I have a unholy thirst for tomboys. That npt even god's holy light won't be able to stop

I have a unholy thirst for tomboys. That npt even god's holy light won't be able to stop.

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wow its shit

What's wrong with them
Original comment

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>Feminizing tomboy gf

Anybody else got this kink?

the short hair. kills it

shame shame shame
dingu dingu

Yes, wanna cut you hair short for me bud?
Nice dubs. Also the short hair is the best makes me so fucking hard, I can't move or else my dick will tingle like crazy and I'll cum in my pants

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>soup is good, it just has too much liquid

Just here waiting for the moron that thinks hes funny by going
>lol it secretly means you're gay xD

bad shoop, you should be ashamed for having this image

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Still pretty HOT.
Original Durruti

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no. bad shoop is NOT HOT.

blown exposure/light is also NOT HOT.

nope. short hair is shit, why do girls think it looks good to men?

Pale girls who have black hair and eyes are absolutely GOD tier so it's ok with the light uwu

God damn it I want to save her so bad... ;_;

>cranking the gamma and contrast really high is absolutely GOD tier
it's just as bad as being caked in makeup you fucking trog.

Tomboy vaginas smell like pickled asparagus, don't fall for it, Op.

>tfw all the "tomboys" user likes are just shitty attentionwhore artfag sloots with short hair

just short hair is not being a tomboy
being a tomboy is not just having short hair
stop ruining my fetish with your sloots.

I am not a caveman:'(

stop acting like it then faggot

What an offensive taste. You must be really brave to post it here stranger.

>grow up around boys
>they see me as one of them
>puberty hits
>they start acting weird
>get stared at
>always feel like an outsider
fuck tomboy chasers desu you guys ruined my early teen years

Just don't land yourself a feminist and you'll be good. Better yet, do what I did. Get yourself a moderate feminist and slowly redpill the shit outta her. My gf used to be a short-haired dyke (she was "bi" but she was "80% lesbian and 20% straight) who'd bitch about "rape culture" and the "wage-gap". Now she's a Hitler loving woman who wears a MAGA hat.

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I once made Chad fall to the ground while playing futbol and winked at him.

Come here little boy!

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post original pics postingly and originally.

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What was this show again? I remember watching and it being comfy, same animated clerks show.

Mission Hill

Thx famalam, gonna go watch it right now!

No, as in make her grow her hair out, make herself pretty for me, wear dresses (maybe even a ribbon in her beautiful hair) and get accustomed to me wearing the pants in the relationship.

Sissification, only for actual women.

How would you describe a tomboy, user?

>I have a unholy thirst for tomboys.
This resonates with me on a spiritual level. I really don't even want this feel anymore.

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I have the sudden urge to launch an ICBM on your location.

That's called changing a person to your liking and it's toxic as fuck. I like the idea of only wearing feminine clothes around my boyfriend, but I'd never change who I really am. Actually, it would be almost too good to be true if he lectured me on how I shouldn't change the way I dress for him.

How would you, user?

Yeah, that's why it's just a kink of mine, not something I'd actually wanna do in real life. Imagine the work you'd have to put in to turn a dyke into a cute tradwife!

A girl who thinks and behaves mostly like a man (I guess this implies wearing more masculine clothes and having short hair as well.)

>pulling off your tomboy gf's boxers

If she's only doing it for attention (being a dyke) I don't think it would be too hard.

Bruh, I ain't that interested and this is a new kink. Literally only read bout it today on here cuz I posted bout my fantasy of fucking a sissy that's actually female, not a loli and not a trap.

artfag sluts a shit.

This. Don't fall for the meme, anons. They're the worst.

I can't tell who's the autistic one between the two of us maybe both but I have no idea what you were trying to say.


Down here in the darkness
Can we ever be saved

Tomboys are not arthoes
Git gud fagboy

>3D tomboys
not falling for this meme. 2DD.

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in summary:
>artfag slut = always a shit
>tomboy = not always a shit
>short hair gril = not always a tomboy, not always a "lol so unique!" slut

too many of these basic art bitches have short hair and are fucking up the perception of what a tomboy is.

can tomboys also be artfag sluts? absolutely, it's fairly common, but not all of them are, and too many anons are actually lusting over artsloots and not actually tomboys.

can arthoes also be tomboys? sure, but they still a shit

any kind of tomboy is great.

I just want a fucking gf dude i dont care what subculture she adheres to

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You should or you'll get 100% fucked over
You need to pick a demographic you will get along with if you even want a CHANCE at getting a gf, otherwise you are in for a world of pain friendo

You either
1. won't get a gf
2. will get a gf who you won't get along with and will hate your guts and cheat on you, treat you like shit, ruin your life, run your life, or all of the above

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But my definition for a tomboy had nothing to do with arthoes.

i guess we're all caught up here

your image does not belong in this thread friend

What do you think is a tomboy though?

it's very artificial

I totally belive you. NOT you virgin incel

Ok ill pick goth gf demographic I guess. Is that a good one

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It depends; do you think a goth girl would realistically like you?

Its hard for me to imagine any girl liking me

Why? Originally
Let's talk about it