Woah user thanks for showing me this place, the food is sooo good! Good thing this isnt a date haha...right user...

>woah user thanks for showing me this place, the food is sooo good! Good thing this isnt a date haha...right user? A-user...?

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nope it aint. *splits the bill*

Sure thing it's not. So, when your boyfriend will come to pay for you?

Yeah because I would never date someone like you. You are like a little sister to me and it will stay that way FOR EVER! So as a token of gratitude for showing you this place..maybe you can get the bill for both of us? Be a good little sister? Huh? Pang mai?.....Pang mmmai....is there something wrong?

the only answer


Hohohoh noo excuse for one second
>get out and never come back
Kek take a (You)

*splits ur bill*
What do fembots?

You are correct, I don't date outside my race.


nigga this aint how she talk
she korean

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>Tell me user how happy you are :) I love making you smile and I know you are sad inside but I want to replace the pain with love.

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*splits the bill*
*asks you for gas money*

Attached: 7B32E954-828D-4FA7-9959-762835E652DD.png (604x496, 90K)

>*show real face*
>he hey but you still love me right? :D

>Eating somewhere with a girl
>Doing something with a girl
>Talking with a girl

Attached: 1525468049826.jpg (222x266, 14K)

user you have two faces? wtf?

>Yes I still love you, I dont care what you look like or how you have been hurt.

>I want to make you happy, taht makes me happy..let me love you user.

>please, I am not like the other girls, I get bullied for being so small and looking like a child as a grown hup :(

*we can help each other feel love*
-GN user

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that fucken boomer who larps with asian middle schoolers on r9k

>that fucken boomer who larps with asian middle schoolers on r9k

Ummm, user?
im a cute girl I just wnat a big robot BF who can watch anime with me and cuddle and maybe make me feel good in my special place.

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fucken a, seymor

Then i woke up
Lmao see ya later losers

>umm what you mean? did I do something wrong? did you not want to hold my hand in public....im sorry uwu

when you wake up I will be there user..I will be waiting for you but I may not remember so I need you to find me and show me how to love.

Attached: #47.jpg (902x1200, 126K)

Technically this is not a date, because dates can only be found on calendars.

Attached: BerndDerAutist.jpg (318x531, 25K)

>any boiz out there who want to date a cute asian liek me

Attached: DOQiLsRVQAAVzDS.jpg (885x1175, 85K)

not sure if its legal to like you

Attached: sweatingPepe.png (604x613, 257K)

>im just dressed up user, im actually 18+ :)
im just extra cute user...

>can we link arms user and just enjoy the moment?

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Sure it isn't, wait a sec
>Add "kill myself" to to do list
Now what were we talking about?


they can talk green, dont worry