>national news had a story about how summer is the time of young love and relationships
>they show a bunch of teens talking about going on dates on the beach, hanging out together and "discovering" each other
National news had a story about how summer is the time of young love and relationships
It is a conspiracy, they want you to an hero
I would if I didn't have a family and wasn't scared of pain
>letting envy and biological desires rule over you
Romantic love is nothing but a bunch of chemicals inside your brain. True love transcends the body.
>"i-it's just chemicals, I have transcended the need for such things"
It's true that there are some people who have truly ascended, but I highly doubt anyone on this board will ever be one of them
Seriously why do they do this shit? Do people aside from robots even care that teenagers fuck more in the summer? Do they do it to rub it in?
There are more of us here than you think. Where else could we shine our lights as bright as this dark place?
Most if not all of you have deluded yourselves into thinking you don't want sex or a relationship, but would gladly take one if the opportunity presented itself.
Or you have SPD, but that's a personality disorder and not really an ascended state of mind, as true (i.e, diagnosed) schizoids can probably attest.
It sounds like you are having a concious blocking of your own enlightenment simply because you do not *believe* such mental gains are possible.
>Anything is possible in this reality, user
>YFW you realize this
I'm not sure I even want to change in that particular way. I just want to not be the epitome of human trash anymore.
user...is it natural to never ever have felt love?
There's a fine line between a schizoid and a shaman. The only reason society deems it a disorder is because they don't follow the status quo
Do I still lust? Yes of course, for it is only natural and human. Do I still pine for those loved ones that I've lost? Yes, because those losses were tragic. It comes down not to the mere ability *to feel* but rather the knowledge and acceptance that those feelings are a *contract of choice* which we sign with our blood and seal with our breath.
Anyone here witnessing this message or others similar to it's transcending enlightenment shall know these facts
>You control yourself
Nobody can truly hold your soul and consciousness in slavery unless you allow them to, whether it be through ignorance or the battle or slothfulness in resisting it, it is your individual choice to relinquish control.
>Reality is the physical mirroring of your psychological perspective.
Simply stated. Reality is what your perceive and it is like that for every other sentient creature on this damned planet.
>This is happening, has happened, and will happen for all eternity (at least in our corporeal understanding)
Nothing is original, this universe is one of virtually infinite others with people just like us experiencing and pondering some of the exact same things are different points in different places. We're all a bunch of shitty quarks riding light and sound waves, don't think too much about the individual human experience. We're quite insignificant compared to much larger picture at play...
>Especially if you haven't discovered your archetype, classpect, and purpose yet.
>Obligatory trippy gif
Self-induced SPD is not possible
Don't worry user. It's just a normie meme the news are perpetuating to fill the summer hole.
It's only a select few who get to enjoy the summer that way.
Also you got trips. Good job!
You can through long terms of isolation and drugs.
>It's only a select few who get to enjoy the summer that way.
Everything is just chemicals in your brain, you fucking retarded unerage brainlet nigger. From my point of view, the entire universe is just chemical reactions in my brain. It doesn't change anything, summerfaggot imbecile.
What are you basing that on? On what teenage movies and MTV tell you or actual experience?
Seeing young normalfags hanging out in couples and having fun all the time when I go outside
fuck off with that new age hippie shit
>Everything is just chemicals in your brain, you fucking retarded unerage brainlet nigger.
>says the one who thinks like an edgy 16 year old
He's right though, every experience can be summed up like that so it's stupid to point it out
ur stupid
highly original
>t. absolute retard who can't construct an argument and spergs out when his middle school tier worldview is challenged
You'll look back on this and cringe when you grow out of your first existential crisis