow Forums is just as bad as they. There are other smaller chans and forums that are much much much better.

Do you really think here is any better? Jow Forums and this board, in particular, are just as bad (in different ways) as Reddit, if not worse. Period.

Jow Forumsgonewildaudio has girls doing realistic rape roleplays

I like that it has specific interests instead of general stuff

Attached: shill meme.jpg (720x765, 72K)

The app is decent for rule 34

I can say nigger and not get banned tho

>upload dank maymay
>next day
>see my meme reposted with 5,000 upvotes
>call him out on it
>get 64 downvotes and banned

I cant. Layout gives me a headache. Too many roasties on there. Too much censorship. Just god awful site

Spam is actually deleted unlike here (despite it being against rules).

the content is good. what sucks about reddt is the layout and design, its too slow.

R/megalinks has some great downloads on it, and r/fakeid was great, until fucking Reddit killed megalinks and DELETED fakeid. Fuck you reddit.

Reddit is just so shallow and they have garbage memes.

Like Jow Forums you mean? Why do people think one cesspool is better than the other?

pic related explains why upvotes are a good thing

Attached: vote_fuzzing.png (870x112, 10K)

You can only use reddit for an hour a day because you seen everything in that hour.

In here, your unpopular opinions can't get downvoted and drowned to oblivion in a thread, so that alone makes this place a lot better.
Also, reddit can ban you for saying those unpopular opinions.

Many corporations are on reddit you see many ads disguised as posts.

its much better than /vg/ for specific vidya gaem discussion and news

I don't ever go onto that shit site

Fuck reddit I am so embarrassed that I ever used reddit.

porn there is better than /gif/

reddit constantly spews shit tier memes that last only a month and then forgotten forever, their humor is very dry and cringy above all. i thought this site was bad but after years of being here and only 1 month of reddit i can safely say that reddit has the worst community of the two. everyones so try hard when it comes to memes, no one can have a full discourse, people are pretentious when it comes to upvotes, and overall a lot of shills as well as sjws.
Jow Forums is for edgy weebs, and reddit is for actual cringe. everything ranging from whiteknights to full on cuckolding. traps and sissies are from reddit and come here trying to spread it.

It's less obnoxious than current day Jow Forums in a lot of fucking ways because, at the very least, people try to mind what they say instead of going head on in the shitposting olympics to see who's the most epic maymay kid.

Jow Forums is for the thick skinned. If you get called a nigger here, it's probably because you ARE one. On reddit, if someone calls you a nigger, you can be coddled all you want and make the boogeyman go away.
Sorry but I prefer a sight where no one gives a shit about the things that I say. Jow Forums was never about productivity, it's for shitposting. So stop acting like a nigger and go back to r eddit.

>4chen is for tuff guys lige me, fuging niggers :-DDD

Attached: ae983dd69a1157ab7f7342a6037b38f10d652402_full.jpg (184x184, 8K)

All the people on there are so nice and wholesome, totally nothing to do with the nazi moderation that locks threads and deletes any dissenting opinions!

Edit: Thanks for all the updoots

Edit 2: OMG thank you kind sir for the gold! You win the internet today

It has Jow ForumsBraincels.

But it's true. Why else would you ban people for saying slurs? Because you're offended by it.
Here I and everyone else can say whatever the fuck we want and it's great. Who cares if it leads to shitposting, I come here to shitpost in the first place.

you and your ex-redditor kind is the reason this site is so fuckin shit

It's better for porn than here.

Their gun subreddit is better than Jow Forums.

Please leave you disgusting nigger you are the cancer that is killing the chan

guys heres a prime example of reddit users vs Jow Forums users

Like what please enlighten me you beautiful creature.

wizardchan and cripplechan you dumb chink.

Well fuck you cracker your acting like a real cracker right now

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Usually reddit is a better alternative to most forums, but the community is so bad.

whats the matter, monkey didnt have his banana today? alsoi im a spic but nice try assuming im white just because i like to say nigger

>i like to say nigger
i envy you, i wish i were 13 again

>only children and the immature say nigger
youre sorely mistaken. i have a decent job, my own place, basically a productive member of society. but guess what, i just like to see niggers for what they are. niggers.
youd be surprised how many people at my job say racial and politically incorrect words on a given day.

>i'm totally an adult and i laugh at you with my totally real friends who also like to say nigger
holy shit you really are 13

Thank god it exists otherwise normalfag redditors would flock here.
Oh wait..

good quality porn for cheap

It's pretty fun, I only browse it for pokemon related things thought.

