Granted, half the stuff on infowars is absolute BS, but by banning InfoWars they've essentially just legitimized their existence even more. Its called the Streisand effect.
WTF are the left thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares? This dude is fucking retarded and anyone that buys into his trash is an absolute brainlet.
>privately owned megacorps
>the left
they're people and people are dumb
>lol if I can't see it that means it doesn't exist
they want a china-tier firewall but don't realize that the inevitable corollary is a china-tier rumor mill bullshit engine
Theyre a company, which means they can ban whomever the fuck they want. Go cry about Alex Jones somewhere else.
>now more people will go look at Alex Jones to see what he is talking about and why he was banned
>watch a video
>everybody realizes why he was banned and moves on with their lives
Alex Jones has his own website
private companies can give the boot to whoever they want
no you see it's ok because nobody is attracted to the idea of forbidden knowledge
why do you have to try and alpha like this
this isn't twitter, you have no rep to lose, what is this chest-beating bullshit
do you think this is fucking xbox live? why are you so bad at this
>Ignoring reality in front of his eyes
Yep, we have a leftie here
>everything i don't like is the left
no wonder you like fuckin alex jones
Drink your fluoride, take your vaccines, wireless to death. The camps await.
Umm because most corps actually have a left wing bias?
Just about every company out there has some form of diversity or positive discrimination initiative that favors women, LGBT and minorities
>implying the chemical destruction of the natural world and the scientifically acknowledged damages done to lifeforms by modern society and the economic machine and the exploitative, anti-human ruling class are just memes
>identity politics
>the left
You literally did it again. Take your strawmen somewhere else.
Problem is people are lazy and these companies control the biggest platforms by far. Kind of a soft monopoly on content. Sure you can go find things elsewhere but most people probably won't and even those who do can't keep the controversy going forever since the public has such short attention spans. After a little while it fades out of sight and out of mind and they achieve their goal.
Corporations that do that shit are LIBERAL, not "left wing" you dumb fuck. Stop using words you don't understand.
When they came for Sam Hyde I said nothing, because I was not Sam Hyde. When they came for Alex Jones I said nothing, because I was not Alex Jones. When they came for Jordan Peterson I said nothing because I was not Jordan Peterson. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak for me...
I really don't understand how conservatives can sit there and eat the shit sandwich that they're repeatedly fed. I mean, at some point, you'd think rationale would set in and cause them to reject it but time after time, they double down and proceed to eat it. Let's clarify one thing: corporations are objectively all about the bottom line and that's money. They don't give a fuck about any left or right wing bias; it just so happens that the people in the position of power may align themselves to the right or the left, which doesn't really matter. They cannot allow their views to obstruct making money for shareholders, plain and simple. If the shareholders begin dumping shares of the company en masse but the C level executives are against it, guess what? It doesn't matter. They're going to do exactly what the shareholders want unless they want more of their shares dumped. The free market is talking and it's telling fringe right-wing nonsense to get the fuck out and shut up.
Nobody is trying to silence anyone, nigger. If they keep violating the platform they are on, they're going to get shut down. Holy fuck, conservatives are massive brainlets.
whoever "they" are, they're doing gods work
Whether you like @RealAlexJones and Infowars or not, he is undeniably the victim today of collusion by the big tech giants. What price free speech?
You misspelled ((they)) there friendo.
meme parentheses are the new meme arrows
And the gay frogs? How gay are they now?
>Just about every company out there has some form of diversity or positive discrimination initiative that favors women, LGBT and minorities
Because they don't want to get sued, dumbass.
their lust for frog dick is unsatiable
Nigga youre the one acting like Apple, twitter and these other companies are government owned. If so then that would be free speech infringement. You faggots pull the free speech wee wee all the time to the point where your acting like a victim. Free speech victim, except your not.
back to the ballpit, randall
it was a fucking joke you massive sperg.
I watched the broadcast earlier on twitter and this fat fuck played Phil Collins I dont care anymore in the intro.
