This has to be the most depressing fucking thing I've ever seen in the history of fucking ever...

This has to be the most depressing fucking thing I've ever seen in the history of fucking ever. How does this video make you feel?

Attached: I+got+ur+back+fam+hit+women+in+_62d8c53d8452f3da92379abc3cd324e1.jpg (507x338, 75K)

he looks so dead inside in this video. probably got cucked because of all the reasons the girls mentioned

Just saying these are all normie stacy girls, I've had plenty of girlfriends who were genuinely nice people who cared about about me (until they left me lol)

But then again I've had girlfriends that I've dumped because I haven't been that into them

Chances are no matter what those srent the girls you would be happy with. Perfect if you wanna lay but if you're wanting a relationship then dont be depressed. Those girls dont want to be tied down yet. And thats fine

>And thats fine
No it is not, it destroys both them and us inside actually.. But w/e.

Who cares what a bunch of drunk whores say? Do you want that kind of vapid bitch, user?
I guarantee that the ones who don't rope some poor chad into marriage will hit the wall harder than Dale Earnhardt. Then, they'll be singing a different tune. I promise you this, user.

Remember: Lions do not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

What they're doing doesnt effect you. You probably will never even meet them. Theres plenty of nice girls around you that dont act anything like that, so why not just pursue them instead of twitter girls

its a shame that these bitches think that men give a a fuck about their opinions, im sure he would get different responses if he didnt ask a bunch of drunk sluts

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what a bunch of fucking irredeemable normies

It does, as their sterling attitude gets normalized, even glamorized, and more and more girls do buy into the same act.

Never mind that the same guys who might have tied down with 'em will be instead chasing those few mythic 'nice girls' down and so lessen my chances further.

The very sight of their behavior will make me and guys like you find here only wonder even more what the point in even trying is anymore, and invite us to isolate us further.

thanks after watching this video I have no regrets if I get a sex doll.

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Not previous user.
I get your point, but the thing is i am really afraid that if i fall into a relationship with someone that is like this or had a mentality like this.
Imagine getting your first ever gf at 20+ age, and find out she thinks like the women in this video and always acted like this aswell when left alone. This shit stinks.
I think Jow Forums just "redpilled" (dont really like using this word) me too much on the fact that these women just want to whore themselves as much as they want, and settle down for an unfortunate guy like me, that doesnt know of their past.
I honestly think i prefer dropping out of society rather than bending myself over this shit.

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>What they're doing doesnt effect you
Of course it does. This type of attitude is becoming the norm. It's like a fucking virus that's been spreading since 2010.
Shit needs to be purged.

I'm sick and tired of women starting to emulate the shittiest of men. Because then decent men start emulating shitty women after getting hurt. And in turn create more shitty women. It's a horrible fucking cycle.

Eh maybe location. I have my soulmate. And theres alot of other good single girls around me. Maybe in cali that is a more.common behavior or maybe its focused on because the same % of girls do it but there are more of them? But if you chase them trying to make a wife out of her you have a good few years of chasing. Also those girls arent anything special look wise so dont tell me it's just the ugly girls that are sweet

Not much of a blackpill for me. The video was filled with stacy's, they said nothing I wasn't already aware of, and the girl dumping a guy over dick size really doesn't make me feel bad as somebody hung. If anything this video is mildly relieving.

Dont worry. Even at 20+ theres alot of gals out there who dont do this and even have remained wife had a girl like that of you dont mind her being 6'2 lol (kidding.l btw. Internet meetups are freaky)

That's just something in their head..I get more girls will do this if they're friends are. But theres also.girls who stray from it or girls that act the part but dont actually play the role...if you get what I mean there. So I dont think they're corrupted I think they either have the tendencies or they dont

Wouldn't know, I am far from the states.
But I when I have clubs sluts trying to be "enticing" by loudly proclaiming of all the guys that messed around with them, and often get the vibe that most of your so called "other good single girls" would ride that train too if opportunity came their way...Then I do not know why I should not stick with prostitutes in the first place.

It's hard to say because my area Is more traditional. But assuming the drunk girl in the club represents all women everywhere is a self destructing mind set. I'm not gonna argue that there isnt promiscuous girls out there. But i know that behavior doesnt spread like wildfire

>But assuming the drunk girl in the club represents all women everywhere is a self destructing mind set.
I can only work with the 'resources' I find. And I am not holding my breath to finding better, not anymore.
Not interested in single mothers past their club times, or good girls with bf who want some extra friendships. And that is about as good as my search gets.

