"Nice Guys"

What the fuck is wrong with "Nice Guys"? Getting a date is not hard, nor is being an actually nice person. Whenever I see them appear, it's so cringey it becomes physically painful.

I even tried to help them, but it just doesn't want to go into their thick skull. They think that all women are whores, that being "nice" means telling a woman that you mastrubated furiously last night to pictures of her feet, or that they should be thankful if you act like a creep.

I mean fucking hell, it's not fucking rocket science. "Hey, I saw you're also into

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Alright you faggots, let's make a quiz:

1. A woman sat with you at lunch and talked about the band who's shirt you're wearing. What do you do?
>A: Buy concert ticket for said band
>B: Ask her what other music she listens to
>C: Talk about similar bands
>D: Ask her to send you nudes
B is correct, C is passable

2. A woman rejected your advances, stating in no unclear terms she is not interested in you. How do you react?
>A: Post on Jow Forums how much you hate women
>B: Key her car out of revenge
>C: Call her a whore
>D: She's playing hard to get. Show her you really want her by stalking her online and anonymously sending her gifts.
>E: Move on with your life
E. Everything else is cringey as fuck

Too bad women decide wether they'll let you fuck them within the first picosecond of integrating the information of your existence within her rat-lizard brain, unironically

3. A woman agreed to go on a date with you. How do you dress?
>A: The best fedora, suit and tie. Only the best for m'lady.
>B: Casual, but clean. She should see you for who you are.
>C: Whatever you find. This is what she'll get anyways.
B. It's B. Fucking wash your clothes and don't wear anything with anime tiddies

4. One day before the date, the woman texts and claims "something came up" and asks you to postpone the date. How do you react?
>A: Call her a whore and tell her you knew she was a shallow bitch who only chases Chad and would never give a nice guy like you a chance
>B: Tell her you understand and ask when she would like to have the date instead
>C: Go home and complain on Jow Forums on how a roastie lead you on and how you hate women
>D: Tell her you understand and offer an alternative date/time for the date
B & D are okay.

The only way you could have sounded more cringey and unattractive is if you would have refered to them as "females"

Thanks for the tips bro. Can't wait to be myself with all your helpful info.

The best tip I can give is the following:

Don't try to meet women with the goal of being in a relationship. If you do, you reduce her to a label. Relationships are not achievements, they're a bond between people.

Instead, get to know each individual person - their likes, dislikes, interests, tastes, etc. - and show them who you are. Don't go into this thinking "I have to say the right things, then she'll have sex with me"

>the pussy slave is displeased with your lack of conformity

5. I want to be in a relationship because...
>A: It's an important milestone in life
>B: I don't want people to call me a virgin anymore
>C: I want sex
>D: I'd like to share my life with someone who understand me, who shares my interests, but who also pushes me to do new things and to improve myself
C. Wait, did that sound strange to you? Good, you're learning. It's D.

6. Randomly sending a gift (flowers, etc.) to a woman is...
>A: A romantic gesture
>B: A reason why she should sleep with me
>C: Wrong, as it is completely uncalled for and will many women feel unsafe
C. Just don't.

The thing with being yourself is you have to fix your shitty attitude first

>the incel feels threatened by a man in a happy long-term relationship and resorts to smugness and ad hominem to distract from his sadness

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It's really not hard. Developing a normal attitude towards women and relationships can take some time, but it's really something everyone can do

>the man is happy after winning the lottery, until he's not
You do you man

Fuck I hate normies like Op

7. All women are...
>A: Queens
>B: Sluts
>C: Self-Cleaning Fleshlights
None of the above. They're god-damn normal people you retard

8. If a woman smiles at you and treats you well, what does it mean?
>A: She wants you to send her a dick pic tonight
>B: She wants you to grab her breats right now.
>C: She might be into you, or just being nice. Just from a smile alone it's hard to tell.
>D: She wants to test you. Find out her address and send her your cumsock as a gesture of love
Can you guess? It's the only one that doesn't end with you being called a freak or worse.

What for? For once being like you and trying to help at least one of you faggots leave this horrible place to be happy?

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>4. One day before the date, the woman texts and claims "something came up" and asks you to postpone the date. How do you react?
no one gets mad at that though. people only get mad when they cancel or not show up without asking for a postponed date

I don't know. A, B, and C in #2 sound like reasonable reactions to me.

I should have stated that in 2. you and said woman know on a casual level. Buying concert tickets is definitely a bit much. If however you were already friends, then asking if she wants to go on a concert together is definitely reasonable

I've seen exactly this situation before. She postponed, and he freaked the fuck out because he thought it meant she canceled

Is 6.C wrong if said woman is your gf?

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No, it's not.