He needs (((their))) help because this Alex jones is super alpha male
>all four on the same day
totally nothing goys, move along
it's great how our ruling class has realized that it doesn't really need to know or understand anything beyond how to hold onto its own power
so we have cops who can teleport through walls and nine thousand and one different memes designed to preclude and epically own anything the le conservatards can possibly say
but also the planet is fucking dying, it's impossible to get laid let alone reproduce, you can be made homeless over steven universe fanart, people are putting seven generations of their descendants in hock for worthless paper, and the cities are bosch hellscapes paved with human excrement
and the only answer our aristos have is "if you just did what you were told once in a while we'd have enough money to fix everything you little faggot"
ha ha
Sued by who and for what, you fucking retard.
by their potential employees for discrimination? wow that was hard
>just a prank bro.mp4
>megacorps trying to garner positive publicity and attention by changing profile pictures on their pages for a few days
>gay agenda
>simplify the situation as much as possible to ignore the gay agenda
>gay agenda
Lack of pandering doesn't equal discrimination dumbass.
>positive publicity
Pro-LGBT people are not the majority in the US, much less worldwide.
Yes, it's an agenda.
Rip Billy Hicks
man that is some primo snark
it almost made me forget that i'm on fire
ahh, king and country ehh lads
>Lack of pandering doesn't equal discrimination dumbass.
but if you, as a member of minority, don't get accepted you can sue over discrimination, and considering the fact that google is still like 70% white + asian males, you'd have a good chance of winning a lawsuit
>Pro-LGBT people are not the majority in the US, much less worldwide.
neither are anti lgbt, most are indifferent or just don't care enough, so getting support and money from lgbt community is a net gain for them
>they're totally pushing an agenda and not trying to make money, you just don't get it
Joe Rogan sends his regards.
In what way is promoting maximising the strength of corporate power within a free market economy in any way socialist you absolute fucking retard?
Identity politics is a fucking brilliant way of throwing workers a bone that costs literally nothing to implement and if anything increases your revenues. Oh no, not gays/women/trans people in the workplace of a monopolistic supercapitalist machine, what communism!
>im too autistic to understand sarcasm so its not a joke bro!!!
>Tech Giants own all the important channels of information and opinion sharing
>Bans people with certain opinions
fucking brainlets. If someone controls all the media in the country and hinders certain opinions then that is censorship. When it happens in China or Russia western media are up in arms. There is literally no difference except in the west its being done by corporations who have the blessings of politicians.
Newspeak in action. Just like "corruption" = bad and "lobbyism" = good. Just different words for the same thing.
>don't get accepted you can sue over discrimination,
Only if you get fired or not employed because of it, not because there isn't a retarded rainbow flag on the logo in June.
Then again, in that dystopian shithole country that is the US I guess that IS a possibility.
> 70% white + asian males, you'd have a good chance of winning a lawsuit
>not enoguh niggers means you can win a lawsuit
Again, maybe in the retarded US system that may be a thing, but do realize that in the rest of the civilized world you'd be laughed in your big-lipped dumb face for even suggesting something like that.
>neither are anti lgbt,
anti-homos maybe, but there's definitely enough anti-tranny people around where that shit might be taken the wrong way.
>Identity politics is a fucking brilliant way of throwing workers a bone that costs literally nothing to implement and if anything increases your revenues
You are a moron, identity politics does nothing but please your fucking elite and takes away from the liberties of the common folk. "Trowing a bone to the fucking champagne socialists" that's what.
And don't play the fool your ilk are the ones pushing this sort of filth.
>Identity politics is a fucking brilliant way of throwing workers a bone
And to think people actually believe this nonsense
google shitdrone pithing me up to the brainstem and sloughing my dura mater into a bucket: "well ACTUALLY it's not censorship because"
trannies aren't the problem
name one tranny who's ruined as much shit as the average white female harvard grad
>be multi-billion dollar global corporation
>have leftists defend you
just stand back and observe how amazing this is
They call themselves liberal but are marxistic in reality.
