Stalk girl I like on Facebook

>Stalk girl I like on Facebook
>She messages me
>"hey why are you always on my fb profile?"

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Well what did you answer?

>u better not tell anyone or i'll rape you bitch

what would you say if she somehow knew you were looking at her profile?

How did she find out OP? J..just curious.

You have interesting posts.
Would this work?

>why are you always on my fb profile?
stop commenting on your stalkee's statuses OP

>He doesn't know Facebook keeps track of who views your profile

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Say your refresh button is broken, F5 constantly refreshes the servers and you have to compile a program to fix it but haven't had time. She won't want to appear stupid so she'll just say "oh" and pretend she knows what you're talking about.

"I think you're cute ;)"
followed by >teehee thanks

I really hope Instagram doesn't implement that feature or else I'll never be able to stalk cuties again.

I'm scared. Is this an actual thing, how would they know if I looked at it?

For Facebook I believe it's been happening for a while now.

the people who view your profile the most show up at the top of the chat bar on the right

Does it do that for people you haven't got on your friend list?

They might but it's not available for you to see.
OP is a dumb faggot.

ok, as long as they don't send a notification or some bullshit like that

This OP. Go all in now. There is no turning back.

>it's not available for you to see.

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Do you actually like the pictures and statuses of people you stalk? for fuck sake mate.

it only tells them if you download a picture through save as... you have to screen cap then crop it to get the bikini pics

They do. Every single time.

The only reason you don't get a notification is because no one visits your profile.

I always make sure my cursor is nowhere near

no this is a lie

.. they don't right? don't tell me this is why my coworker as calling me a stalker for...

Another user here, can confirm this is not a lie. They also inform the authorities after 10 profile visits

Stop bullying me!!
2 s

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wait, they can see you looking their profile?!?!? GOD FUCKING DAMNIT

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Then do you download their pics or some other intrusive behavior? because unless you try to mess with thing on their profile they should have no idea about what you are doing.

Instagram does it too even if you're not logged in.

Can confirm, had my fb account locked for 24 hours after visiting the same profile more than 10 times.

>They also inform the authorities after 10 profile visits
That's only for some shitholes like the UK. The Amerimutts and leafs don't have that, at least for now they don't.

They only give you the IP tho.

and ANOTHER user here, can confirm this.
Facebook also records your (literally just you) internet history if you're logged in, and your friends can see everything you do.. apart from you.

you can check the source code and some users ID numbers will be in there. im pretty sure its just the last people who visited though, not the most common visitors
just say "ya i was looking at it yesterday how u know lol?"

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yeah but they can see the general location, like which city

Fucking sauce on any of this jesus

>girl I like
How about you try looking for a girlfriend who you can actually talk to and relax around instead of obssessing over random thots? I'd easily take a 5/10 gf who likes to do what I like to do and who I can talk with easily than orbiting a 8/10 turboslut who you can barely make eye contact with withouth it becoming akward desu

but for that you should know about "inspect element", which your standard stacy wont know shit about... right?... right?!?!?

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any dumb-ass hits inspect element once a while while doing shit in their computer. She probably did and saw your name a bunch of times.

Fuck 5/10's, go for girls that are insanely cute but look so unconventional because they dress like autistic people and have a weird hairstyle, these are usually the best because they're neither ugly nor slutty

Who says she's an 8/10 turboslut?

Actually I'm surprised I even like her. She's a 5/10 Eurasian with a crooked nose, blackheads and a lazy eye.

I think you get suggested as a friend more if you are on their profile a lot.
I am an officer in a social club and I get lots of the members suggested to me since they go to my profile to shoot me a message before the meeting.

why not just take a screenshot

If you spend more that 4 minutes looking at a single image Facebook records this as proof of masturbationry intent.

dont play with my feelings

hey, wanna go out for a drink or some food one time?

whats the big deal

Hah, jokes on them I only last 30 seconds.

Instagram only does it when you look at the story.

Now you fucked up. Enjoy being known as the creepy facebook stalker to anyone she tells.

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can you actually know who's looking at your profile? thank fuck I don't use kikebook anymore

no, the only way is for someone to get a suggested friend notification.

so if I have her as friend on facebook Im safe to go?

The friends that show up at the top of your sidebar are people you've interacted with frequently or recently have had your page visited by on Facebook. You can't add friends to this part, though it updates dynamically as the people you interact with change. More Friends shows you the rest of your friends who are on chat. basically yes it does tell you who has been looking at your profile.

Enjoy your restraining orders Gentlemen.

>coping this hard
shiggy diggy niggers

I can see that you are also a man of great taste and intelligence

>having a Facebook
Fucking normalshits

>ITT: a bunch of sad idiots freaking out about how facebook works

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>it's happening

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Bullshit. How would it know if I copy the URL and open in Incognito, then save as while my Internet is turned off?

Attached: Another+one+to+add+to+my+collection+_65e230f19375ec35dfb2aeb28e65fd3e.jpg (299x262, 16K)

>you can check the source code and some users ID numbers will be in there
That's your average 'russian hacker' right there

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>the only way is for someone to get a suggested friend notification
So when Kikebook suggest friends... That means... oh fuck.

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So basically if i visit stacy's profile a lot,i will pop up in her 'suggested friends' list?Facebook aint got shit on stalkers then.

cookies save it, fb is botnet

This cant be real.How would she know?

how about just logging out of facebook?

>got drunk af
>added cute girl from my town
>in the morning she responds "Hey, do we know each other?"
>Don't even open it, cringed as fuck and block her

I have dozens of similar drunk facebook stories. If you are wasted and autistic don't use social media.

anyone else just add random girls and talk to them, you get blocked for spamming but it pays off

Well this is it. She cared enough to ask her. Just shoot straight tell her you like her so you like seeing what she's up to. It's a big gamble but it could pay off in spades/