Can you spot the difference between "Hey darling, I bought you some roses because I love you so much!" and "I know you don't know me, but I paid one of your friends 200 $ to tell me your favourite kind of flowers, so please send me nudes now"

I've never seen a 20+ yo incel become Chad, and unless this is what happened to you, you wouldn't know shit. And if you aren't Chad, are you ready to gamble your life and sanity away on the fickle human nature for the prize of gambling some more?

retard if you already have a gf you've already made it none of this shit applies anymore

"Nice guys" don't have the courage or confidence to flirt with girls, so instead they play this shitty mind-game they approach them under the guise of being a "friend", hoping the girl will eventually fall for them and make the first move. Then they get mad when the girl sees them as just that, a friend, even though they're the ones who were acting friendly and not flirty from the get-go. Then the girl starts to resent him because she thinks he was trying to manipulate her into spreading her legs for him all along.
If you're interested in a girl you have to make your intentions clear ASAP. You can't blame the girl for not being able to read your mind. Nice guys don't get laid simply because they're indirect and unclear about their motives.

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Well, a lot of nice guys have problems with attitude, you're correct. Get rid of that and... you're left with nothing. Do you really expect robots to have non-esoteric interests?
You might as well tell robots to fucking give up everything about themselves and just copy everyone else. Tell them they're flawed human beings with no hope of attracting other people precisely because at their very core, they're empty, soulless, husks that no human being will ever like. Even with no misogyny, no one would ever date a robot.
There's nothing wrong with changing yourself, but I doubt robots would do something as drastic as that.
Maybe just tell robots to kill themselves so they reincarnate as a normie instead. That's easier than telling them to essentially abandon everything.

I've been 22 when I ascended into Chadhood.

Fucking finally someone who understands.

Nice guys don't get into relationships because they have such a wraped perception of what relationships and dating are like that it's next to impossible to not be repulsed by them

>If she rejects/ignores you, move on
I think this is where there's a disconnect between normal normies and incels. The incel builds the affectionate feelings within deeply and convince themselves that they're in love. To get over a rejection and move on, in that state, would take a deep deconstruction of their pride and ego. Calling them retarded won't help, but sympathizing with how they ended up in their hard situation and trying to say something smarter than "stop crying, fucking autist, stop being a victim and stop caring" might help.

Nothing wrong with esoteric interests. The problem isn't their interests, the problem is their personality.

If you have a repulsive personality, everything else is meaningless. You can cover a turd in sugar and sprinkles, but that won't cover the shitty smell

This was actually really good. Professor user teaching how to socialize.

No, they're fucking dellusional and telling them that their fantasies are all reality won't help. You don't get your life back together by everyone patting your back - or you'll just end up like all those trannies who think cutting off their dick will turn them into Heidi Klum.

No, you need someone to give you a fucking reality check and tell you to get your shit together.

I hope at least one poor soul looks at this and thinks "Huh, that guy could be right" and soon after he himself posts about how to improve your social life

>None of the above. They're god-damn normal people you retard
Holy shit, no one can be this delusional. Fuck off, numale cuck.

>she thinks he was trying to manipulate her into spreading her legs for him all along
Except Chad is doing the same thing and she's okay with it. Chad can actually afford to be "direct and clear" because women are already attracted to him in some manner. "Nice guys" can't because they'd be rejected upfront. Their "manipulations" lead to nothing, while Chad's actual "manipulations" don't matter until after he's pumped and dumped.

What's missed is that a lot of "nice guys" listen to women and women do a lot of double talk, including the "be her friend" crap.

How often did you ever see a self-proclaimed nice guy say statements such as "All women are queens and should be bla bla bla" or "Women are such sluts! All they want is bla bla bla"

>B:... She should see you for who you are
>no anime tiddies
Pick one you faggot

You're right. I guess I was over-reacting. You have good advice, but don't you think ripping apart what you identify as "yourself" your personality, is hard? You gave us some simple questions, but actually trying, actively doing, isn't that difficult?
I feel like for nice guys and incels, their role is like being in a cult. They feel like it somehow validates them to a degree.
And what about awful experiences with women? Like not because one was a nice guy, but because of lack of experience, traumatic events really soured their way of viewing women, and they just joined a pseudo-cult to rationalize their experiences.

How do i do that without sperging out tho? Im pretty anxious around peopel specially girls, ive had some female friends but wasnt really into them, but there were grills that i was interested in but didnt talk to them because of my anxiety and shit, there was this really qt shy grill in my class and i really regret not making any moves because ill never see her again

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nice guys can't into kinky
you make vagina dry because people look at you and say
>he fucks just in missionary with lights off for reproduction

no tension no horny. women emotional

Yeah, a reality check, not just simple insults and calling them stupid for not being able to get over it with no more advice than that. That won't make them introspect or learn anything other than that people hate them for their feelings. What I'm suggesting is to more gently deconstruct why they find themselves in this situation. It's not because they're a shitty person with a bad personality, and if you're just gonna lash out at people for not being totally well, you might as well just avoid them and know it's because you can't handle it and have different things to focus your attention towards. No shame in that, but hating them for it will only make things worse for everyone. If anyone is interested in helping, they gotta actually try and empathize with the mindset they're deconstructing.