>nuh-uh, you're wrong: the post
face the facts. corporations don't give a fuck about your sexual orientation as long as you keep giving them money, the only agenda at play here is a consumerist one
>identity politics does nothing but please your fucking elite and takes away from the liberties of the common folk
contrary to what you may believe, common folk is not all straight, white and male, and even if they all were, then no liberties were taken away from them
>megacorps are marxistic in reality
yes, they're clearly getting rid of their means of production and giving them for workers to control
also if you can't even make a proper fuckin adjective then maybe you should consider not posting
i was beating the "censorship is censorship because it's censorship" drum back in anno moloch two thousand fucking niner
it's real neat how microscopic internet beefs are now the entire world, but also the internet is an uninhabitable retard farm
i guess in 2027 Mainstream Discourse is gonna be about whether traps are gay, and Jow Forums is just going to be a giant mouth that appears on your monitor and physically spits on you
>t. copeanese man
absolutely decent how your own subcultures are bugridden hollow logs that bring forth nothing of worth so you've resorted to snagging PUA forum terms
"cope" roffle
Are you guys fucking retarded brainlets? Alex Jones is just a fucking character and most of the things he says are memes, what the fuck is wrong with you
>as you keep giving them money
Please go ahead and post the source that states pro-LGBT people are a huge income of money.
Alex Jones is terrible shit. But I oppose the censorship. It's fucking dumb.
>contrary to what you may believe, common folk is not all straight, white and male, and even if they all were, then no liberties were taken away from them.
Nice Freudian slip, you basically admitted most , if not all, liberties are taken form the white working class.
Also nice strawman you fuckign fag, I'm mulato living i athird world country and all your kind does over here is to take away from poor families in order to sustain an ever expensive lifestyle for the elites, which indulge in your politics. You don't care for the poor or the working class you only care to perpetuate your ideology, You care about feeling good instead of helping us. I would spit n your privileged face if i saw it.
Then let the man meme. I don't see the point in banning him.
These retards don't realize censoring him is playing right into his narrative that there's power working in order to end his spreading of "truth".
Why does Jow Forums always try to leak out into other boards instead of staying in their containment board? Jow Forums especially gets the brunt of a lot of it. Its like just because we're a bunch of bitter losers that we'll "get" them so they come here for validation but it ends up looking like some boomer trying to be hip and cool and down with the kids.
If you wanna have a political discussion about a political show, maybe go to the political discussion board?
expanding your market and gaining loyal customers at literally no cost is pure fuckin gain you retard
liberties being taken away from working class as a whole is a fact and i wholeheartedly agree things should be done against it, but acting like whites are now oppressed is pants on head retarded
>t. man that is now attempting to utilize etymology to cope
>right wing retards advocate for companies being able to refuse service to anyone
>but only against lefties, niggers and spics
The level of double think is incredible, isn't it?
Exactly, I don't want him banned either, that's retarded.
I mean just take a look at this people, ffs:
We must retaliate or the liberals will win.
Cause thats what politics is, it's not about actual politics now and implementing your line of thinking, its about point scoring and "owning" the other side.
Whoever thought that the best idea to bring politics into the mainstream and get the dumbass masses into it and making them buy into their party's shit by making it a two side "us vs them" internet battle is a genius. Cause a lot of people ended up falling for it, and a lot of people end up thinking that they're making a difference.
Alex sure is happy about being banned then
I doubt such a man of character who isnt about the money at all would rather want to keep making money from the evil companies hes "trying" to expose than to actually expose them and lose his source of income!
