What is the closest that you got to being a normie/getting a gf user? I am curiois

What is the closest that you got to being a normie/getting a gf user? I am curiois.

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I talked to many girls hoping that at least one would not have a long-term bf/be already married. I tried the most ugly women and normal women but they were all taken. Every single last one of them.

I had a gf for 4 years until she broke it off because I was a lowly retail wagecuck

Kill yourself normalnigger. You never have and never will belong anywhere near here.

Whatever helps you sleep at night fag

i deceived girls into being my gf not once but twice

but each time she saw how shit i really am and broke things off within 3 weeks

This post was specifically created for your kind:

>got asked to prom in high school but turned her down because I didn't want to pay
>had a girl ask if I wanted to have sex with her, but I turned her down because I thought she was joking
>had a girl tell me I give her butterflies then gave me her number and I did nothing
Being a failed normie is worse than being a robot

Freshman year of high school, there was a girl who sat behind me in history class. She moved to the town during the summer. She didn't have alot of friends as she was extremely shy and quiet. We didn't say anything to each other until one day she noticed the music I was listening to in class. She enjoyed the same genre of music and I was able to keep the conversation to learn that we had alot in common. We began to talk in class daily. She was so pretty I was so baffled that she'd care to even notice me. We decided one day to go out together. She wanted to surprise me so she took me to the mall to ice skate. I had never ice skated before and I was such a big pussy, but she was there for me and caught me whenever I fell. Afterwards we went over to her place to have a movie marathon. She rested her head on my shoulders and I felt a sudden feeling of bliss. This was the first time I felt like this with a girl. Life was fucking great I became more confident in myself, changing my whole self image. I thought I would actually be able to finish this life like a normal person instead of the nobody who everyone mocks. I learned that her parents would abuse her, mentally and physically which explained for her quiet and shy personality. Her parents didn't know about me until one day I was caught at her place by her dad. He threatened me to never speak to her daughter or he'd hurt everyone, which I didn't want. We tried to stay in contact at school but then her dad ended up changing districts for her, and eventually the next summer moving completely. To this day she was the only girl I've felt something towards and made me feel something more. I've gone back to my old ways as I can't find anyone else to fill my void. I hope one day I can find her again.

i've had 2 crying autistic meltdowns today over a video game so i wouldn't quite call myself normal

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I just gotta ask, are any of you faggots over 25, here? Not a trick question or anything.

No. A robot has never had and will never have a chance. You will keep getting chances all your life. By the way, it's much better to be e.g. deformed or severely mentally ill as a robot than to be a true robot who has no clue what is preventing him from being part of society, because then it's easy to cope and resolve yourself to solitude. If you don't have a valid reason to explain why you're alone, you must constantly consider that if you give up (read: try some ridiculous normalfag advice that is the exact opposite of working) "now", you're missing the opportunity that's going to appear 3 seconds from now.

I'm and I'm 29

>I'm a turbonormalfag that means I'm not a normalfag

thanks for the upvote reddit

I am and I am 26 years old.

The thing is, being a failed normie, that I have the opportunities but I'm not built to take advantage of them. I'm just gonna keep ignoring/blowing them when I get the chance.
It's like being hungry and having food right in front of you but you're tied up and can't reach it vs having no food near you at all. So with one you have the hope to eat, but you never will and with the other you don't have any hope and you never will.

One day your ropes will loosen enough to get a taste. You got to lick plates clean anytime already, we don't even get that much. We do have food right in front of us constantly: being eaten by normalfags or plate-licked by the likes of you. It's infinitely worse since both of you keep discussing food this and food that and what you ate last night and what plate you preferred to lick. We don't even get that. Even if our ropes came undone by some miracle, we'd still be stuck behind bars.

dated a girl for two months and had sex a few times and went on a few dates. Had cute nicknames and sent hearts to each other.

Of course never acknowledged each other as gf/bf and she got rid of me out of the blue so RIP

>One day your ropes will loosen enough to get a taste
this isn't guaranteed or even likely

It's statistically guaranteed, even more so since there's constant movement in your area. Nothing comes within miles of us and even if god undid our ropes we'd still get nothing. In fact, when our ropes are undone, it's all-the-more cruel, we can no longer blame our ropes for our inability to get food. Society also happens to claim the bars are not real.

a girl back in high school who i thought was way out of my league would text me periodically, and we'd just shoot the shit because i had no realistic expectation of her actually being interested in me. one day she started vaguely telling me about some guy she liked and asked for my advice, and my dumb ass didn't even realize she was talking about me. she had to spell it out for me and i couldn't believe it, i felt like my heart was going to explode, and i gushed out my feelings for her and we dated for two years. she had been molested as a kid and was weird about anything sexual, so i'm still a virgin. we did pretty much everything leading up to sex, but never went through with it. never dated any girl before or after

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Kill yourself normaltard. Holy fucking shit. Why is it so hard. Are you all clinically retarded? Is that the trick? Are robots to smart too date?

>Why is it so hard
Why is what so hard? I don't really understand your post or what you're angry about

you're basing our chances of success on a shitty analogy

some people get further or come closer than others but this doesn't mean they make it

robotism or whatever the fuck isnt black and white, its not an all or nothing thing

You're funny I kill you last.

