
Fatbots, why are you fat in the first place? all you have to do is stop eating horrible food and eat healthy. Its like you wanna have cardiovascular problems and diabetes. You'll feel so much better about yourselfs and you are probably a chad underneath all the excess body fat

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undiagnosed binge eating disorder and bulimia

i have sharp pains in my abdominal area all the time,pretty sure i'm dying

You can change that get a diet plan made by a dietitian or your doctor (not a nutritionist dietitians are state certified) its not to late you can overcome your eating disorder i believe in you also look at more wholesome and positivity blogs on tumblr and insta

Losing weight is easier than gain. Change my mind.

>restricting your eating is easier than just eating a lot


i've missed 7 scheduled doctors appointments because of anxiety. im already fucked. im a NEET also and dont get to control what food comes into the house. whatever they buy, i eat. i lack self control on a dangerous level and have no support whatsoever

anyone here try those little debbie peanut butter cream pies?

I have no motivation not to eat like a pig. It feels good, it tastes good and gets my mind off other things. How would I benefit from losing weight?
It doesn't matter to me whether I am fat or not and neither does it to other people since i'd just be a skinny unlovable piece of shit

>just eat a lot
Yeah right, and it's not gonna work, troglodyte. Eatable shit gonna transform into literal shit but not in a body mass.

Oh if only that were true and I'd be shitting everything I ate. Perhaps our bodies are just different, idk.

Doctors are there to help you don't be anxious i used to be anxious but i lost weight and im better i genuinely want to help you guys since i know what its like to be fat

It'll help you tremendously you'll wake up and be more confident eating healthy will make you feel amazing mentally and physically if you want you could try stuff like jimmy joy or soilent and do liquid diets youll lose weight and get all the nutrients you need

>It'll help you tremendously you'll wake up and be more confident eating healthy will make you feel amazing mentally and physically if you want you could try stuff like jimmy joy or soilent and do liquid diets youll lose weight and get all the nutrients you need
Fucking why do I need all of this shit? The only thing that matters to me now is her. Since she doesn't give a fuck about me I may as well be dead.

You're not better off dead you're a living person you deserve happiness eating right and being a nice weight will make you happy you deserve to be happy

The niggers in africa deserve to be happy, the iphone slaves in china deserve to be happy. I am a fat unlovable piece of shit who drowns his love sorrows in food and alcohol and lives off his mother's back. I am a useless piece of shit who can't even get a job. If i'm dead at least my mother won't have to struggle for me.

Then change eat healthy, exercise and don't give up and then get a jon remember progress is progress no matter how small surround yourself in positivity

I have binge eating disorder and I'm not sure how to get help to not binge. I don't go to therapy anymore, I'm 136 lbs last time I weighed myself. Which is down from 150 lbs. I'm dieting but I still struggle with binging. Wish I had some friends who understood, but all my online friends get quiet when I bring up my eating behaviors

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Gaining weight:
Buying more food (wasting more money)
Preparing more food (wasting more time)
Eating more(wasting more time)

Losing weight
Buying less food (saving money)
Preparing less food (wasting less time)
eating less (wasting less time)

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Tumblr is a great place for positvity i know everyone thinks its all feminists but its not the people are supportive just use the right tags like weight loss and binge disorder and such

When I did use tumblr a lot of the tags were for a lot of anorexics, but I might look again for BED

I'm addicted to food. I love it so much I can't stop without medical intervention. If I could endlessly eat all day I would.

>Tfw no fatbot gf

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Yea the right tags are what help also look up the weightloss and weight loss postivity tag

Please seek help that sounds like a eating disorder its not healthy talk to your medical doctor as soon as you can you need that checked out please

I'll be your fatbot gf drop discord

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Doing drugs
Buying drugs (wasting more money)
Doing more drugs(wasting more time)
More time spent high(wasting more time)

Stopping drugs
Buying less drugs (saving money)
Doing less drugs (wasting less time)
Less time spent high (wasting less time)

I eat healthy- I mostly avoid sugar and carbs from bread and rice and stick to mainly proteins, healthy fats, and fruits/vegetables, etc. I'm still overweight because my metabolism is messed up from years of eating disorders and obsessive dieting. If I even try to lose a bit of weight or skip a meal, I get nauseous and weak and my hair literally starts falling out in clumps.

Do you exercise? You should and have you told your doctor about it?


I'm skinnyfat. Can i post here?

I can start you off with a diet and exercise plan. You can try ketogenic diets, vegan diets, liquid diets (soilent, jimmy joy, huel. And even then jimmy joy and huel has soild food with the same nutrition)and stay away from processed sugar and meets and soda . as for exericse core and cardio is the best ones don't forget legs arms aren't that important right now. Just remember progress is progress no matter how small

Thanks senpai. Are you a gym trainer by any chance?

Nah man i just love learning about nutrition and health i like it so much i do it for free to help people cause i used to be overweight im obviously not the best but i try and please don't forget to speak about your doctor he knows more about you then i do talk to him about any changes in your diet and exercise routine

It's not working uwu

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Because I'm lazy and food is one of my copes for depression but today I've gone back to the gym and started watching what I eat because I'm tired of being lonely and I can't imagine a single girl on this earth preferring a chubby dude to a ripped and lean Chad

Good on you user I'm proud of you! Don't forget to bring water and rest. Don't push yourself too much progress is progress for weight loss do cardio and core. What foods are you eating user?

i have a fat fetish and so does my partner

I'm a NEET who lives with a family that gets upset if I don't overeat. Then they proceed to mock how fat I am...

user i uh idk what to say

Tell them how you feel. Tell them that your health is more important than their feelings. Tell them you want to be healthy

Does capitalization matter? Try

I was abused as a child and didn't end up with healthy habits when I was a teenager. I'm learning better habits now that I'm free from my situation and can incorporate going outside and walking/biking in my normal routine. I just don't understand why some people are so judgemental.