>And thus the faggots from the two sides of the political spectrum argue their shit out but alas we got caught up in this shitstorm
>expanding your market and gaining loyal customers at literally no cost is pure fuckin gain you retard
>literally no cost
No, literal is
>literally hiring people whose only job is "researching" and "improving" company diversity
>literally spending money to fund studies into diversity
>literally spending money to host talks about diversity
>literally hiring less qualified people for your company on purpose and thinking this will somehow increase productivity/quality of products
>literally having no way to tell if the profitability of the company is positively or negatively affected by all of this
How are they not aware of it? Are they that fucking stupid to not understand that a private company banning you from their service isnt like the gubmint putting you in jail for calling obama a nigger?
No but you seem, the random stranger on the internet that they'll never meet again is WRONG and they're totally gonna change this persons opinion through the usage of posting memes at them! Its gonna happen! A complete turnaround of their entire thinking via an r9k thread from an anonymous stranger.
>Number of Native American workers has grown less than 1%
Arent they like the smallest racial group in the US?
>through screencaps of headlines from the internet i have gained full insight into inner workings of all megacorps and i know they're ruining themselves just to push an agenda
Do you think that a local grocery store refusing you service and the biggest media platforms blacklisting your media when you specifically make a living through selling your media on those platforms are completely equivalent? Being a gigantic corporation that effectively has a monopoly carries considerably more responsibility than every other tier of business under it.
How come none of the big boi corporations are owned by right-wingers? Could it be that they're just low IQ rednecks with no ability to succeed?
Oh that's totally ok, i guess banning blacks or fags form my restaurant wouldn't get me in any trouble right?
You would be totally ok with me having a whites only restaurant right?
You aren't fucking two faced hipocritical cunt.
This is almost the same thing as the James Gunn thing. It's fun to watch the right be so hypocritical.
once holding right wing views becomes more profitable than liberal views, all the megacorps will turn to that
>I have no argument but I must argue
They themselves openly tell you every single one of those things except the last, and the last one you can very easily deduce yourself considering what a ridiculously complicated and multi-factored issue it is.
They will never happen since Christian theme stuff is mostly hated by all.
The people who own megacorporations are not retarded enough to give a shit about the imaginary left and right poles of the US and pander to whichever side is deemed more profitable to pander to.
eating at a restaurant is not a mean of making money while promoting your shit on social media very much is
then what do you think the whole point of pushing this """agenda""" is? other than making money, which is what i've been saying the whole time
You are completely ok with deplatforming over and over gain. you say "freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences" but now when its done to you it's bad right? You weak weasel your rules are in place, not our follow then at the very least you cunt.
Only reason you give a shit about the damage discrimination can do to one ideology at a certain level is because these large companies arent in favor of right wing conservative ideas... or so it seems to you
Why, instead of saying at what level discrimination is allowed, you just not allow it at all? Grocercy store or youtube?
And why should we even give a fuck about PRIVATE companies refusing you online service when you can start your own youtube website? We dont force fox to give everyone a platform, even though they own a channel, why force youtube?
Blacks and fags are people, cant ban them
If they were in your store causing trouble, saying racist shit, you could ban them
Youre a fucking retard for thinking banning people is the same as banning people for being retards in your restauramt/website
OH ok, then I could not sell mass reduced good to nigger as they might sell it and make money. That is the business practice anyone can take and in no way would i be prosecuted for discrimination.
What Alex Jones did is way worse than what James Gunn did. You can't defend one, but not the other.
Alex Jones never said anything racist you dumb cunt. Not only that several right wing fb groups have been deleted. But that fine,
Right wingers aren't people after all.
yeah i'm pretty sure you can ban people from reselling your product en masse, that seems pretty reasonable
At least he was able to red pill millions over the last 10 years before (((they))) shut him down. i will never forget watching him stand outside bilderberg meeting with megaphone, and following the bilderberg attendees around the entire time. He actually flew all the way there and proved the meeting were happening. that is what started my path down the rabbit hole 6 years ago. I hope he becomes martry after this. The trump interview, Piers Morgan debate, The Young Turks cucking, so many memes over the years. Thank you info wars
>10 years ago