White people, take note. You don't belong on this world. You deserve to be genocided. You're all evil fucking demons that need to die. Don't try arguing about this. Sit down, shut up, watch this video, and stay the fuck down and let black and brown people run this shit.
White people are a virus: "Comedy video" from HBO
Other urls found in this thread:
wow that was insanely cringe
Holy fuck
Sensitive crybaby whiteboy detected. Deal with the future.
This shit is cringe and you know it.
sad, i used to respect Hamm
cmon jon work cant be the hard to find :((
It's funny to see these videos made by some Shlomo Shekelstein. They already won. Accept the blackpill.
I know, I have decided to not bring more slaves into the world in order to serve the jew. I'm mutt so that's fine for me.
>create civilization
>pull shitskins out of the stone age and carry them on our backs
>work ourselves to death to feed their mouths and gibs them money
>send doctors, architects
>build glorious cities and prosperous economies
>invent space travel, modern medicine, trains, airplanes, cars, internet, radio, smartphones
>fugg whypipo
Why haven't we started shooting them yet?
>Whye man'z burden, user. Whye man'z burden.
Bwahahaha, self destruction, you are doomed.
East Asians wil rule the world.
>Be Somali
>Made our own civilization
>Traded with Ottomans, Indians and Chinese so we had technology
>Succesful history
>Up until 1900
>After that we were repeatedly fucked over by white people
>End up going from a successful nation to a warlord shithole by 1990
>Faggot on the internet talks about how his race brought us out of the stone age when they didn't
Fuck off pigskin why the fuck shouldn't you fags be shot
Oh yes, the great empire of somalia, I remember in the 70's everyone was investing in somalia, it was going to become the next Japan.
Fucking lightbulb head 60 IQ nigger.
What do they hope to gain by making something like this?
Why are you speaking English and not whatever clicking language is native to your desert shithole? Can you even speak it?
Not saying the video is cringe, I thought it was funny. The fact that you think it wasn't satire is cringe.
What was it a satire of?
Educated white people trying too hard not to be racist.
how did it mock it?
Oh yeah before the fucking US fucked up and then go back further we lost Ogaden because of the Soviets headed by whites and even further back some retarded Italian or British thought a centralised system would work leading to a inevitable failure. Had it not been someone intervening every time we wouldn't be in a huge dead mess
We're not Khoi San you fucking retard, they live in South Africa and majority of our land is made up of Highlands at least get that right you retard
Example being all the white girls/fags in college screaming "WHITE PEOPLE HAVE NO CULTURE" a completely meaningless slogan that's actually self contradicting as it separates a "white" class that supposedly has no culture, but by segregating whites in that dichotomy you've given us a culture.
>whites deserve to be genocided
They are doing a better job at it than any non-whites banded together could ever do
do you actually live in Somalia?
Me too. This video completely ruined the legacy of Mad Men in my head.
hook it or book it
Wow what a great retort
fuck off kid. before i show you the power of a real ninja.
He seems dumb enough to be a somalian. I believe him.
>doesn't understand sarcasm even when I labeled it for him
>implying albino snowniggers are white
Fuck yourself chuck-chuck. somalia has always been a shithole because somalis are shit subhuman turdskins.
It's not ment to be literal lol. It means white people have no substantial culture
we are ALL participating in it right the fuck now.
>no one but me is white
Le sigh
Should've tried harder baka
This is japanese culture bub
no it aint, Ted
Can't wait until white males get castrated for the good of society.
Why aren't you speaking Japanese then?
>*destroys ur civilization*
>*kills half your population*
>*sets you hundreds, maybe thousands of years back*
>wow nonwhites are violent subhumans they have no civilization or technology
>Fucking lightbulb head 60 IQ nigger.
I don't doubt he's somali, I just think he lives off the system in the UK or USA, the countries that he hates so much.
Imageboards are japanese culture
Because im not japanese
no it aint. the internet is White culture thereby everything on it is White.
>the countries that he hates so much.
The west destroyed his homeland, the least they owe him is a place in their society after his own was destroyed. He shouldnt get stuff for free but the mere opportunity to work and make a living in those countries is owed him after his own country was destroyed.
A technology is not a cultural custom
yes it absolutely is. computers and internet are White.
Back to with you and stay there
You didn't even address my point
The scariest and most ironic thing is these people only care about Skin color. If there was a literal white genocide, you can bet your ass they would take me because I have light skin and colored eyes, despite the fact I am fully Mexican
you dont have a point, nerd
Idiots like him ruined his country by fleeing to where the life easier rather than trying to improve it.
