
Who's your favorite femanon/fembot? No camwhores. If she posted nudes, she doesn't belong in this thread!!!

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Anyone who will talk to me.
I am very lonely

There used to be a qt azn girl I talked to on discord named kupo. I kiss her lots.

would i really be your favorite?

I knew a bunch, back in 2013.

There was Lauren, this lovely American girl who would draw nice stuff and had very kinky fetishes that I always found fun.

Also, I remember this very underage at the time girl called yemaya, she was nice too, video game nerd.

I have forgotten the rest.


would fill her uterus with my children.

Austrianon by a long shot

Pff. Bad taste, nigga.

>those big eyes
>that light blonde hair
>that mousy face shape
can't resist it

I lost contact with mine.

There was a Tohka poster I used to be friends with. Then she disappeared.

What's more pathetic than orbiting a 6/10 chick that will never notice you?

Amanda Baggs the low functioning autist lady

I met a really nice girl from NYC but lost contact (deleted my acc). She was very nice and made me feel comfortable when talking with her. I hope she's doing okay.

post pics for evaluation

Yes! You are my favorite femanon!

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Oh no wrong pic I meant this one desu

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there was an indigo thread up earlier where she posted pics but i think it got pruned.

april/bwahh eggy was a lucky guy ;_;

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indigo doesn't have a uterus she is a man

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Indigo is a LARPing attentionwhore who sluts it up on cryscafe and mewch.net. Avoid at all costs.

did she cuck you or something

She showed me her flaps. Udderlydisgusting.vom I had to ghost the roast

showw me the goods pls


Thought it was a trap.

>not a single mention of Necro-Chan
Plebs honestly.

Girldick would have been preferable to that amount of curtains. Just an incredibly unfortunate looking woman or botched post OP

wait it's actually a girl?

I wanna say botched post OP. I don't mind curtains though, like to bite on the meat.

kimchi of course. she's perfect

Fateanon is my favorite femanon.

Once, posted long ago...

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Show us how perfect she is.

oregano roastbeef sandwich

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oh god this is a mutilated dick



My favorite femanon is my favorite fembot.
My favorite fembot is any fembot at all. Unfortunately I have yet to meet her. But at least I hope she's reading this. Fembot, I love you! I'm serious! I doubt you would love me, too. But I don't care. I love you.

Fembots please by my gf I beg you

she doesn't like it when i post her pictures but here's one of her threads where she posted herself


what a depressing sight

Damn she cute af.

please i will dedicate my life to you, i'll do anything

she's really sweet too, i miss her a lot

Tell me about yourself user-kun and I will consider

I am 23 and live in the UK. Short dark blonde hair blue eyes, 5'11 hobbies are history, reading, video games, languages

I've already seen those.

Does anyone have pics of Kimchis thighs? How about her discord tag?

like i said before she doesn't want me posting her pictures anymore, i have some from her instagram and discord aswell but i don't want her to get upset again

Well the question wasn't directed to anyone that was pussywhipped.

she has been my favourite femoid for the past week lmao she is so fucked up i want her

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he said he's already seen those pictures, i was just telling him why i posted something old

>tfw even larpers pretending to be fembots won't consider me

>tfw too boring to catfish and blackmail
it's fine i guess

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stop larping Indigo

Do any femanons want to be my gf please

sorry, you're too young for me. how is this not original

Then what about me? I'm 27, and live in canda. Short brown hair and eyes, 5'8, hobbies are cooking, board games, videogames, anime.

how old are you? jesus fug

i'm 31 :(

>tfw christmas cake

I don't see the problem here. Why won't you date someone younger than you?

Mystery.jpg because she actually got lewd with people. Fembots need to put up or shut up with their holes.

because men, especially online, are obsessed with youth and believe a woman past 25 is either a mommy you can fuck or way past her expiration date

>If she posted nudes, she doesn't belong in this thread!!!
durrrrrrrrr you stupid. underageb&. niggerfaggot kys

Let me rephrase. I don't see the problem here. Why won't you date me? I bet the first guy thinks the same.

mystery wasn't a fembot, she was a literal camwhore on MFC and took thousands of dicks.

wasn't mystery a crazy roastie who was 90% plastic because she was addicted to plastic surgery?

35/USA 5'7" tech anime videogames

Dont want a gf. Just online friends. Guys are fine too as long as you dont want to erp and arent autistic.

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>just online friends


>and arent autistic.

>tfw no lesbian femanons who aren't normalfags
it's a sad life

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Please respond: I think it could be worth it to actually give it a try. So long as both parties are straightforward and genuine (no mind games and """subtlety""" and whatnot), what is there to lose?
I understand worrying about being able to get along given the age difference, it's hard enough trying to talk about anything at all with meme-obsessed 20 years olds so I imagine the culture gap is similar in the other direction.
But so long as it's emails or discord to start with, what's stopping you?

Cvnka is looking for a dom gf.

She said "who aren't normalfags".
She also said "femanons".

I know a lesbian literal fembot who's in no way normal but she's currently pursuing someone. Tell me a bit about yourself and leave your contact info and I will deliver these to her if it doesn't pan out.

I play old/semi-old video games and like computers. She'd probably find me boring anyway.

I'm telling you, she's in no way normal. She also happens to be a hikki neet, but she'd be fairly normal if that was it. She plays vidya and likes anime. I can get more details in either direction for you. Do you have any requirements for which you would refuse to date a lesbian fembot? If so, tell it here. I can do the filtering for you and inform you right away. Also of course since she's pursuing someone that's another failure mode but still.
After that, if everything seems to be fine for both of you, I can do the introduction. It's up to you whether or not you want to take that chance.

I'm too autistic at internet conversations to e-date someone even if I wanted to and she were not after someone, but I guess it'd be nice to just talk to someone like-minded, if she's ever down for that.
moonboots#9593. I'll drop an e-mail if you/she doesn't use discord.

>If she posted nudes, she doesn't belong in this thread!!!
Well shit that's every notable femanon