If you don't even try to talk to girls, you have no excuse you don't have a girlfriend

If you don't even try to talk to girls, you have no excuse you don't have a girlfriend.

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Why would I put a girl through that though, it would be painful for us both

You just have to try with enough until you find one you can connect with. Then it won't be hard

There needs to be girls in first place to start talking.

this is true I dont even go outside.
so I dont need to worry about greet girls

You're assuming I have the resources to even maintain a relationship
All I have is this shitty job and no aspirations, my mere existence is a female repellent.

I talk to plenty of girls though. Those of them who don't make it explicitly clear that they don't want to be more than a friend (which is not many) lead me on only to ultimately reveal they never had any romantic interest in me.

>literal micropenis

I didn't even have a chance.

feelz bad user.
how bog is it man?

OP, you know their counterarguments are gonna be their too ugly, or that their cursed from birth, that the universe is out to get the poor robot. Be careful when you say 'no excuse' that's a magnet for excuse making.

But you're right, social skills are like any other skill and it is through deliberate practice and self-aware reflection that those skills can be improved. Having someone who can give you feedback, tell you when you're being too mean, too mawkish, too meek, when to say thank you helps too.

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>Lmao just talk to them
How the fuck can I do that normiefaggot?

3.1 inches bog

I do talk to girls, I just don't intend on progressing further than being friends/acquaintances because fuck having a girlfriend as a second full-time job.

What you know, she has got a mouth too!
And a bunch of guys who are dtf on her contact list which means I am probably unneeded anyway. So no thanks, unless she actually cares to approach me.

>every hole that answers is good enough

>Having someone who can give you feedback, tell you when you're being too mean, too mawkish, too meek, when to say thank you helps too.

tfw no supportive gf

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What am I supposed to do then? Just die?

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I never know what to say and it is always awkward. Also do I just talk to them on the street? Where do I find girls?

>I talk to plenty of girls though. Those of them who don't make it explicitly clear that they don't want to be more than a friend (which is not many) lead me on only to ultimately reveal they never had any romantic interest in me.


We don't exist. As long as the normies insist we aren't here...we aren't

>no job
>live with parents
talking to a girl would spell certain death

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These are the correct answers, I'm not even ugly or mentally ill. What now OP?

If I was to talk to a female she'd probably report me for harassment and there goes my job.
Better to not bother.

The last time I met a girl who didn't have a boyfriend was 20 years ago when I was 12 years old.

In b4 the classic
>T-they're just pretending to have a bf to get away from you!
No. They never mention their boyfriends. I find out by overhearing their conversations at work, asking people "hey is do you know if ____ is in a relationship?" or just looking them up on Facebook.

Women are never single.

That seems like a very narrowminded view of things.

And that seems a formulaic answer.

Women do not stay single. If nothing else most hang with a group of friends and their bf will drag in a replacement.

Not that many will not already have a decent amount of hopeful applicants on their phone, since yay socmedia and swiping through chad pics on tinder is fun.

Maybe one day I'll get lucky and manage to meet a girl who happens to be between boyfriends. If I'm really lucky it might happen before I'm 40. it hasn't happened in 20 years even though I meet new people every day so I'm not counting on it.

I have no problem talking to girls. Problem is they're all taken. There are quite literally no non-taken girls in my local travelable area. There are 4 million people in this city. There is no reason to believe that the statistics are off in my area. Therefore it seems like every girl older than 20 is at least engaged. Needless to say at my age it's more than hard to find a girl younger than that.

First is correct.
Second is not.
There is nothing correct about "I'm a normalfag and not a robot therefore I'm a robot".

What are we even supposed to do? Someone please help us!

Isn't it obvious?

You have to take one away from the guy who already has her.

>you have to get an unfaithful roastie whore
I'd rather die. The only reason I still live is the (vain, apparently) hope that there exists at least one (1) woman (of any attribute whatsoever) who isn't like that.

And get a girlfriend who'll drop you if someone better comes along.
Sorry, not stupid enough to think that I always be the best.

I've found the nice grey area between being a robot and being a normie, but I'm very far from being a normie. I just know how to act like one.

Do you have friends? If so you're a normalnigger. There is no middle ground or gray area beside the statistical uncertainty, because the only way to know for sure someone is a robot is for them to die. The average robot can act like a complete normalfag under the right circumstances, but still doesn't get friends or girlfriends from it. Because it's only an imitation of the real thing. That's what it means to be a robot. No matter what you do, how hard you try, you'll never be able to mingle with society. Hence, socially incompatible. Have you been invited to social events outside work? If so, you're a normalfag. Have you ever had a non-pseudo-blind date? Normalfag. Real friends? Normalfag.
It's impossible for a person to transition between normalfag or robot too. Robotism is something we are born with.

False. You can have the skills needed and see them atrophied later.

Go be clinically retarded somewhere else, normalnigger. You never have and never will belong. Why the fuck do you try fitting in so fucking hard. Nobody wants to be a robot. That's why we kill ourselves.

Bringing attention to yourself

Your clubhouse tantrums are far too cute to leave.

i have they just didn't like m,

>>T-they're just pretending to have a bf to get away from you!
even if that were true them making lies to get away from leads to the same result

Yes I have friends, and yes there is a grey area. I've been propositioned by several women for sec and have turned all of them down because I don't want sex and I don't want a partner. I like being alone and make friends because of my defensive instinct when I'm outside my home, it's the best way to blend in. I plan to die alone and a virgin.

Not quite. If that was the case we could then determine that we are somehow undesirable. It's not much to go on but at least it means we can ask for advice and be secure that we can draw useful statistics from the responses about advice.
Here, we are capable of talking to ineligible girls who give us no signs they wouldn't date us if they were eligible. This means either they're comfortable only because we're undesirable, OR we're not at fault and merely pathologically unlucky.
While both outcomes mean no gf, only one of them is actionable.

You are a normalnigger. Deal with it. Stop posting and invading this board. You do not belong. You never have and never will. You don't know what it means to be a robot. You will never understand our pain. But the worst is, you won't even try to. You'll just assume, project, and then claim you're totally one of us as defense, when you couldn't be further from us. You're bonobos and we're gorillas.

I don't identify as one of you, I'm an actual robot. You guys just use the word as a label.

>it was b8 all along
9/10, and I'm only putting you one point off because proper 10/10 bait must always hint just enough that it is bait so as to not veer into 'I'm just pretending to be retarded' territory.

It's not bait. Frankly I don't know why you have such a problem with what I'm saying. I'm just giving my perspective. You must know that there's nothing to gain from being mad at people on the internet.

Awful followup, nobody can fall for it. Plus, after you show your last move there's no one in continuing. You're supposed to start a new one, otherwise it loses effect.

You're convincing yourself that I'm baiting so you can reinforce your already flawed logic behind the definition of what makes a robot.

I don't really know how to talk to anybody. In the few cases people talk to me, I can't keep the conversation going. No part of socializing is natural to me. I've visited web sites dedicating to teaching social skills and when I read them it makes sense, sometimes, but when I'm actually in public I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to start talking to a new person. I can't even do that, there's no way I could flirt with a woman.

Just don't talk to them, they aren't worth your time anyway.