Any Eire bits Wana get in here and share some.feels?
No policital chat. Please go to Jow Forums for this
Any Eire bits Wana get in here and share some.feels?
No policital chat. Please go to Jow Forums for this
I meant Eire bots. Oh man what a feel already
It has been just over a year since I have had a conversation with someone my age.
What age is that famalam.
Opinion on NEETdom here boys?
They have this Turas Nua thing here now, it's worse than signing on imo. I have some roastie who is getting increasingly annoyed that I cant find a job lol.
I'm in Ireland for 4 more weeks, what should I do here? Near Dublin
Go to Wicklow for comfy countryside feels. Nice walks and scenery
Anyone else hate travellers? Scum they are. Some have just moved into my apartment block. I'm moving soon anyway but I fear for this place now. They fucking ruin everything
Some laugh if this gets to 30 replies.
Another potato nigger checking in.
Very comfy place to be NEET, but I'm on disability so I don't have to sign on. I'd imagine people on benefits like jobseekers don't share that same comfort, but they're also not disabled so they have that at least.
That is fair, it is very catering to NEETdom
I've never heard of that, what is it?
Chad Anglo calling in to tell all you paddies to kys as quickly as possible
It's like uk job centre I suppose. You go to a meeting with a job facilitator or some stupid title and they look on for jobs for you based on ur CV. They also do courses on interview skills and career planning. It takes way more effort than signing on of course. If you dont go they will cut you off the dole. We really need another recession to get rid of these companies.
Ah right I get you now, sounds poxy
drunk dckgirl here how're youse lads
I'll be doing a computer science course at a college in the general Dublin area in September, what should I expect and how do I try to make friends so I don't keep wanting to kill myself?
Talk about the weather. Help people with assignments. People are users so you can get on their good side if you do things for them.
I'm also starting a cs degree in Dublin, maybe we're doing the same course. Funny if that's the case
What in the fuck is dck
Is northern ireland OK or do I have to go back to /britfeel/?
Well lads, how accurate is it?
Nah you're grand
I don't get it. How are the majority of normal people in a county in a western country fapping to hentai? How the fuck? I don't get it, no fucking way this isnt BS
I think I'm responsible for shemale.
If you post in /britfeel/ you're a disgrace to those who have fought for your freedom
Me too
t. Limerick man
>anal and dp
I'm probably responsible for the Hentai.
Fleadh ceoil is about to rape the dogshit out of my ends.
22 almost 23 oriori
been on a 5 day bender, i cant take it anymore
I've heard bad things about them. Basically do literally nothing to find you a job and then when you manage to do by yourself they call you up constantly so they can get their bonus.
Anyone else just do their LC?
>spud general