The amount of bluepilled normalfaggotry in this thread. Take the blackpill and realize women only want Chad. No amount of socializing advice will change that, and if you actually try, you'll just get used and thrown away.

Do what I do and imbibe some of the ol' liquid courage.

I found the "Nice Guy"

Relationships and anime tiddies don't mix well. To quote "Anonymous": pick one, faggot

This kind of thinking held me back so long. I was do depressed for years, and I actively didn't want to feel better. Why? Because I thought this was who I am. Because I thought that if I change, people would think I'm fake - they'd think I was lying.

But it's all bullshit! This whole cult is nothing but bullshit, and the more time you spend around people with such views, the more toxic you become yourself.

If you're an alcoholic, do you think it's good to keep meeting with the same people who always get you to drink? No! You have to leave them behind, you have to improve your life and yourself.

A few years ago this would be some low quality bait.

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The boys will love this one.

Make a concious effort to not sperg out.

One really good tip I got is to think of them as a guy, not as a woman. Let's say you're both into videogames, let's say CSGO. Ask her how often she plays, what rank she is, if she would like to play together someday, etc.

Be relaxed, be casual, and for the love of god stop thinking with your dick

How do I do it? I don't really care about people, let alone women.

>I found the "Nice Guy"
Cute, maybe you'll be lucky enough to find a brain one day.

Then just not be in a relationship. It's like saying "I really have no interest in playing bowling. It sucks and I don't want to do it. How do I get better at bowling?"

Bull fucking shit. If you weren't born with the genes AND into the environment that would progressively shape you to become chad over 2 decades, there's no "simple trick" you could learn, no stress-induced brain damage you could undo, no bad looks you can obfuscate without plastic surgery, which is already expensive enough, and to top it off there's no plastic surgery for the lack of confidence or anxiety reflexes garnered over the years of being on the receiving end of an outdated, biologically-predetermined eugenics mechanism.
The incel problem comes from humans being unevolved to deal or cope with this shit of the last 60 years.
And before you ask, OP, I read all of your shitty quiz. I thought what would be the answer if my objective was to score and I answered everything "correctly", except #7. Unless they are not normal(like a hormonal imbalance, raised sheltered or have some other mental abnormalities), the answer is an malfunctioning gene-recombination machine, i.e. sluts.

Ok, thank you fren but its kinda gay think of them as guys if i want a relationship with them, otherwise your helpfull

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>Chad can actually afford to be "direct and clear" because women are already attracted to him in some manner
The definition of what a Chad is depends on the girl. Being Chad is a state of mind more than anything else.

>This whole cult is nothing but bullshit, and the more time you spend around people with such views, the more toxic you become yourself.

Pretty good advice. Where am I supposed to have all my socialization needs satisfied though? There's nowhere else to go to but here. This is the only place where I can get replies instead of people shrugging me off, not because I'm being an ass but because of my not-so-decent social skills, or me awkwardly trying to contribute to conversations I only have a nominal knowledge of.
Like, fucking hell, I wish r9k was less misogynistic/bitter, but it's better than the outright racism of Jow Forums or the retardation of /b/.

>confidence to flirt with girls

not even chad's do that after #metoo and this is what happens if you do. Morgan is loosing popularity and business deals.

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>so instead they play this shitty mind-game they approach them under the guise of being a "friend", hoping the girl will eventually fall for them and make the first move
Story of my life...

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No no no, don't go into this as "I want a relationship", because if you do, she'll feel you don't really care about her as a person, only as a label. To quote Randall Munroe in xkcd: "I think you love the idea of being in a relationship, but don't really care about me at all".

And the reason why I said "Think if her as a guy" is to a.) stop you from sperging out and b.) stop your dick from taking over

Double trips of truth

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>Chad is a state of mind
>I wish r9k was less misogynistic
If you needed any proof this place is now filled with normalfags.

When will normalfags get over this fad and fuck off? Robots honestly aren't that interesting.

Actively aim to expand your social circle. Bond with people over your interests. If you're into programming, then join an open-source project. If you're into gaming join a clan. If you're into shooting join your local shooting sports club, etc.

Bond with people over things other than your relationship status.

But I wanna have sex and cuddle with girls.
God, why couldn't I be born 200 years later. Then I could have just had my robo gf...

