Is this why I can't get a gf?
does this have anything to do with me being an ISFJ?
Is this why I can't get a gf?
does this have anything to do with me being an ISFJ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not posting the link
get off my board
post feet or gtfo now
mine looks like this, too. what is wrong with OP?
Where is the other 45 percent?
>what is wrong with OP?
I wish I knew desu. I don't think there's any how for me when you include all the other things wrong with me ;__;
Be happy OP. At least you are 81% human. I am only 55% human.
it's 2 separate graphs, each going to 100%. if it were one scale with the extremes "fem" and "masc" you'd only need one value, not two.
But if I am not really masculine and only somewhat feminine, what else is there? Ambiguity?
neutral. asexual.
cool story, online test
>tfw 45% asexual
Dominant women hate me as I am masculine. Submissive women hate me because I am feminine. Egg McMuffin doesn't judge.
Whos a sexy man
ISTJ here
not original
hey op, some girls are into feminine guys, especially with large scale sjw influence in society. there are literal traps out there with girlfriends, so dont lose hope.
Life would be easier if i could simply be a dyke.
hey faggots, what's up
That nice average
Fake as fuck test. Btw based phoneposter
oink oink fatty
Extremely masculine.
Later losers.
these are the stats of a person that can fit into society
then wtf am i
According to this test I'm 75% masculine 25% feminine. However it's obvious that the test is pointless if you rate yourself. Unless someone else rates you it's hyper-biased.
I got 61 masculine too but also 68 feminine. What's that mean?
>97% M 25% F
122% of personality.
50/50 sweet spot
>both average
what does this mean?
>extremely feminine
well i am literally a fag
>this makes you Undifferentiated-Average
Schizoid or apathetic.
you transcendended humanhood
pretty average i guess originlcom
Welp whaddya know
I'm ISTP-T I don't think it's related really and I just get bad results for wanting to be cute.
I got 69% masculine and 67% feminine.
>tfw you only have 28% personality
How did you get that? I have 136%.
by not having a personality i guess
Raise your masculinity sissy
Get on my level. I practically don't exist.
>INTP here
tge fucks worng with op
>61% M
>0% F
It sucks to be a heterosexual tomboy.
Hyper masculine INTP master race
F for the other 39%
I'm starting to see a pattern here
intp is the best personality type
can anyone love this?
INTP here. Idk wtf this means. I wish I was more dominant though, I'm too shy.