If you have any kind of social success you cannot be a robot. It's clear-cut. There is no exception. It's always been this way. Fuck off normaltard. You will never understand what it means to be a robot. We wouldn't want you to hang yourselves if you even so much as TRIED to understand but NOOOO everything must always be about you yourself and you and nothing or nobody else. Fuck off.

My (girl) friend admitted to liking me. I never thought that I should actually date her until after.

If this story is true. It's so fucking sad.
>mfw reading this

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fake and gay origingalopoo

I succeeded in getting a girlfriend (if you could even call it that) shortly after I graduated high school. We dated for a few months. We kissed goodbye but were never intimate outside cuddling when watching tv. I was and am to much of an anxious sperg to try to even put the moves on my own girlfriend at the time. We eventually broke up due to college and the need to go out separate ways. It really hurt when this happened. Not only because I really liked her, but also because I knew that it would be awhile before anything like it would come my way again (if it ever does), and the fact that I was too weak to really connect with her intimately. I miss being close to someone so very deeply.

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It still hurts me to this day and its been years

Ironic, because you're making it about yourself and nobody else by willfully refusing to understand how shit another person's life is or can be just because it happens to be marginally less shit than your own. Go ahead and keep projecting though

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Ironic given that this is Jow Forums nor normalfagland. from whence you came.

>n-normalfag ree!
go back and reread my post before responding again

Go be a normalnigger somewhere else, normalfag. You're not welcome here, never have and never will be. Precisely for the behavior you're showing: your total and complete refusal to even so much as entertain the possibility that you could be trying to attempt to understand what robot means.

i'll play your game because im bored at 10pm and have jack shit else to do

a robot is someone who has no prospects at social or romantic or sexual success, no?

i was at a summer camp when i was 17 and hit it off with this one girl for a week then she said we should just be friends after the camp ended and never spoke to me again

Correct, but you can scratch 'or romantic or sexual' since it is a subclass of 'social'.
If anyone has ever been attracted to you at any time, you cannot be a robot. Conversely, until you die, it's not possible to know if you were a robot. Anyone who thinks they're a robot and succeeds then proves that he has never been a robot (merely a failed normalfag). But anyone who's ever had anyone attracted to them, even if of the same sex, is objectively not a robot.
And a man being propositioned by a girl? You're a literal fucking chad, kill yourself. Even men who never get asked out by girls will have girls interested in them if they're normalfags, they're just not going to ask because they're normalfags and not literal chads.

and this is a hard line, you are either a normalfag who is successful with women and gets laid regularly, or a robot who is a complete shutin who barely sees the light of day. no inbetween. right?

I had 2 LDR's with a British autist and a Hispanic emo

Not even remotely. You could have lurked for 0.05 seconds to figure out just the extent of how retarded that statement you just made is. Either you have ever been desirable enough to have had any social success, or you are statistically likely to be a robot.
OR you could have read the post you responded to that already explained that instead of being clinically retarded on purpose. But you won't, because you're a normalnigger. You don't want to know what it means to be a robot. Whenever you see any kind of definition, you drink bleach to try to erase it from memory.

so there is or is not an in-between between robot and normal, regardless of what it is named?
Because there are people who most definitely fall in between. People who have enough social experience to get screamed at to go back to lebbit by the likes of you, but who also get ignored or put on the receiving end of funny looks by more than a few people. I'm referring to myself, of course, because that's what I'm familiar with. I don't call myself a robot, but you're being willfully retarded if you think robots are the only ones who have it shit.

Or this might be elaborate bait, I'm too autistic to tell desu

After 3 years of being friendzoned I hooked up with this girl i loved last year, and as me being a helpless romantic and completely obsessed with her, i decided to abandon my life and follow her to another country to study in college with her.
Back then i didnt thought she would just casually hook up with me, with us having a long history of trust, care and affection.
Only then i discovered she secretly turned herself into a turboslut back in 2016, heavily drinking and having sex with lots of strangers. I also discovered she never liked me like that at all, and we just got together because she felt like it for a day.

The furthest i got with her was cuddling in bed and kissing, no sex.

Lots of bad memories, but at least im doing pretty okay right now, and i find comfort in knowing she is spiralling down into the abyss one step at the time, with her self destructive thoughts, being raped, still drinking, giving up college and being a living failure of a human being in general what a fucking bitch

ive been talking to a girl online for almost a year and im saving to go see her and shes probably going to propose

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lel sure dog

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is this proof

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There is not. Failed normalfags are still normalfags. It's not fucking rocket science. It's also something you would have known if you read any of the posts you replied to, or if you lurked for less than one second.

A girl once held my hand for 30 seconds about a decade ago. That means technically i'm just a kv, not a khv. I'm practically Chad.

>be 16
>really like this girl (we spent time with each other and were friends)
>tell her
>a few months later i ask her to go to winter formal as my date
>a little after that i aks her how she feels about me
>she likes me
>we go on a our date
>it sucks once we get to the winter formal place she sits down and doesn't show interest in the place or me.
>we talk less and less after that and no one ever likes me again

My parents met and became pen pals. They had a miserable marriage. As it turns out, people IRL are a lot different than their online personas. She could be dog, for all you know.

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>Being a failed normie is worse than being a robot
it really isn't
t. failed normie

we get along fine over vc and ive been less shy so im hopeful

Go for it man. Don't let us down.