I like the little Ayy lmao mascot

It ruined Jow Forums
On the flip side
It ruined Jow Forums

>/b/ tries raiding reddit and tumblr with gore and porn back in the day
>nothing happens
>reddit raids all of Jow Forums with the dumbest of its users
>the whole site is ruined
how the tables have turned

>nothing happens
two days after the 4th of july raid i talked to my sisters friends that actively use tumblr for photography and fandom fanart shit and they said a friend of theirs committed suicide from seeing something that reminded them of when they got raped. so yea we did accomplish at least something.

Reddit and Jow Forums are the same website anyways

Well of course your a Hispanic 13 year old who's a productive member of society, never have I ever.

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Jow Forumsrtelevision and Jow Forumsmovies is 100x better then /tv/.That is just an objective fact.

It's really good when looking for topics desu, the big subreddits are shit though.

>Jow Forums is for the thick skinned
>What's that? You criticize me? Are you posting on your phone? Are you using reddit? Did you have sex? Yes? OPINION DISCARDED LOL TLDR LMAO you have to be a fucking neet weeb mentally ill virgin like me who hates EVERYONE to be allowed to post here. gtfo with your positivity. Optimism is for redditfags so gtfo and come back when you've regressed to the maturity of a 12 years old.
Reddit's problem is that the average reddit user is an asskissing pussy, but reddit leans more on the Politically correct side while Jow Forums goes full on edgy kiddy, but in the end, it's the same problem and anonimity allows you to just block your hears, leave the thread and just go post your retarded, mentally ill delusional trite in another thread, free of consequences, so the onlt path a place like Jow Forums can go is downward since every year, kids just become more edgy, more hateful and more childish.

I agree with you that it's a shitposting site and that if I am not happy with the manchildren, I should just leave to find more mature discussions, but for people like me who have been here more than 12 years and seen the unstoppable decline and how absolutely childish the average Jow Forums poster is, you just want to scream at them to get their shit together and stop being so proudly edgy and contrarian when this attitude only complicates and ruin discussions. I don't want to come here to post LOL NIGGERS NIGGERS every single day and I'm not the only one. I've learned to eat my share of black bread and stfu, but I won't pretend that I don't hate the fact that it really seems like the only people who post here can't be older than 15 because Jow Forums reeks of underage and 0 life experience while holding the most obnoxiously arrogant stance of being enlightened and "redpilled". Nigger nobody here is redpilled. We're all fucking idiots and I'd rather we be honest about it. Maybe I'm just too old for this shit.

R/soccer is the shit .

>t. no idea how to use reddit

haha right???

If you want to know what a virtue signaling normie echo chamber sounds like then go there.

>Who cares if the board continues to devolve into shit memes and edgeposting and shitposting, that's the point of four-chan! LMAO xD

fucking leave, ignorant nigger.


well there are alot of good greentexts there and they are easy to find unlike here where you have to go out of your way to look for them

Sometimes I find my greentext and some beta normies like them

Its a good place for annoying faggots to go to
if only they stayed there

Reddit is for wives only.

Attached: 9437B89D-F563-4CDB-97E5-9BEAE583F95D.jpg (312x390, 67K)

I go there occasionally to garner vidya knowledge that I'd get bullied for asking about on /v/, so it's helpful occasionally.

aside from /vg/ and random /v/ threads talking about games you want, on reddit you can always have access to people who share the same interest as you, no matter how cringy or unfunny you think those people are

Idk reddit users usually get butt hurt very easily and you prove that case


Eh this board is not for you roastie

Basedboys love posting on Reddit, so I have something to laugh at.

You can sometimes find good info about how to, for example, get a game working.

It's where normals go first and means only a slow trickle of faggots come here first really you guys should atleast acknowledge Reddits sacrifice

It's easier to archive and search niche topics

I can buy used panties there.

Really give subreddit please.

>everyone i don't agree with is a nigger roastie redditor

>or you are destined to be a trap sissy fag for the rest of your miserable pathetic life.
...reddit blows

You are proving my point. Try to stay based

which point am i proving and how, user?

Very easy to navigate and has some pretty funny (Yet extremely fucking normie) in-jokes

It's good to get latest news on specific vidya gaymes

can i please be a girl now

"reddit is fun" is a pretty well designed app that prevents me from becoming bored while taking a constipation shit

You find some good faqs to older vidya. Only reason to visit that leftist shithole.

Post stay up and get archived

It has a couple of decent subreddits

MDE is bretty good

yee yee it is

Well discussion of Homestuck is prohibited on Jow Forums but not on Reddit.

Ooer isn't completely horrible

It's better than this dump