Friends confronted me about my drinking and use of psychedelics...

Friends confronted me about my drinking and use of psychedelics. I feel like shit cause i can't tell who's in the wrong here. Yeah i like to drink and use psychedelics in every couple of months or so but i also work out and have plans for a bright future.

Should i dismiss them worrying or should i take this seriously. I don't feel i have any serious issues and after taking acid which made me confront all the issues i had i feel confident in the decisions i make but still i feel weird for even asking this question. Am i in the wrong?

I drink a couple times a week, but most of those times i drink a beer or two.

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>tfw you drink everyday and nobody has confronted you about it

At least you have people in your life who care

LSD is perfectly safe so don't be annoyed about that. Drinking is cool so keep doing it

If they're confronting you about it, you should heed the writing on the wall. If people care enough to intervene, they're looking out for you. They seem like good people, desu. I don't think you're in the wrong, but maybe hold off from doing anything for a little bit as a head nod to them. It's rare to come across people like this.

Did your friend give any actual reasons as to why alcohol and psychedelics are bad or did he just try and baselessly assert his superiority? Alcohol will fuck with your health if you're drinking daily and I don't think it would be good for your mental health to use psychedelics daily, but the things you're doing are 100% fine. Basically, you should tell your friends to fuck off.

>t. retarded druggies who will wind up in the ER with 250 pins stuck in their asshole because they had a bad trip and thought there was a demon up their ass and were trying to kill it

That's not how acid works though

>t. drugcuck who cried in the bathroom experiencing mental hell for 12 straight hours being tortured by imaginary demons, and then he did it to himself all over again because he's a dipshit
Drugcucks are hilarious.

they think ill become a junkie/alcoholic even though i currently am not one.. they think im on that path though

Just set yourself limits, if you never use either more often then you already do now, it'll never become a problem.
t. normie who thinks he's smarter than everyone else

i've been guiding myself by this rule and to make sure i'm okay i have done a 2 week break from alcohol recently yet they tell me i have been waiting for those 2 weeks to pass so i can drink again. It makes no sense why would i even stop man. I use psychedelics a few times a year and i try to keep it private but a dealer of mine told a friend of a friend.. I am pretty pissed off and confused

I guarantee you that you have no clue if what you're taking is even acid and based on the difficulty of manufacture probably isn't. Drug dealers are sneaky faggots and will sell you research chemicals instead of real acid. So your argument about it "being safe maynnnee" is complete bullshit. You can make up whatever excuse you like for doing drugs. But there is a reason why so many drug users end up in the ER.

No I'm not smarter than everyone, only druggies like you lmfao.
>pays $200 to induce psychosis and fuck himself up mentally

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>>pays $200
in case anyone else was unsure if this user is actually retarded, yes, he is.

i can tell 25i and DOx compunds apart from acid and i have a trusted source. I dont really have any concerns in that regard

This, fuckin dumb drugfags.
My high school best friend became a drugfag and went to the ER many times before he finally died. I grew to hate him and gave up on him. I hate druggies now. Waste of everyone's time and resources. They do it to themselves and are delusional. Fuck 'em. Intervention's a waste of time anyway. It just makes them pissed off at you like OP. Let them rot if that's what they want.

>implying drugfucks just buy 1 tab and don't stock up and binge or throw a party with other druggies who take advantage of them

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>I drink a couple times a week, but most of those times i drink a beer or two.

Uhhhh what? that's not even approaching levels of concern. Have you done anything harmful while drunk or on LSD?

if the answer is no ask them to fuck off.

Like all drunkards and drugfags he's DEFINITELY severely underestimating how much he abuses. I've talked to guys before who abuse their substance every day and they say "WTF MAN I JUST HAD 1 BEER YESTERDAY LEAVE ME ALONE FUCK YOU," despite passing out on the street just last weekend. They probably seriously believe it too since they're always fucked up and don't remember anything. It's a waste of time to try to help them.

i feel pretty sure that you were just in that bourdain thread too. cringe, desu.

Not really but these people only drink during parties with terrible music and see all drugs as the same horrible addicting illegall life ruining thing. To them acid is just like heroin and if it isnt then it will lead to heroin eventually. Its stupid af.

the best thing to do is ask someone who's been through the program and who is now clean and sober. They'll give you a good idea if you drink too much because they know what alcoholism looks like, but are not under the influence of it themselves. I had a beer with my corn beef hoagie tonight because it's hot and because fuck you that's why. A few years ago I would have shamed myself for that beer, but after living around alcoholics and ex alcoholics I realize it's nothing to worry about.

Another thing to try is just stop drinking for a month. If you can do that you are fine.

>keeps getting BTFO everywhere he goes
>thinks it's the same person
Lmao ok bud only 1 person can call you out on being a retard. No clue what you're talking about but I'm happy someone else shat on you too. I doubt it will be the last time. Drugfags are pretty dumb, after all.

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>getting BTFO
but that hasn't happened yet though, frogposter

>what is a testing kit