Doesn't work, I need to get tf out of here, but I have Stockholm or something.

user you need to make them see reason you're health is more important than their feelings please please tell them

Im so sorry to hear that user but im glad you're changing its great you're doing something I'm proud not just of you but everyone ITT that wants to change

Because they gave me anti psychotic drugs and wont take me off, ruined my metabolism and any chance of getting a wife

I don't want to change. In the winter, my skinny friends ask me if I'm cold, and the answer is no. My best friend froze to death last year, so I don't care what I look like as long as I'm comfortable and alive.
You shouldn't care if I want to change. Change is a natural thing in everyday life. You should be just as concerned about the people that think that driving five miles to a gym to run ten miles on a treadmill is healthy behavior. Stagnation is the extreme that you're avoiding talking about.

You don't have to skellie mode just get to At least 24 on your bmi scale

You can still restrict calorie intake and. Exercise user

I've been fat literally my whole life, I don't know what it's like to not be fat

>as kid parents fed me like shit and overfed me
>extremely depressed in teens, (which is about the point the blame of being fat shifts from my parents to me since I never did anything about it)
>now 21
>weigh 330lbs
>still depressed and don't really care, the things I'm depressed about wouldn't change whether I was fat or not

>tfw almost 400 pounds

When I walk out to get my mail, it measures on the Richter scale. The pavement cracks when I fall down, I've got more chins than chinatown.

Medication for bipolar and depression caused me to gain a lot of weight. I'm going in for surgery soon though so I'm pretty keen to be at a comfortable weight to start exercising.

user you can lose i already posted diet and exercise plans ITT

Damn user im sorry to hear that you can still lose it though just remember i believe in you

Please do exercise but also eat healthy too! They're very important together eating healthy will do wonders for your skin and mental state i promise!

I'm getting a dietitian with the surgery so I'm very keen to get the ball rolling!

Just did no-soda and everything balanced to below average weight

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God the bait just gets shittier and shittier.

That's great to hear user

How is this bait?

It's difficult. I was huge weighing almost 370 lb. I grew up obese from obese parents and I also ate a lot to deal with my issues since they were both alcoholics and pretty shitty. Now, I'm down to 214 and can't seem to lose more when I should still lose probably around 70 lbs more.

It's easy to gain weight if you use a blender and drink stuff that's high in calories rather than trying to eat breasts of chicken, a mountain of vegetables and bowls of fruit. Oil is your friend. Nuts are your friend.

Don't give up user you can still lose it

No!! Fat and chub is so cute dont tell them this

Eh, it's been over a year now without losing much. It doesn't really feel like it's worth it when I'll just continue to get saggier and saggier and feel worse and worse. Living longer doesn't seem like that great of a thing when you're unhappy and gross looking.

Are you a female chubby chaser? Huh i knew some women like chubby guys but never thought I'd see one but please don't hinder their progress its unhealthy to be fat mentally and physically

user it seems uselsss right now but trust me once you work at it and see the fruits of your labor you'll feel like a new man i promise you you'll enjoy seeing yourself and women will be interested in You

I'm not really fat per say, I have a little bit of chub from not eating during the day and eating late at night due to bordem but im working on it. I probably need to lose less that 50 lbs and ill be good.

You can do it user remember eating healthy isn't enough you can over eat healthy food exercising is your friend try at home exercises just look up at home workouts on youtube and find one that works for you!

I eat because I'm bored. I don't have anything to do or entertain myself with.

Theres plenty of healthy and tasty foods user! Go to your local grocery store and go in the produce section!

I'm not a man, which is why it sucks. Men can get away with it more often because they can build more muscle, the fat is distributed differently and they're taller, but some chick with saggy boobs, arms and floppy thighs isn't going to be anywhere near a man's top choice. I'm pretty sure a guy around my age would rather masturbate than be with me.

Fembot, don't be hard on yourself yes you might have a few extra pounds but you can improve yourself. i really believe in you, you can do it talk to your doctor or dieation or follow one of the diets and exercises in my thread and you'll be ok remember core and cardio exercises are important. Don't ever give up on being the best you that you can be you can go on tumblr too for positivity in the weight loss tag they will happily be supportive of you

I like eating fruits and vegies, but I tend to forget about them and eat cereal or bread instead. Plus I eat way too much during dinner.

I'm sorting it out now but my food intake is pretty decent, I do weights three to four times a week. Unfortunately I'm drinking HEAVILY to try and combat my mental health issues.

I'm talking about 2200+ calories of beer a day, every day.

>Unfortunately I'm drinking HEAVILY to try and combat my mental health issues.
since when does alcohol cure mental health problems, you retard

Combat might have been the wrong word, I meant mask.

Try to limit them you can also get a calorie counter app on your phone im proud of you fembot the fact you're even itt means you want to change

Fat boys are cute! CUUTE!!!!

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t. fat girl


Yes, and I've had this for years. After they make sure you don't have diabetes or something, the best they can do is give generic advice. I've wanted to make an appointment with a nutritionist for a while, but I hate going to the doctor. I love exercise, but I get addicted to it.

Actually, im a skeleton lad!

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Talk with a dietitian their title is approved by the state they will not give you generic advice if you get a good one

well, i'm sorry for calling your a retard. i'm just being inflammatory and it was uncalled for.

This picture makes me sick. I hate people with a fat fetish.

I've been drinking myself silly, I must be at least a little bit retarded. At least we both know what we've been doing wrong m8!

>can't eat away the pain
>can't stop trying

I was already obese at 6 years old and never bothered helping myself.