Femanons, would you have sex with a guy (aka let him rape you) if he threatened suicide otherwise?
Femanons, would you have sex with a guy (aka let him rape you) if he threatened suicide otherwise?
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Hard no.
Nope and I would insist he actually went through with his suicide.
I have a rape fetish so yes
looooooool ricebot time for a new approach
that is hot. do you have a discord
Hey, just to let you fucking fuckheads know. This isn't the actual me. This guy got the fucking trips, don't know how.
>This guy got the fucking trip
And you got dubs.
Getting myself a tripcode ;)
No, I'm not responsible for his life.
You could be responsible for his death though.
He's killing himself, I'm not pulling any triggers.
I would give him a hand job for free and tell him he needs to have something to barter with if he wants more of my service.
I'd tie the noose for him.
At least jerk him off first.
Why? What's he ever done for me?
Only if I'm attracted to him.
This is a oddly specific question. As a guy, I wouldn't really have sex with a woman who is threatening to kill themselves either. And I'm not suicidal but if I was, I wouldn't be thinking about sex.
He probably feels that you owe him that much at least for being a woman like the ones that drove him to despair.
What other threads have you posted under my name?
This is my real trips now.
I would definitely have sex with a woman who threatened to kill herself, that would make my dick fucking diamonds.
He is mentally ill and about to kill himself so what he thinks and feel probably are not valid.
why do you think anyone cares about you
If I wanted a sex toy that I had no attachment to, I would (and plan to) buy an onahole.
He might no go through with it if you make him cum though.
Him dying is preferable to me having sex with him.
No, I would tell him to do it
No that is wrong you are a bad girl.
>why do you think anyone cares about you
Because people bother themselves to post under MY trips
Why? I'm not responsible for his shitty life, lack of sex and suicidal tendency.
Harsh, maybe, but who in their right mind would have sex with a person who is threatening to kill themselves if they don't get the sex they want? If I was in that position, and if I was a woman, I'd get him some help but it's completely fair for someone to just say, "No".
Probably the same guy impersonating me lol
He never got my trip but he sometimes types the trip out as part of the name
the only thing more pathetic than a tripfag is an impersonator
>t.loser that wants people to let him rape them
Kys. Any loser trying this should die quicker
No. If somebody is willing to kill themselves because they can't stick their dick in a wet hole the world is probably better without them.
if his mental health/moral compass/entire existence is so fickle that the only thing keeping him from killing himself is the chance of raping some poor girl then he's not worth saving desu
natural selection fags
but what is a night of sex compared to the potential life of someone who can be rehabilitated
I doubt he's worth years of rehabilitating at this point
But what about the feelings of the person having sex with some possibly mentally ill person?
Obviously the suicidal guy would be in the wrong but if the girl was a good person she would bite the bullet. I know I would anyway.
Also, what if the guy (or girl) kills themselves anyways after a good persons gives them the pussy or dick? I don't know, I just wouldn't do it myself.
I'm not giving up my virginity for some random degenerate I don't even know. He can just go buy a cheap prostitute or go through with it, and he sounds like a complete retard so he's likely to currently be doing society more bad than good anyways.
Degenerates aren't worth saving or fixing.
Anyone remember the doujin, I think it was by tksn, where a girl tries to convince a guy not to kill himself, he violently rapes her and she yells out for him to kill himself as he's doing it.
I'd like a link to that, actually.
This one?
I mean if he's going to kill himself anyway why wouldn't he just overpower you and do what he wants? Do you actually think you'd be capable of defending yourself from even a below-average strength man? Never forget that you are only as protected as the males surrounding you want you to be
Kaze Hime Kankan
Yes that is some real shit.
I wouldn't be alone with some mentally ill man to start with but even if he did I would try to make sure he was arrested and that they understood his suicidal mindset to hopefully ensure that he faces justice rather than getting to kill himself.
I think mental health treatment is more important than justice.
no, because i've had friends who've done that, and guess what? they never actually fucking kill themselves
the world would be better off without him, he is a rapist
Man, that is some upsetting shit there. Suicide, rape, extreme violence, but it's so visceral and raw too. Not at all fap material, but brutal shit.
read udon-chan if you haven't already she is the best
You should check out some of his other stuff. I've never fapped to any of it but the stories are pretty entertaining.
I disagree, serving justice is important for both the victim and the criminal and second to rehabilitation which in his case would be mental health treatments.
Also Oyster is a good artist for this.
Girls don't care about the well being of men this question is dumb
>but who in their right mind would have sex with a person who is threatening to kill themselves if they don't get the sex they want?
It would be hot af on a girl, and you know it.
Most women are going to say no. Women really value sex. Even if they have it a lot, its still important to them. It's just that it's only important when they guy is hot
Even as a guy I'd tell her to fuck off, I'm too busy ro tend to some mentally damaged suicidal idiot for the rest of my life
You don't have a desire to nurse broken girls? I feel bad for you.
I have no idea who you are faggot, kill yourself.
Not really, you give her the dick and then she'll think she's in love or some shit. Not worth it.
that is because you are a newfag friend
you are missing out dude, broken needy kizumono girls are the very best
Did he specifically say this or is this a situation blown out of proportions again where nothing is said "but surely that must be the only reason"?
I'd bait him into attacking me then try to shoot him in the spine leaving him paralyzed and unable to easily kill himself.
then rape him for good measure
No, but I would make sure everyone knew what he did and why he did it. Probably try to sell the rights to my story.
No, the fembot should teabag him like it's Halo.
>Probably try to sell the rights to my story.
>guys ive been here since the election so I can call everyone newfag xD
Pssh nice try. I think you'll find this file all the proof you need
I'd tell him to do it and then pleasure myself with his lifeless cock
tie a band around it first
Whats wrong with that? It seems like a good story that might make for a decent movie.
it's what femwhores do. try to get attention
I'm more interested in the money and what that would mean for my future family.
Would doing this be illegal in the US or not?
Hard no, but I'd ask to be mentioned by name in his suicide note
You might get in trouble.
Stop being an imposter. I am the real ricebot and this is the trips I will be using from now on.
You still haven't got trips either you double nigger.
If he's the sort of person who would threaten suicide to get sex, he's probably alienated all of his friends and family. Who would bother pursuing it?
I would feel really bad for a guy like that, are you sure you would rather someone like that die in misery than cum in your pussy just once?
If he wants sex that much, he can hire a prostitute.
I don't believe in encouraging bad behaviour. I also don't believe that I have some divine duty to be overly kind to every autistic fuck I meet, especially if they're going to be demanding and awful back.
Oh I guess that makes sense. It's still a pretty strong decision to choose not being sexed to someone dying though.
Would you let him come in your mouth at least?
Threatening to kill himself is not the same thing as actually killing himself either way.
No. See my above comments about why I wouldn't let him fuck me.
you sound stuck up desu
Would fembots have sex with a man if it was his dying wish?
depends on the guy
if he's a good person, then yes, but none of you are really good people
I am a good person and I'm conventionally attractive, so I dare say you would let me come inside you before I died.
I refuse to be bullied into sex. Does that make me stuck up?
No it makes you a strong willed person.
why do people still do this
how do you define a good person though
Trying to guilt trip someone into doing something is manipulative but it's not criminal and it's not rape you fucking retards how thin skinned can you be?
its the same as threatening to kill a girl to sex her legally