In that case, there are a number of men who completely screw up an approach that just turns women off, often because they genuinely believe it's the right way to do things.

Women aren't naive, they know guys want to fuck them. The men in question unfortunately come off as completely sexless.

Sex isn't just a pysical activity, it's a display of intense love and affection.

If you actively reject the idea of sharing your life with another person, then pay an escort twice a week or buy a fleshlight.

If you reduce a woman to just her vagina, you might as well just mastrubate.

Then get off your lazy ass, stop being a fucking pathetic piece of shit and say "Hey Stacy, would you like to go on a date next friday?"

This is why you're still here.

Or you could just fuck a vagina. We live in the age of tinder, grandpa.

Omg you are soooooo chad

Goes for you as well.

>no, I'm even more edgy

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>Goes for you as well.
no u

You don't fall in love for the purpose of not breeding, if you do you are fooling yourself because every moment with that person you will think how nice it would be to have kids together. That is love, it's your brain telling you to copulate with that person, that their genes lead to you thinking you should to have children with them, because your offspring will be successful in this environmental niche. If you think otherwise, good for you.

The thing is, one of us has a wife who is currently pregnant, and I'm getting the feeling it's not yours

>getting the feeling
Thanks for telling us you're full of shit. You can't impregnate your waifu pillow, virgin.

I'd like some love and affection.

I'm 32 and nobody has ever wanted to go out with me. What do I do?

That's my point you dummy, love's only purpose is to make you have kids. Good for you, unironically pray for the unlikesy happiness of (hopefully)your children.

If you're the guy from , then either "I don't care about anyone" or "I want love and affection" is false.

If not, then start meeting people who share common interests. What are the things you enjoy doing or talking about?

When you're angry and just have to show that meanie who doesn't respect your pretentious rambling, it's a good idea to stop and relax before posting, so you don't end up saying the most shallow, inane normalfag shaming in a fit of rage.

okay i got all of them right
now what

What's the answer for #8?

Go out, talk to people, get to know them. You've officially graduated from Professor Anons Nice Guy Class.

Chad doesn't exist, retard. It's an unachievable milestone that fags like you made up as an excuse to cope with your total absence of hope. Nobody is Chad because Chad is an avatar for non-existant perfection. Chad is a deliberately made undefeatable mental opponent that serves the purpose of maintaining yoyr internal fear of failure strong because you have convinced yourself that being chad is the only way in life to meet your significant other because porn has lead you to believe that everything is about sex and looks.

What did you answer for 8? I'll tell you if it's correct

You've achieved Chadhood if you stop thinking Chad exists

i've been doing that, doesn't work, i have too much autism to small talk with strangers

How about you grow some balls, redditor?

I can tell which one it is by the tone of the answer. Can you explain why though?

I care about people... dunno who that other poster is.

I like things, but I don't know how to talk to people so I stay quiet.

Better that than letting them know I'm a fuck g retard.

Chad is.the 20%(with some exceptions) of men who get to reproduce, what's so hard to grasp you normogroid.

>good looking, in-shape successful men don't exist

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Well, , and contain some hopefully useful advice.

not that user
because sending your cumsock to stacy is alpha is fuck and maybe she'll wash it before she gives it back

>to find a woman, first have already found a woman and then do the things you've never done in your life but chad does every single time

thanks but no, but its difficult for me to talk to guys too

>it's not fucking rocket science. "Hey, I saw you're also into

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Because being a kind person doesn't necessarily mean that she's into you. A lot of "nice guys" seem to believe that the most basic forms of human decency mean that a woman is interested in them.

For example, one guy complained that a woman was leading him on. Why? Because she liked a picture he posted online.

Being nice and decent /can/ mean she likes you, but it doesn't /necessarily/ mean that.

Don't have such a bad opinion about yourself. It leads to self-pity, and self pity is - against what nice guys believe - not attractive.

If you have trouble talking to people, think of them as someone you think of as easy to talk to, like people you already know. Talk about topics you're familiar with and interested in, but always keep the focus on them.

Imagine you're talking about videogames because you and a girl share that interest. Ask her what games she likes. If she names one that you both play, ask her more about it, etc.

I can't even talk to guys how am I going to talk to women?
Can you elaborate on how to discover their likes/dislikes?

You JUST said you don't care about women. Make up your mind.

Thanks for the answer. But I'm pretty sure women know what their actions do to guys, why would they even lead them on in the first place?

You learn about women by talking to them. You learn to talk to people by talking to them.

So you're unsure where exactly to meet people?

Then practice it. There are tons of youtube videos that can help you to become better at talking to people. Hell, there are even videos that help you with eye contact.

he doesn't, he literally just admitted he just wants a woman that will let him treat her like an object. like a robot.