Thoughts on Bourdain?

Thoughts on Bourdain?

I miss him.

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he was a pathetic faggot who killed himself after he couldnt take being cucked anymore.
none of the guys i ever cucked were that pathetic.

Every user here is gonna say he was a fucking kike and shit like that. Don't be like that anons. I miss him too.

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were you good friends with him? no? oh just pathetic celebrity worship gotcha

maybe you should get the fuck over it

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Lmao fuck you insensitive faggot

kill yourself little cuck faggot. bourdain was an insufferable autist and so are you

he's just a dead alcohol faggot

nah but i've read everything he's written and like several things about him as a person.
not everything.
i know this doesn't fit into your binary thinking patterns so feel free to just ignore my post.

>binary thinking patterns
not even him but fucking cringe. kill yourself

bitter bitter. He was a homie, no doubt. Traveled and ate like a king. banged hot bitches and made more money than you can fathom. Jealous much? You should aspire to be like bourdain. maybe you'd be less of a bottom dweller.

>fucking cringe

nice argument aspie

What is "fucking cringe" about that post, user?

i didn't know we were having an argument. do you just assume everything is an argument?

You tell him! How dare OP connect with someone's work on a personal level??? HAHAHHA I can't believe he'd be so retarded to allow himself to be affected by the thoughts and words of a person he hasn't met enough for that person's death and subsequent inability to produce more work to affect him negatively.... HAHAHAH god i am so glad you wrecked him and put him in his place. this is epic.

He was a guy who made a career out of going to see what was out there, learn about other people, and eat some good food with good company. Say what you want about his personality, but he lived a life that many would strive for and it surprised me to see that he'd been dealing with depression for so long


>You should aspire to be like bourdain.

Alright then, give me your contact info. I'm getting something to eat, filming myself saying that the food is good and you can pay me 100000 dollars for my hard work.

>this much jealousy

>you are either someone's good friend or they are completely irrelevant to you (there is no in between)
>if you are affected by someone's death and you weren't good friends with them you are a pathetic celebrity worshipper
>not a binary thinking pattern

let me guess... you've never watched an episode of his show

lmao stop sperging out idiot

It wasn't given to him like that. He was a world class chef, extremely charismatic, open about his flaws, and a certifiable bad ass. You've got your work cut out for you.

Depression wasn't the whole problem. It was exhaustion from massive overwork, from travelling too fucking much. Dude needed to chill and spend time with his family. I've been in a similar place, and the answer is to take a break. It sounds like he'd used work as a way to get away from his heroin addiction, tho, and that shit definitely complicated things.

>lmao fucking cringe

lmao you're cringey



too easy. kill yourselves


>HAHA i was just pretending to be retarded!! ebin bait
>cringe lmao

rumour has it this son of a bithc did him in after bourdian would not feature his restaurant on "parts unknown"

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hahaha youre all retards

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hahahaha! cringe xD

too easy man. we got you. and we are just cringing at how easy it was. PWNED

average bourdain fans

>deflecting this much
it's all good dude. you must be SO MUCH fun at parties.

user wouldn't be caught dead at a party, that's something for NORMIES REEEEEEEEEEE

he is a REAL and TRUE robot