That's not how the universe works. No one "should" get anything. There's no universal law of good or evil. I'm not going to condone the actions of previous or current generational colonialism, but that was one done in a long line of conquest that every race has taken part in. Don't fool yourself into thinking anyone is less or more of anything. We're all a bunch of dumb apes on a gigantic rock.
Still, some of those dumb apes of succeeded in creating an order onto the chaos that has given a standard of living greater than others, and there's nothing that says any ape on this planet "should" be allowed into it.
They're just pretentious idiots who think they are making art but are actually producing poorly thought out garbage. The funny thing is this will only damage their cause even more I doubt even most black people would agree with this nonsense.
>you dont have a point, nerd
Not an argument
>not an argument
i know you dont have one.
Shit like this makes me want to go full Jow Forums. I hate pol, but jesus fuck sometimes I wonder if they're right
>Not an argument
That's not an argument either
>That's not how the universe works. No one "should" get anything
Then you don't have a right to your own country and you have no right to complain when as you claim your country is overran by immigrants and your race is destroyed by interracial relationships
Can you tell me where I said that I did?
Pointing that you have no argument when you have no argument is an argument
I can't tell how ironic this is or isn't
So you're ok with endless immigration and white genocide?
No. But I don't need a "right" to do so. I don't need a "right" to self preservation. All I can do is present reason and suggest what can be done to preserve myself and anyone else. I don't call to any ideal form of right or wrong to push my agenda.
Reminder that all this racial shit hollywood and the news puts out is just to distract from actual issues, including real racial ones such as how much crack is being put into black areas on purpose. There's some fucked up shit going on in the US right now but all anybody pays attention to is shit like black lives matters and trans bathrooms.
You shitskins always use this excuse but the biology says otherwise as you are all retarded low cognitve ability impulsive violent apes with a normal person of your race literally having a lower intelligent quotient than that of a white person with down syndrome. Also you never invented anything and have little to no culture yourself whilst whites have literally hundreds of different cultures from each tiny region they inhabit and you have contributed nothing to collective human achievement and your lack of development has nothing to do with colonialism you ignorant retard as colonialism was one of the few things that actualluly helped you develop at all and after it was abolished you just devolved right back into barbarism and retardation. Maybe you should read a book with actual historical and genetic information instead of watching innacurate Hollyjude films that simply validate your uneducated worldview.
Same, I thought it was a pretty funny take on all the retarded modern "racism" stuff but with the way people act like parodies of themselves I find it getting harder to draw a line.
>White genocide
Something that's statistically speaking likely not going to happen
Truly fucking retarded you spent too much time here with thin skin and a tiny brain seriously this is paragraph contains so much retarded shit no one will argue with you we're just going to call you a brainlet
Factually, there are only 800 million white people in the entire world.
There are 1.5 billion people, alone, in India, who majority immigrates to the UK.
There are 1.3 billion people, alone, in China, whose people scatter around the world like flies on shit.
The rest of the Asian continent has countries who have the largest populations in the world.
Africa is expected to have 2 billion people by 2100.
Native European population is expected to dip below 400 million by 2100 and be increasingly mixed race due to immigration.
Whites are a global minority by far and yet all the world wants to move to white countries, which will make and already is making white people minorities in the countries they built and will make white skin and people with light hair and eyes and is already making white culture no longer exist.
Enjoy blonde women with blue eyes while they still exist because there will be no baby born with either feature in a few decades.
Why should you have self preservation if no one should have anything?
This post will also get ignored because you're all too busy arguing about retarded shit with other retards showing me we've already lost anyway
The emancipation proclamation was a mistake
But that also means I don't have to oblige to the "law" to not kill anyone who crosses into my country, no?
What the hell is wrong with you? I never said I should have it. I just do. Everyone does. It's Biology. You seem to be unable to separate reality from ideals.
Yes we do have a right to complain about migration and mongrelism you retard. Under colonialism we never had an official plan to exterminate any other races and we even had a policy in the 60s to return colonial nations back to majority black rule whilst the Jewish oligarchs to this day have an official plan of extermination of whites called the Kalergi plan.
It's true. Fear and anger are the tools by which people are controlled. The only true way to stick it to powers at be is to be happy and content.
>is to be happy and content
No. You shouldn't be "happy and content." You should just be able to see where the real issues are and band together to fight against that instead. Problem is the people in power are VERY good at social engineering and mixing shit up so even I'm not too sure anymore what's going on
There will be a decrease in whites on average but that will mainly be due to birth rates declining it's no one's fault they're not fucking each other and then there's the fact majority of white people are attracted to white people which means race mixing will rise but it won't be huge
>blonde women with blue eyes while they still exist because there will be no baby born with either feature in a few decades.
