Would anyone ever date a girl with BPD/Bipolar or are we all just doomed to cut ourselves to death alone?

Would anyone ever date a girl with BPD/Bipolar or are we all just doomed to cut ourselves to death alone?

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nah but id date mikan

you are not doomed to be alone, you could very easily find a bf next week if you so wanted, you are practically a volcel at this point.

Plenty of men will date a girl with bpd/bipolar, but women will not date a man with bipolar disorder. You have nothing you worry about like I do

this but unironically my good friend

women are wack

be my boyfriend please my man

Yes I would. If our interests and personalities align I would look past anything.

Pretty much this. You dont have to wrry.

You're most likely a larper please don't do this

I'd try it but after all the stories I hear I don't know if it would go well.

Now you are a woman? This drugs really fucked up your brain ricebot.

Just stop cutting yourself. It's fucked up and ruins a beautiful body.

This isnt fair. I dont want to die alone.

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no i am a girl i swear down

Proof. Timestamp us

I would date a bpd girl.
I'll not date a polyamorous, liberal, pierced special snowflake slut who wants open relationships and needs to meet new people every weekend.
And guess what, there tends to be a lot of intersection there

Its not fair is it? It's not fair that nobody will ever love us because we are broken men, but a woman will get loved even if she suffers from the same fate. It's hurts.
You can give me your contact, but I highly doubt you're real.

No. I don't want to either contact or be contacted by anyone, I'm happy to talk here if you want. I'm shy

Nah, i already have bipolar disorder and grew up with my big sister, which is also bipolar and i know how well it sucks to be around with it

> BPD/Bipolar
those are two entirely different disorders you retarded fucking tripfag

Kek okay attention whore. What's the fucking point of saying you want a bf and then saying no contact?

i cut my balls off with a razor blade

I just don't tell them i'm bipolar, it's very simple

I was right then. Please stop doing this you do a lot of harm.

I'm so fucking lonely, please talk to me

Give contact then???

No. It's scary talking in public.
Stop you're being pathetic. He already said he didn't want to

It's really easy to get a boyfriend if you're borderline. Dudes eat up that cute quirky crazy gf thing, especially if you date losers from Jow Forums.

It's not getting bored of them that's hard.

I've had a handful of bfs and every time we break up it's a pain in the ass because they're still in love with me but I can't stand them. That's the only time dating with BPD is hard

I meant talk to me on here, retard. Geez, moids really are fucking retarded.

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>please talk to me I'm so lonely
>only here tho
Fuck off you stupid attention whores

would you ever date a toothless man

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i would not date a BPD girl ever, no.
there are plenty of fags who would though and you will chew them up and spit them out like the insufferable unstable cunts you are.

meanwhile men with serious mental illness will continue their inevitable solitude.

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sane men don't understand me though. be my bf

Asl and interests then

BPD people are toxic brain poison and must be avoided at all costs. The onus is on them to fix themselves, not those they abuse via over reliance.

i'm schizoaffective and i've been on disability and alone for the better part of a decade. nobody wants a loser.

I'm bipolar and I'd date a bipolar girl. It seems like a disaster waiting to happen, but it would be worth it.

>girl with BPD/Bipolar
i hate to say it, but this is honestly my drug of choice

24 fembot in DC
I like cooking, learning languages, anime and video games, and biting myself

If you're interested in ldr then sure, I'll chat, otherwise sorry

i'll have a tall glass of nope with that.

Tried to date a girl like that once.

Dont think Im gonna make that mistake twice.

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i've had bad experience with ldr in the past, i got ghosted every time sorry.

I'm in Richmomd! I have BPD too tho bad combo probably.

I've been ghosted too :^) I'm always willing to give it another shot though, it's on you.

What is wrong with DC?

skin color, for starters

Ok I'm white though

If you have bipolar or BPD and aren't doing a damn thing about it, then no. Come back later with some sort of plan to better yourself

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Tried a couple times. Bad luck for me I guess, should put out a questionnaire before dating maybe. 2/10 would not recommend. Hard when they have a sweet heart.