Fucking this, this video is what makes more people join and give up. This video is like robot creation material.

>Even at 20+ theres alot of gals out there who dont do this and even have remained pure

You may be right, i know that not all girls are like that, and i honestly wouldnt mind having a gf that isnt virgin because she had previous SOs. But what i am trying to say here is that you could very well get yourself with a women that was a whore in the past without you even knowing, and suffer the consequences.

As an real example, When i went off country to a volunteering work together with various people all around the world. I met with about 25 women that already had bfs, some of them i could already see that were total sluts, but there were other that i thought that were pretty decent after getting to know them, and despite this over the course of a month ALL of them cheated and had sex with multiple guys, went back to their home countries and their bfs never knew a thing.
After seeing shit like this, i basically thought to myself that i would prefer to stay single for the rest of my life.

that one chick who refuses to date guys with dicks less than nine inches must want to be split in half or something, what is she on

Well sorry to hear that. I can't offer much else more than hopefulness

Yup that's scary and you run that risk. But on sure at least one of them had take tale signs at home behind closed doors.

>But on sure at least one of them had take tale signs at home behind closed doors.
Honestly i dont even know if you are being sarcastic at me or not at this point.

Guarantee you she thinks 6 inchs = 9 inchs. Women know about as much about our dicks as we do about their vaginas, which is jack shit. Also, she's a dumb drunk Asian stacy.

the red flag is
>goes abroad for any reason while in a relationship
if that doesn't clue you in she doesn't give a fuck about the guy she's currently, officially with, what will? if the guy had similar sexual market value as her she wouldn't dare leave him alone to cheat on HER for months or even weeks. a couple weeks are a long time to move on and get a new gf. all of those sluts settled for a chump who they knew (or assumed) couldn't do better than them.

>I can't offer much else more than hopefulness
At this point hope seems only useful for trying to not let my sadness on how things are like show on my face so I won't decrease my slim chances further. Afterall girls want another goodmooded guy without a worry for their entertainment.
So thanks for your effort, I suppose.
But just stepping outside for 10 min does invalidates hope rather easy.

>i've had girlfriends

into the trash you go.

Not user you replied to.
I feel you, and can very well relate to you, but i honestly can only advise you to clear your mind. Try not worry about the shit that you cant change in, and accept the fact that you may aswell spend the rest of your life alone, you and me are in a better position than the people who will have to marry the whores on OP's video.
There are plenty of people that are married and are always at each others throats to see who is cheating on who, while raising kids at the same time. You cant deny you are in a better situation than that.
There may be a chance you find a decent partner, or it may not be. Just dont worry about it.

>Try not worry about the shit
I can't do that sadly, not without drugs or major distractions. Must really have a bovine brain or such, can't stop regurgitating my thoughts.

And when the point of those thoughts tends to grin in hotpants at you in the subway before deciding you are too boring or wierd, shit is not easily cast aside.

Nah really. Signs of cheating are a little.obvious. maybe not when you're in the relationship but like over obsession. With phone or electronic device, accusing the opposite partner of cheating without anything setting it off etc.. you just do t know the inner details. I wouldnt assume they're good girls going bad, that's probably just them.

Yeah if a cheater goes abroad she will probably take advantage but your woman can go international without you needing to worry. That's why you find the right gal. Why date someone you have to worry about cheating?

Well i.wish you the best brother. Hopefully you find someone or something to fill that void.

>You and me are in a better position than the people who will have to marry these whores on OP's video.

Try to mentalize yourselft with this. I know the bitterness of reality served with Jow Forums's point of view is really hard to come off, but you will eventually feel tired of having the same thoughts on your head all the time causing you to feel bad, and accept the fact that you are ok with being alone.

Rather doubt I'll ever be accepting that.
Does not help that every time you get close to at least having sufficient distractions in place, some female will think it is a good to make another 'friend'.

It's ok user, just dont forget you arent alone.
And there are more and more people becoming like robots by the way things are going.
There are more and more people having less sex and more and more virgins by our ages. You are not alone. Being alone is not the end of the world and many people live like this.

>Being alone is not the end of the world
It is imo always staying an incomplete half.
I can survive that way, even better than many. But I can't be assed to strive beyond that. Seems too rewardless to bother.

>muh puussy n shiiiitt nigga

>sample of several drunk thots on a night out
>probably asked way more than in the video but left out the ones who gave normal answers because nobody wants to watch that in a video