>tfw HRTiddies start to hurt when rubbing against shirt or brushing against an object
>tfw their silhouette becomes very visible if I wear a shirt that isnt oversized
Tfw HRTiddies start to hurt when rubbing against shirt or brushing against an object
Ope, time to kys.
Post your HRTiddies pls.
Oregano oregon
You knew this would happen. What's the point of this thread?
looking for fans of hrtiddies and small servers
milk yourself you dumb cow
I'm no hoe tho.
Time to get out my MILKY MILKY WARM AND TASTEY copypasta.
Very nice progress, a growing girl. I hope you find a nice man to treat you well.
Tits or get the fuck out, that applies to male and female alike.
i want to fuck you in missionary and look you in the eye when you prostate orgasm
I wanna lay around with you and casually suck on your budding tiddies between snuggles and anime, OP.
Can I suck your HRTiddies? Please...
Faggot bait for his little faggot friends to give his faggot ass attention. Sage.
Fuck off you tranny faggot. Go back to discord and tell Reiko to fuck himself.
>tfw their silhouette becomes very visible if I wear a shirt that isnt oversized
how is that cute? Its embarrassing and I don't want mom to find out....
I'm not used to having visible tits...
Live with a trap-loving robot. You won't have to be embarrassed because that's their fetish and your mom will never find out.
user, if youre living with your parents you probably arent old enough to be on HRT
user if you are on estrogen then you are probably doing this to become a girl. Eventually they are going to be more noticable, don't do anything to screw up your development or you'll regret it later. Don't bind them in any way to hide them.
post some lewd titty pics, slut
this. lets see em
>open thread
>scan for HRTiddies
>no HRTiddies
>close thread
>tfw getting a happy trail from hrt
Feels good to be a boy
>user, if youre living with your parents you probably arent old enough to be on HRT
did you move out at fucking 18?
most people continue to live with their parents into their early 20s
She's going to find out soon enough, don't you think you should have told her already?
no, not most people, just robots
Well I'm 18. And I had a few close calls with my family.
>mother tried to hug me a few days ago l, had to slouch weird so she couldn't feel my nipples
>little sister hugged me before she went for her first day of school this Monday (she's 13 and first day in HS), she kinda buried her head in my chest without warning and when she came off she had a dumbfounded look on her
>been wearing oversized black shirts to hide them
>no, not most people, just robots
no, most people
maybe in your country amerimutt
Tits are literally cock magnets :)
I know this feel user. This is a pretty loose shirt too. Best advice is to bite the bullet now or suffer later
Originale tiddies
>maybe in your country amerimutt
you live in europe?
europeans leave their parent's house even later than americans do
the average spaniard lives with their parents until 27
just remember that all traps and tranners belong to MEN. if you pull that lesbian shit you don't have dysphoria, you just gave up on being a man
Doesn't it drive you crazy seeing that the wallpaper isn't aligned correctly?
tell them of your sissyness.
Kinda does but I just moved back with my parents after leaving 10 months ago due to me going on HRT and coming out. I'll get some posters soon to cover it
mommy gib milkies and make it original!