Now you have to stop southern Europeans from mixing with northern europeans we'll see how that works out
>41 people shot, all black, in a 24 hour period in Chicago
>one person shot was an 11 year old black girl in the face
>one of the shooters was a 12 year old boy
>da whitey b keepin us down!!!11!!!!
Fucking niggers. Lebron and Randy Moss exemplify them. Lebron said no matter how rich and successful you get in life, Americans will only see a nigger. A guy with millions of white fans, a guy that millions of white teenage girls masturbate to, a guy that is expected to be a multi-billionaire for life, a guy that barely graduated high school and got a 90 million dollar contract said this. Randy Moss was wearing a tie with the names of all the criminal niggers who were justifiably shot and killed. But he won't wear the names of black police officers who contributed to their community, volunteered for their community, taught in schools to help their own race, niggers won't celebrate those black men. They only glorify criminal niggers with rap sheets as long as the bill of rights.
I absolutely agree, fuck all black people. They are too stupid and blinded by their hatred and lust for white people to see the fucking degenerate garbage society they live in and perpetuate on themselves.
You need to be happy and content before you fight anything. These things are prerequisites for free, rational thought. Otherwise you're going to be clouded by your emotions and easily controlled.
That's because you don't have a counter-argument and you know it's fucking true and you don't want to confront it.
Reality is that immigrants are taking over white countries. Your ideals oppose that. Thus you feel you have a right to self preservation, wether you want to admit that or not.
No user that wasn't what I was saying at all get the fuck off me, pol
You may have a point, but you also want to make sure you're not just kowtowing and letting shit slide. I think the true key is to realize that nobody isn't above you in the power struggle is your enemy. Problem is lots of black people think the random white guy that works at McDonald's is their enemy, not the politician getting paid to vote for things like taxes off private jets and shit like that. Of course, now we have an influx of poltards recently that are convinced they're being fucked by brown people too, mostly sprouting up because of vids like OP posted. Said poltards turn more brown people into activists, and the cycle continues
That causes more problems than it helps.
If they aren't allowed to come, the West will be healthier and has the ability to help many more people that stay in the shithole.
You've been assuming my side for my this entire time. You're assuming that I'm some boogieman who is completely opposed to you and isn't capable of being listened to and understood. It's madness.
>Reality is that immigrants are taking over white countries.
"Taking over" is fairly loosely defined. I take a lot of pride my whiteness, but I'm not all that offended by immigrants and don't feel as if they are "taking over". That's some fear-mongering bullshit. My main problems with immigration is that there's too many people for far too little space, and I already think things are overpopulated which means I think there's even far too many white people, too. I don't think there's space for immigrants because I don't think there's space for any x amount of people regardless of race.
>Your ideals oppose that.
You don't know what my ideals are.
>Thus you feel you have a right to self preservation
Again you can't separate reality from ideals. A "right" is a platonic ideal. Self preservation is a biological desire that lives completely in reality. It is not ideal. There are no "should" or "rights" involved. It just is.
Our solid American citizen awakens in a bed built on a pattern which originated in the Near East but which was
modified in Northern Europe before it was transmitted to America. He throws back covers made from cotton,
domesticated in India, or linen, domesticated in the Near East, or wool from sheep, also domesticated in the Near
East. He slips into his moccasins, invented by the Indians of the Eastern woodlands, and goes to the bathroom,
whose fixtures are a mixture of European and American inventions, both of recent date. He takes off his pajamas, a
garment invented in India, and washes with soap invented by the ancient Gauls. He then shaves, a masochistic rite
which seems to have been derived from either Sumer or ancient Egypt.
Returning to the bedroom, he removes his clothes from a chair of southern European type and proceeds to dress. He
puts on garments whose form originally derived from the skin clothing of the nomads of the Asiatic steppes, puts on
shoes made from skins tanned by a process invented in ancient Egypt and cut to a pattern derived from the classical
civilizations of the Mediterranean, and ties around his neck a strip of bright-colored cloth which is a vestigial
survival of the shoulder shawls worn by the seventeenth century Croatians. Before going out for breakfast he
glances through the window, made of glass invented in Egypt, and if it is raining puts on overshoes made of rubber
discovered by the Central American Indians and takes an umbrella, invented in southeastern Asia. Upon his head he
puts a hat made of felt, a material invented in the Asiatic steppes.
It's true, but it's that cycle of hatred that makes me believe what I do regarding breaking the cycle and being happy. Hate breeds hate, but love breeds more love. Of course it's a reductionist dichotomy and love and hate get abused by the left and they use "love" as some sort of manipulation to justify their hate, but the true love they ideal but they themselves don't reach is possible and does help. Kill them with kindness.