I dated a bpd bae and her constant cycles of appraisal and then distance and devaluation have left me thirsty for validation

Yeah I'd probably do it again

bipolar girlie here. People will date me but dating is really fucking hard and exhausting.
>tfw you need some one to coddle you during arguments instead of just reacting to what you're saying/feeling

I can't even maintain a proper friendship with anyone male or female because of my BPD and how batshit I've gone off on people because I wanted them to "prove" they wanted me around and would constantly test them with suicide threads and making up situations where I'm seemingly in trouble so I can read how worried they are when I don't respond. I've already accepted that I'll always be like this so I don't even bother anymore with trying to get a boyfriend or make friends because I know how bad I get.

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>mental midget partner who is ruled by emotions with the consistency of a random number generator
fuck no
cut yourself into oblivion

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please be my gf i will cuddle you and do whatever you want, i understand where you're coming from

how quickly do you flip? my ex was really bad. if she went 2 weeks it surprised me

>been with gril 5 years who has bpd
>we're engaged
surely there's more than just me out there willing to tolerate your shit and encourage you to work on it

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There are people who will deal with that and prove to you when you go crazy they love you. Never give up and keep giving people a chance. I am the kind of person who would devote myself to someone who loves me. If you're interested in giving things a try again post asl and interests

It's tough because before bipolar, I would have described myself as an extremely caring and nice person. I'm either obsessed and giddy and so happy to be around another person, or I hate everything, including myself, and just want to spend forever in a dark room, engrossing myself in my interests.
I haven't actively tracked my moods in a while because I personally find it unhelpful as opposed to really monitoring my knee jerk reactions. I cycle a few times through out a day on a bad day where there is a lot going on. If I'm lucky and avoiding things that put me in distress it's only a few times a week. This could be inaccurate though since I don't actively track moods.

I don't want someone to validate my behavior when I've known even in the past that it was wrong and did it anyways. I've added people from here before and inevitably I'd ghost them because I'm a bitch and I lose interest without forming any sort of attachment. Trying to talk to me would really just be a waste of time.

>I cycle a few times through out a day on a bad day where there is a lot going on. If I'm lucky and avoiding things that put me in distress it's only a few times a week. This could be inaccurate though since I don't actively track moods.
sounds about like my ex. goddamn i miss her. there was a thread about bipolar a couple weeks ago where people were complaining that people would flip more than twice a year. given my relationship history i would call 2-5 times a year "stable".

I've been in a relationship with a bipolar girl for four years.
I was kinda addicted. It was the best thing to just try as hard as I can to make her happy, and make feel good.

Also, because she had these moods all the time it just made it feel so much better when she actually treats you well.

Honestly the relationship was very draining and I don't know if i would have been just as worth it as it was, if she wasn't a nymphomaniac.

Yea. I think I'd be fine with a bipolar girl.

I'm lonely and am always willing to give it a shot. Give me a chance please?

From what i know dating bpd grills generally is bad Idea, but i have a friend who has bad bpd(i didnt even know until yesterday) but so far she hasnt been really mean to me because she manages it and went to therapy for it, if they dont do anything about it just dont bother but the ones who do you can try

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>monitoring my knee jerk reactions
forgot to mention, this is really good. im unironically proud of you for doing this.

Loneliness isn't an excuse to purposely go after a relationship that will leave you worse off. Take better care of yourself, there are much better women out there that don't have a mental disorder. I'm not going to give you false hope.

>im unironically proud of you for doing this.

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ricebot is a girl? ok

Me too. I think when my bipolar was developing I cycled slower and because my low swings lasted for so long, I eventually gave in and had a few suicide attempts. With rapid cycling I don't have a chance to dwell as hard.
I used to be such a fucking bitch before I learned how to deal with that part better. That took some therapy to figure out.

fuck off normalshit. you don't know what it's like putting up with those knee jerk reactions.

you just think it will leave me worse off, theres a chance that it could go amazing. ive been rejected ghosted and fucked over countless times, so there isnt much you can do to me, besides make me happy.

What was up with Mikans execution anyways? I didnt get it. Was it actually lethal injection or was she just lauched into space.

