Why do people still get married?

Why do people still get married?

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Because they're naive

Because it feels comforting knowing that no matter how bad things get, you have someone to tackle life with.

Until she randomly decides she no longer is in love with you one day and divorces your ass

Stop projecting your insecurities and inadequacies on others

Because divorces aren't a thing right?

They're not that common among first marriages.

He has a point, a lot of marriages work out in the end, but you can't blame someone for not trying.

Yes, some people get divorced. But asserting that it will happen, or that is going to be the woman's fault is clearly your own failure of being a viable mate creeping into your worldview

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>Stop using statistics to back up your argument!

Divorce rates are over 50%. It is an objective fact that you are more likely than not to get divorced.

why you don't marry BPD girls

I want to think you are doing a pretty good job trolling but given the current state of Jow Forums you do not get the benefit of the doubt, so I assume you just can't think through what you wrote and how it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it does

That's completely wrong you moron. Stop making shit up and calling it objective fact.

Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all. Better 10 years of happiness than no years of happiness.

I got married and I frequently beat the shit out of my wife. Its the best feeling in the world. Especially when she miscarries our 12th child for the 5th time because of all the beatings.

It doesn't matter what you do, if a woman feels like she wants to divorce you she will go ahead and do it, valid reasons or not.

In my family thinks are 11 blood uncles and aunts who married. 3 divorced. So the divorce rate for my family was 27%. Out of wedlock births was 0%. So divorce can happen but I have good odds. My uncle who divorced married her only a couple months after meeting. He jumped too fast into the marriage.

And a man can also. But the fact is, people generally are not that impulsive. Please stop poisoning your mind with "redpills" and "women hate threads" that make you think every woman you meet will either pretend you raped her, try to get pregnant by you, cheat on you, or divorce you and take half your things (or some combination of all of those.)

Find someone who is of a similar socioeconomic background, age, and education level, don't marry too early, have established careers, and be willing to be flexible and your marriage will probably be fine.

I have firsthand seen how marriges end and its always in divorce in this century

It still doesn't seem worth it though. If you're happy without marriage why even take the risk?

The cognitive dissonance on these people is insane if you present them with stats, most of the time it's just sad to watch

You must live in some kind of white trash shithole or you really think things you read on Jow Forums and Reddit are true. What about the people who don't get married at 17 and abuse opioids and the disability system?

Also, divorce rates (at least in America) are the lowest they have been in over forty years.

Attached: wp divorce.png (797x524, 171K)

Sharing health insurance, sharing life insurance, sharing car insurance, tax benefits, able to see each other in the hospital at all times.

In the current year, less people are getting married.

And sharing Tyrones kid

>If you're happy without marriage why even take the risk?

The commonplace answer is usually "for the security". People (men in particular) are generally not inquisitive enough to ask what, exactly, is being "secured".

I'm a man, I can handle my own finances.

Fucking bullshit
If I had never met my ex I would be a far happier person compared to the broken man I am now

Yeah because its the woman who's getting the security. The guy just gets tax breaks that are nullified by having to take care of a woman and children in the first place.

But if you lose your job or she loses hers you're screwed because you have no health insurance. Also if one spouse is union you can have the superior union health benefits.

>wh*te trash shithole
nah but i have seen all of my relatives but 1 get a divorce. and thats only because that 1 is a submissive one.

Do you think you will be happy at age forty playing video games (toys) and living alone? What about when you are seventy, will you look back fondly at all the great memes you saved and people you called nigger on the internet because you have no family or other memories to look fondly upon

That's more likely to happen outside of marriage.

Your family probably has mental illness or just filled with people with bad impulse control

thats not the case as the entire country has a 60%+ divorce rate and those who dont divorce literally are only toghether because of their kids or for money and constantly cheat on eachother

I've seen 3 of 11 marriages in the blood aunts and uncles fail. 8 succeeded.

>Hurr, If you do not gamble your life away on her changeable feels you are inadequate and insecure!

I rather stay that way and not get forced into paying for pussy I can't access anymore.

I'll be okay, I'm a man.

You say that as if every person who gets married is suddenly free from being miserable. You're just afraid of being alone because you are weak, I'm use to it.

Hahaha oh wow, you're serious


Why would I lose my job? I'm one of the most valuable people in the company, they already only ask me to be in the office 1-2 times a week and would give me a 10k raise if I threatened to quit.

Get out cumdumpster.

Some people can take care of that on their own without muh partner

good for them then.

I'm really curious. Every generation in your family before you saw it fit to do this, but you don't. How do you envision your middle and old age?

