R9k is now a hangout for "lonely" teenagers, failed normies and whores/roasties looking for attention

>r9k is now a hangout for "lonely" teenagers, failed normies and whores/roasties looking for attention

where do I go to find the real "deadbeat loser" demographic now?

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hehe nice oregano meem

thanks man i really appreciate it or

Have you tried looking in the mirror
I'm so sade lol

Unironically look for real life clubs, those are much easier to regulate
find some hikki anonymous support group or something

There are a few chans for people like us. That is if your a 4+ year neet and or no friends. I would say them on here but as you said.
>r9k is now a hangout for "lonely" teenagers, failed normies and whores/roasties looking for attention
So It would just lead to the down fall of them.

Lol gatekeeping normie, fuck off loser and kys

If you like anarcho-primitivism and religious cults, wizchan might be for you. You're not allowed to like anime or be straight though.

>seeking help
>in groups
fucking lol

>Implying were not all loosers
Wow, does Reddit link Jow Forums with its greentexts nowadays, or how did you get here normalfag?

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True, that was a pretty retarded response. I just thought what is wrong with lonely teenager trying to find a place here

Saw this RT docunentary about hikkis and there was a support group in it

There is nowhere you can go if you're a deadbeat loser. Wherever you go will simply get ruined by newcomers again because you're too weak to stop them.

>4 year loser NEET with no friends
>I fit in this category now
I want to cry. I want this to be over so badly. I just want this to end.

wizchan should still be around.

obscure mmos probably maybe like private ultima online servers or some shit like that, im just too lazy to search for anything so im probably just gonna stop socialising online altogether

incels.me is the ONLY place I've found after 10+ years of 4channing

wizchan is full of LARPers and asexual chads who ride motorcycles and shoot guns and shit

it helps that no one is hated more than INCEL men in 2018, if youre a adult male virgin youre lower than everybody else in normies eyes.

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>>r9k is now a hangout for "lonely" teenagers,
When I was a teenager I didn't have a single fucking friend, now I'm an adult and still don't. What the fuck are you implying here? Because if you're implying what I think you're implying, and I think you are implying what I think you're implying, then I think you're the one who's a normalfag, since you apparently weren't a robot when you were a teenager.

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this "hikki" word sound so pathetic it's actually sickening

>r9k is now
Jow Forums has always been*

Teens still have the rest of their youth to improve while their is no hope for adults. Instead of improving their situation teens on this board bitch and complain destroying whatever chance they ever had/have left


I've been on Jow Forums and affiliated websites for 10 years suck it ricecel

he's saying those teenagers aren't actually lonelye, hense the quotes on "lonely". he's implying that they're "wow i haven't had a gf in 2 months i'm such a loser" tier. don't be retarded