did Jow Forums just receive an update so that you can select specific rule violations in reporting? i don't think i've ever seen this before
Did Jow Forums just receive an update so that you can select specific rule violations in reporting...
What determines an extremely low quality post?
>Trolling outside of /b/.
This applies to all of my posts.
holy shit you are right
it would be nice if Jow Forums had a changelog so we know what the dev is up to
posts that are just like ARKJHSFSREWFSFKJSH
or other shit
reported for trolling
Every thread on the board right now could be flagged under one or more of these I'm sure.
you know the ones with "snddsfd wwdiiii" gibberish with an image of a black tranny getting fucked in the ass attached
>thinking that's not the point
reported for announcing report or sage
reported for extreme low quality post
shieeeeeet boy
reported for reporting a report of a report to report
You guys can try the feature out on me if you want.
reported for reporting someone who reported
>racism outside of /b/ is a violation
Repeated current meme phrases like "GUCCI GANG" or insanity like "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
reported for getting dubs
>shieeeeeet boy
reported for racism
>racism outside of /b/
is this an attempt to destroy Jow Forums again
Every and all posts advertising must be duly noted.
oh what didn't know this was a thing
this killed all the best tripfriends on the board
I am going to report animeposters now for avatarfagging, nice to know you guys.
reported for avatar or signature use
i want to know how you found this out, you better not be reporting any innocent anons
bring back vyro now he was based
>facebook frog poster
this is an extremely low quality post
shut the fuck up tripfag kiddo
"trolling outside of /b/"
/x/ is going to be a dead board in no time
you should lurk enough to know what avatarfagging is before you get unintentionally b& yourself, friend.
>this killed all the best tripfriends on the board
that was one of the earliest rules on Jow Forums
reported for announcing a report or a sage.
aight then mate
Cant touch this
>it's all reports, all the way down
Does anyone still post there? I thought it was mostly Hanz and his orbiters talking to themselves now.
was reporting an underage kiddie
Is it an advertisement if it's not for any kind of product or service, though?
That's nice. Hopefully mods will do something about the traps and discordfaggots now.
The old system was better, before you didn't get an option at all there used to be a little box where you could write exactly what they did which made getting someone rightfully banned a lot easier, then they took it away and only gave us the two options of reporting for illegal material or a rule violation, this new list is definitely an improvement.
>The old system was better, before you didn't get an option at all there used to be a little box where you could write exactly what they did which made getting someone rightfully banned a lot easier, then they took it away and only gave us the two options of reporting for illegal material or a rule violation, this new list is definitely an improvement.
how long ago was that a thing?
I have been on Jow Forums since 2011 at least and haven't ever seen a report field where you could type something
Kek time to try this out
and what about the creative threads, those are full of people directly or indirectly begging for likes/subs/views and being self-promoting.
>no option to report discord threads
it falls under advertising or hookup
i gotta get more popcorn, this is gonna be a fun week.
i've been banned for basedposting before under that rule but it seems that only tv jannies do it.
hold up nigga are you on a macbook? which one, OP?
Looks like most Discord-thread bans are for evading the spam filter, so maybe report them that way.
i wasn't asking about discord, don't include me in your reply about discord.
macbook air early 2014
Fuck you I do what I want. Also it's relevant because if Discord threads are addressed without invoking the rule against advertisement then it doesn't set a precedent for creative threads.
i'm still not asking about or referring to discord user.
i'll try again but with less words for you:
creative threads are full of self promotion and self advertising.
stop being creative then its not like we want original people or comments on this board
literally what the fuck are you talking about user?
i don't post in the creative user threads.
isnt every thread on r9k supposed to be creative (original) ?
oh. you're just literally that new. carry on.
I got banned with that as justification for adding konosuba to an "ironic weeb starter pack" image. The original image wasn't removed.
It's basically the "triggered mod" ban reason.
>I got banned with that as justification for adding konosuba to an "ironic weeb starter pack" image. The original image wasn't removed.
>It's basically the "triggered mod" ban reason.
I hope he bans you again for this
Reported for announcing reports you dirty nigger.
Posts by women, normans and faggots
it was a joke you retard
fucking underage brainlets i swear
Vyro didn't even do anything besides complain and insult people in alternating patterns, why would you want him back?
the only good thing about this change is that people will actually learn the board rules because nobody reads them, its more work for me now because i have to select what i report for
For discord you choose evading the spam filter
Already worked for me
I've been here since 2007 and don't remember anything like that either. Come to think of it I don't remember ever reporting anything in all the years I've been here
nigger nigger. nigger.. nigger... nigger.... nigger
fuck niggers
>avatar or signature use
I'm fucking cumming holy shit this is based and redpilled
>uses the n word
>has to jerk off to cartoons because a real girl would never touch a dirty racist like him
makes sense...
fuck this shit im not getting paid to solve google captchas just to report all these discord shills, fuck you Jow Forums im gone, fix this shit on your own this is the last captcha i solved for this fucking place
later faggot, don't come back pls
and don't reply to this, you're done remember
Holy fuck! An actual update? And it's something good too
Finally I can report
>this, originally
Goddammit I didn't need a reason to not leave this place.
>no more retarded wojak posts
I liked them more than most content on here honestly. It's all gay shit at least that was comfy.
how the hell do you even make a avatar or signature?
>inb4 tripfagging
lurk and find out, retard
>reported for announcing a report
Where is the "lgbt outside of /lgbt/" option?
welcome to nu-chan user
no more racism outside /b/ you nazi
>trolling outside of /b/
is this an actual rule? is it just a "rule" that literally never gets enforced like "holding" in football?
Its so people stop reporting orbiter threads
why is announcing sage and report a rule violation?
>all this literal summerfags are taking a look at the rules for the first time right now
Holy fuck, please go back to where you came from.
>he actually looked at the rules
I announce sage all of the time
moot is gone, he was the only one who gave a fuck
When the women showed up this site went to shit.
Now its ultra shit thanks to reddit
>never been banned
Still new.
newfag, lurk more faggot
I have been banned many many many many many times
>thinks that's something to be proud of
Are you telling me you dont get regularly banned? How fucking new are you
>Newfag thinks he is cool and edgy for "le muh greenwording"
Reported your fucking shitty low quality post kike nigger
now report me for GET posting faggots
i want out of this shithole
thanks for the update on your reporting friend.
I've been here for five years and just never understood the said rule
Stop GETniggering up my board you cunt.