Im getting married for getting a visa and to become a citizen of her country.

Do you realize not all jobs are secure and not all jobs provide good benefits? If your benefits suck now you have a good insurance covering you while your old insurance covers some too if you have insurance. If you don't have benefits now you don't have to buy another plan. Dental and vision are also important. Do you realize you or her can die with nothing to pay for the funeral or help take care of the kids?

>How do you envision your middle and old age?

Simply pursuing my passions and spending time with friends. Being single isn't some horrible fate, you just have to appreciate what you already have.

I have good insurance now, if I marry some toastie roastie I would have to pay 2x just so she can get her cunt scraped? Also I don't care what happens with my body when I die. I won't be there to see it.

Do you realize how expensive funerals are? Or do you not know?

I just said I don't care. They can feed me to a shark at Seaworld

>not knowing that women can easily fake that they like you/love you and have you marry them and be with them until they find someone better (which there always will be) and move on
>actually wanting to risk that, especially in this day and age where women know that they can wring the shit out of you with divorce and that their decisions are generally supported more than that of their male spouse
Is it really that worth it?
Have seen first hand at least 3 close male family friends get bossed and tossed around by their female spouses after getting married, and ending with divorce (which the wife wanted) and the woman finding a new partner who is usually more wealthy.

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Your friends sound like real faggots, maybe they should have been better husbands

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I love the girl wojak room images

No you wouldn't have to pay twice. Work insurance puts the spouse and kids on for free or reduced rates.

the amount of faggots, normalfaggots, and f*males on r9k is absolutley maddening

>Your friends sound like real faggots, maybe they should have been better husbands
And if they didn't obey their wives and acted assertively, acting on what they think is important and what is less important, then they would still be problem because they're cooperating with their wives boo hoo, right?
Fuck off cunt, they were and are decent people, but women are draining their souls.

Even if the divorce rate was 40%, of the 60% remaining, what percent of those marriages do you think both people would say they're happy?

Duly noted, but it's also well known that women tend to initiate divorce more often than men. Modern women are less satisfied with traditional marriage and aren't as comfortable with the concept of monogamy compared to men. If women have such severely disproportionate reservations about marriage compared to men, why should men get married? Due to this gap in enthusiasm, commitment and dedication to maintaining a monogamous heterosexual marriage between men and women, it should come as no surprise that wives would apparently divorce their husbands on a whim. If women want something else other than a monogamous heterosexual marriage and men tried to comply with their alternatives, would both parties now be equally satisfied? Well, not exactly. If men were forced to be in open marriages or non monogamous social contracts with their spousal counterparts, they still wouldn't be satisfied with their marriage at all. Men with conventional social attitudes abhor the idea of being stuck with a partner that is physically intimate with other partners and they're even more sick of efforts to socially engineer and culturally program them to be accepting of such an idea. Men and women have differing ideas of what marriage, as a proposition with terms, and conditions is. Women have even more of problem with the current setup of marriage because over the past couple of decades they've gradually begone to view traditional marriage as disadvantageous for them. If you're a man, why would you put up with this and go through the trouble of trying to accommodate someone who is so pervasively enraptured with personal convictions in regards to marriage that are completely at odds with collective mutual goal of ensuring a lasting meaningful relationship?

because security and companionship are more important than passionless sex.

This SJdubya again... just stop embarrassing yourself roastie

Financial support and some relationships are pretty decent/good


There's ZERO security for the male

There she goes with the insults now. You definitely lost the arguement. Try to stay based next time

My parents had some issues but loved each other pushed through issues together and have a wonderful marriage now and have for lots of years. Out of the 11 of the aunts and uncles marriages 7 were happy, 1 had some issues but has been happy for many years. 2 of 3 of my divorced aunt's/uncles have happy re-marriages now.

So in my family the happiness rate was very high and the staying married rate is somewhat high (8/11).

>muh family
none cares about your family because by that logic my family has like what 3 out of 20 something

I really think everyone would be happier if we just banned marriage and relationships and only had men and women interact to fuck and make children. Men and women just aren't compatible, and women especially will destroy everything. As for the kids, have the father raise them. Single fathers do way better than single mothers and no roastie deserves the satisfaction of knowing her children.

Based and based

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thats pretty based as fuck

>tfw no 1870 gf

Because I have their genetics and your genes determine a lot of who you are. Why shouldn't I learn from personal experiences? People always tell me online that things that I've seen or experienced are impossible.

just because you have x genes doesnt mean that your marriage will be just like that.