She was my favorite character

Thank you. It takes so much fucking practice. So much, and I'm still not great at it, but I get better all the time. And communication is huge. I'm having to learn to instead of indulging in delusions of grandeur when faced with stress (turning me into a spiteful hurtful person because how could some one hurt ME?), taking ownership of how I'm feeling and expressing how I'm hurting and that I know it's irrational and that I'm irrationally sensitive and need help and to be shown kindness.
That was probably worded fucking dumb but I'm running off of two hours of sleep ;-;

I understand where you are coming from and honestly I feel I owe it to you to give it a shot. Please be my gf

>I'm irrationally sensitive and need help and to be shown kindness.
damnit. dont make me fall in love with you. i want another bipolar gf so bad. your depth of emotion is addictive (im an empath). normal girls cant compete

this is creepy and manipulative sounding

creepy sure. manipulative, no. im just being honest

if youre interested and looking for any sort of relationship what are your interests?

I totally understand where you're coming from and want to be your friend now ;_;

Potentially ahahahah. I can't ever tell anymore.
Yea, my feelings are a burden that I wish I could launch into the sun. You catch me in a good mood though and I'll pride myself on it.

I don't know if you're the same person or not. But what I said still stands. I'm sick of being like this to people and until I get better I refuse to try for a relationship with anyone, no exceptions.

mfw I find out there are people who will fetishize mood disorders and I learn I can up-sell my mental illness as some sort of ~emotional depth

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im the first poster, and the one youve been responding to. it makes me really sad you feel that way and wish youd reconsider.

>my feelings are a burden
well, theyre not, but i wont spend much time trying to convince you. ill just say, when things are good, they are mind-blowingly good. and thats what i focus on.

That is fine, I completely understand anyway. I genuinely wish you all the best regardless.

empath here. you cant fake depth. either you have it or you dont

I'm not looking for a relationship currently because I'm trying to correct some codependency issues and whatnot. My interests include guitar, vidya, music in general, and gardening.
I would share contact info but I purged myself of all skype/discord/social media about six months ago. Was sharing my crazy too much and embarrassing myself. (nothing too wild. Just moody posts and messages lel)

Thank you.

I don't see the point in trying for a relationship I'm 100% sure I'll ruin in some way. I would rather focus on self improvement than subject anyone to how I am now.

how will you get better with people if you distance yourself from everyone? even if theres a small chance it helps you why not go for it?

>implying codependency is a bad thing

>meet really cute girl in college
>wanted to date/fuck/etc.
>turns out she has bpd
>turns out she goes through boyfriends like every month or two
>she also constantly posts bullshit on twitter about trans rights or some dumb shit
>she dropped out because she's a dumbo
Good riddance. Anyone who dates a bpd girl is doomed from the start.

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Unfortunately, it is, at least for me. I do dumb and desperate things because of my codependency issues. And codependency means my mood flip flops at any inconsistency shown by my partner. It also means that I sometimes feel like I am walking on eggshells and that makes me dishonest with myself about my moods.

i would offer friendship since our interests align quite handily, but not sure how that would work considering you dont have a contact :/

I still make small talk with my coworkers and I'm seeing a therapist so I'm not devoid of all human contact. For some having a relationship can help but it can just as easily hinder any progress made. I'd rather just not take the chance.

Ok that is fine, if you ever want to talk or whatever just platonic friends my discord is aarecksu#3890

I'll write it down for if I ever make a discord.

>walking on eggshells
i hate that feeling. i felt i had to walk on eggshells with my ex towards the end of our relationship.

anyway, good luck sorting yourself out

women will date guys with bipolar if they are good looking :S

I thought every woman was bipolar.

How long have you been on the 'I shouldn't date until I improve myself' wagon?
That's been my outlook for quite some time (besides a few failed relationships in between to validate that I am a disordered mess and dating ppl with the same problems as me then wondering why it doesn't work!!) but I'm kind of starting to feel like I'm just becoming more isolated and shitty as opposed to improving and becoming more dateable, do you ever feel like that?