Okay that didn't come out as clearly as I wanted. Let me try to put it more simply. Racial activists create pol stormtroopers, pol stormtroopers create more racial activists, the conflict keeps growing as more people decide to identify with these extremes. Eventually, if nothing is done to ease the flames, it'll all explode
The left uses love to justify their hate. The right uses hate to justify their love. ;)
On his way to breakfast he stops to buy a paper, paying for it with coins, an ancient Lydian invention. At the
restaurant a whole new series of borrowed elements confronts him. His plate is made of a form of pottery invented
in China. His knife is of steel, an alloy first made in southern India, his fork a medieval Italian invention, and his
spoon a derivative of a Roman original. He begins with an orange, from the eastern Mediterranean, a cantaloupe
from Persia, or perhaps a piece of African watermelon. With this he has coffee, an Abyssinian plant, with cream
and sugar. Both the domestication of cows and the idea of milking them originated in the Near East, while sugar was
first made in India. After his fruit and first coffee he goes on to waffles, cakes made by a Scandinavian technique
from wheat domesticated in Asia Minor. Over these he pours maple syrup, invented by the Indians of Eastern
woodlands. As a side dish he may have the egg of a species of bird domesticated in Indo-China, or thin strips of the
flesh of an animal domesticated in Eastern Asia which have been salted and smoked by a process developed in
Northern Europe.
When our friend has finished eating, he settles back to smoke, an American Indian habit, consuming a plant
domesticated in Brazil in either a pipe, derived from the Indians of Virginia, or a cigarette, derived from Mexico. If
he is hardy enough he may even attempt a cigar, transmitted to us from the Antilles by way of Spain. While smoking
he reads the news of the day, imprinted in characters invented by the Semites upon a material invented in China by a
process invented in Germany. As he absorbs the account of foreign troubles he will, if he is a good conservative
citizen, thank a Hebrew deity in a Indo-European language that he is 100 percent American.
Our people shouldn't have to pay for shit they didn't do. Stop grouping us up as "the west" and saying we're to blame for whatever military did to whatever country. Fuck off, it's not right
Wtf? I love multiculturalism now. All these benefits and no downsides? Sign me up!
Actually, let me take that back. It won't ever "explode" but people in power will always keep the fire going. They wouldn't let it explode because that would create an outcome and put an end to it, with possible losses for them. They'll keep the fire going though because it keeps people from paying attention to real shit like I said before. They may pay attention for maybe a week or two at most, but then they'll forget and never bring it up again in the future. Fucked up, exploiting, shit will happen and nobody will care
Nice b8 kek
>You've been assuming my side for my this entire time.
Oh my god did i just assume your gender? Lol
>You're assuming that I'm some boogieman who is completely opposed to you and isn't capable of being listened to and understood. It's madness.
You're assuming that i'm assuming that.
>"Taking over" is fairly loosely defined. I take a lot of pride my whiteness, but I'm not all that offended by immigrants and don't feel as if they are "taking over"...[cut]...any x amount of people regardless of race.
Right but you still have an issue with it and as you said you feel it threatens your self preservation.
>You don't know what my ideals are.
You just said it in your post. Self preservation.
>Again you can't separate reality from ideals.
Also by you
>You seem to be unable to separate reality from ideals.
>A "right" is a platonic ideal. Self preservation is a biological desire that lives completely in reality. It is not ideal. There are no "should" or "rights" involved. It just is.
You do not have a right to have your desires fulfilled though, according to yourself
For the record, i don't think there should be endless immigration nor do i think white genocide(if there is one) is ok. I think that everyone has a right to self preservation. This debate has mainly been to get you to understand how stupid it is to try to apply some esoteric idea of how the world works, that may very well not be true, to real life. We are all humans and we all have desires and human values wether we like it or not. If you say "no one has any rights" then you cannot complain about anything as you don't have a right to anything. Everything is just what it is and all you can do is try to impose your will by force, and if everyone does that we'll live in a world where violence is the only value. If that is what you advocate then how are you different from the violent niggers or whatever group you dislike?
Right, the countries that invaded his country owe him that. But as far as i'm aware the US has been busy in that area starting shit time after time as well.
Besides, is it that much of an issue to offer someone an opportunity to become a productive member of society? I'm not saying give him free shit, just him work and sustain himself.
"Pol stormtroopers" are everyone who want to create circumstances that don't lead to racial conflict.
Different countries is the solution to it, in the same country the tension will just continue.
God imagine being a wh*tey in 2018
Nationalism isn't about not getting any stuff from other parts of the world.
That whole rant has no point because it's based on having no clue about what the opposing view is.