Because people are pussys

They are afraid to die alone so they get a cheap vagina to marry

it does not matter if that woman was a whore they prefer that to die alone

Very sad really

My point is I've seen things work out through hardship. You're asking me to stop believing what I've seen because of statistics.

Your life outcome is very determined by genetics good or bad. If you have a lot of successful business owners in your family for example you are more likely than the average person to succeed in your business. You are a mix of genetics, upbringing, and the outside world.

then by that logic i should be a successfull steppe nomad or serf because thats what my ancestors have been for thousands and hundreds of years. oh wait.

If you learned how you'd likely be better. It's like how IQ is genetic. You can be a member of the Mensa and with mentally retarded parents; it's just less likely.

it's pretty nice if you have a sweet girlfriend.

>I really think everyone would be happier if we just banned marriage and relationships and only had men and women interact to fuck and make children. Men and women just aren't compatible, and women especially will destroy everything.
This seems like a great idea, but,
>As for the kids, have the father raise them. Single fathers do way better than single mothers and no roastie deserves the satisfaction of knowing her children.
As much as I hate roasties, kids need to see their moms too, you know.

>Also, divorce rates (at least in America) are the lowest they have been in over forty years.

That's because the marriage rate is the lowest it's been in 150 years! The divorce rate is now 50% of the marriage rate.

So far fewer people are getting married and of those that get married half of them are getting divorced.


>As much as I hate roasties, kids need to see their moms too, you know.
No they don't. Kids raised by single fathers do fine. And it won't affect them since they're not going to be socializing with women anyway in any facet of life. My plan is completely segregating men and women and making women obsolete.

I see you're a man of culture as well. Artificial wombs couldn't come soon enough

does are old statistics you moron you saying this is like when people used to believe we could only use 10% of our brains

those* i fucked up but still

Fucking end yourself, there isn't and won't be anything to help you in your lifetime

>Beautiful, educated, kind, supportive, hard-working woman holds you and whispers about getting married
Jow Forums: lol no way you toasty roasty I got a good thing going pretending to be disabled and materbating all day and plan on doing till I commit suicide reeee

Marriage I think is bad when you actually move in with your husband or wife and it's just you living together. I only have a hunch, but my hunch tells me that leaving your family and friends to live with your spouse alone is a mistake. I wonder how many marriages could be salvaged if the husband and wife just had separate beds and were willing to give each other space.

If she WAS kind, supportive and educated she see how shitty a deal marriage for a male is and just live with me.

Even if I do meet someone I want to spend the rest of my life with, I won't have a legal marriage because it's useless besides the small tax break.

>doesn't even try to respond with anything just endless butthurt
i pity you

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>Beautiful, educated, kind, supportive, hard-working woman
>thinking this exists today
You're in for a rude awaking.

>There's ZERO security for the male

That's my point.

The male gains nothing. Marriages are about "security" because it's the male who is being secured.

A woman who wants to get married badly enough to engage in ultimatums about it obviously has absolutely no intention of making an ongoing effort at keeping you happy. That's the whole point. She needs "security" in order to make sure that you are severely penalized if you leave the relationship when she stops making any effort at making you happy.

"I want to get married!" quite *literally* means "I'm sick of having to pretend I like doing things that you want."

>people complain about those who choose to get married especially in a time when it isn't needed and always are first to call divorce when someone gets married out of spite
>but people still fucking embrace those who have kids and chew our on anybody who doesn't have them
i fucking hate everybody's guts here

me and my husband got married because it's in the best interest of our child.

My wife made 110K last year as a nurse practitioner and constantly buys me gifts and nice meals. I work part time doing manual labor and I told her before our engagement "look I'm lazy and probably mentally ill are you sure you want this?"

They're not all bad.

Id love to get married some day. I don't care about the consequences. sadly im ugly as fuck and no woman is interested in me.

Shlomo, you subverting piece of shit. Go ahead and sniff your jew gold and eat kavelta fish you kike slob. Don't you have a baby penis to chew?

great to hear that man but many others are not so lucky

Women are a cancer and need to be rid of, toasty roastie. Nothing you say will change this.

Religion, social pressures, or tax breaks.

Simple as that.

No. It means I come from a very religious family that frowns on kids outside of marriage or cohabitation.

>shitty marriages fail so I can't have a good one

This is how virgins think

>shitty marriages fail so I can't have a good one
>This is how virgins think

No, that's how a lot of people are thinking. That's why the marriage rate has hit historic lows

Building a life and playing russian roulette with it seems less then advisable.