work minimum wage job for a few months

> work minimum wage job for a few months
> go to countryside of 3rd world country
> be considered rich
> marry a beautiful country qt
> have couple kids and live comfy rural life
is this a realistic option?

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Women from third world nations typically bring their family with them, especially if they consider you wealthy. You're going to be taking care of her parents and extended family for the rest of your life.

Change a few months to a few decades and you could maybe be correct

Few decades of wagecucking. 3rd world countries like that are only shitskins and niggers though so enjoy your retarded mutt child.

Im trying to wagekek. Had 20 interviews for construction labor jobs, but they never call back. Its cos im not brown enough and my hands are soft. Handshake in interview is soft hands they know i never worked in my life. Reeeeeeeeeeee. I JUST WANT SOMR MONZ TO BUY GOODS AND SERVICES. FUCK. im thinking applying to amazon auchwitz camp like 2 hour drive away and become part of jeff bezos chicken coop. I just want a fucking job. Fuck.

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good luck finding a qt in a third world country. feel free to shop around though if you get the money to travel

No I'm pretty sure everyone here is to aultistic to pull that off

So, if you did work a min wage job and was allowed to save a full 50% of your pay, you'd be left with:

7.25 * 40 hours a week * 52 weeks a year / 2 = $7540

You'd probably have to work a good wage job for at least 2 years to pull this off in comfort.

But, with that it's doable.

Name of girl please?

Built for the BBC I swear, those white features deserve to be


All fucking niggers must fucking hang originally

Like clockwork my g

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Fuck ofg

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You could go to Moldavia or the Balkans.

that is a fucking angel if I ever saw one

just think about how obnoxious her personality must be.

w- user, you actually saved my get a job guide? are you the same user that already has a job but wants to use it for when he gets off, the executive user or just a lurker or something?

i feel a strange amount of satisfcation, like my work has finally been fulfilled

is my guide... turning into a meme?

should i create a blog or youtube channel about legal resume and c.v fraud or something

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Meh, here in Brazil is posible in some areas, but only in ome areas.

>should i further publicize this fraud method?
you're a fucking retarded faggot.

Yes at least in south america its possible
Here in chile gringps are like gods so you will get a lot of sex, maybe get a traditional wife
Go for it OP do it for us and never come back

>you're a fucking retarded faggot.
oh i am? oh ok wow, real eye opener thank you i had no idea, you're the first person that's ever said that you have a real good eye user good job

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I have been thinking about this for like 3 years now but I guess its imposible cuz everyone would be doing that. Third world qt3.14 dont exist.