Go to mall with 18 year old chick (I'm 20)

>go to mall with 18 year old chick (I'm 20)
>get ice cream and ask she wanted any
>she says she's fine
>I say that's ok and get some ice cream for myself

Apparently this offended her so much she called me weird, wtf. I've browsed r9k and seduction subreddits and not once have I heard of this being a thing among women.

Was I in the wrong? I don't understand.

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when did she say it was awkward??

If you apologise for being awkward. that's what you did wrong. nothing you did was wrong and if she has an issue with that that is on her

Did you ask her if she wanted anything to eat in general? Or just ice cream? She may have been hungry but for real food.

The right move was probably to just not eat ice cream while she wasn't, but she seems like a cunt, so you aren't missing anything.

I did! I asked her if she wanted anything and she said she just ate. I never go to the mall so I thought it'd be cool to get some ice cream.

Lol but why tho? I've hooked up with chicks where the same exact thing happened. I don't get it.

Yea, I've been on 13 dates lol. Thank god for tinder gold.

>ignoring the thot and getting ice cream by yourself

The chad autist

First of all, what are you doing on this board if you can attract women, you stupid normalnigger? Second, fuck that bitch. She's playing mind games like all women do. You weren't able to divine whatever it was she expected you to do, so she got her roast in a knot.

>she said she just ate
Man, she's stupid. You don't eat before a date, unless she way lying to you and just didn't want to eat, or was already uncomfortable and didn't want to eat with you. But it's really awkward to eat while another person isn't. Stop that.

have you ever been on a second date or had sex?

Ah ok, lesson learned I guess. I hope other anons learn from my mistake.

Second date has happened a few times. Sex only once, which was on the first date actually.

I know I sound like a chad but it's true, it's a numbers game. And if you don't have a tinder, get the fuck on it.

you shouldn't have apologized, you did nothing wrong.

You wanted ice cream so you got ice cream. Chicks like a man who know's what he wants and goes out and gets it. You can talk while you eat, or walk around or what ever. Then you say "are you sure you don't want any" and offer her some of yours. She has some and you're in


Bro, I did offer her some. I'm not autistic.

I live in a small city and everyone on tinder is beyond fucking ugly.

Your ELO is probably fucked if you constantly get ugly chicks mate.

Don't listen to these autists OP

You didn't do anything wrong, who the fuck cares if one person is eating, you did ask her if she wanted any.

She's just a cunt

>its like my 13th
Why does this feel so sad?

You did nothing wrong OP. Infact, she's probably just trying to create conflict because thots are into that. You have two options here.
Say, "You're mad about me getting ice cream when I offered you some and you said no?"
Ignore her

Seconded. I'd reply to her and say you didn't tell me you were eating before we met and I was hungry, so rather than eat a meal (which would be rude) I settled for ice cream.

Also keep us up to date user I'm interested

tinder gold actually works?

>and get some ice cream for myself
As a girl, I just assume when guys do this they dont know how to make a conversation and into the trash they go for me

Maybe it was the not talking combined with silently waiting in line for ice cream? Personally waiting in lines already stresses me out. Not a female though obviously

You obviously are austistic as indicated by your op message log, your response to that guy's post, and your own account of your behavior. Since I'm not a disgusting normalfag like you I've never gone on a date before and even I can tell everything that's wrong with you.

More like, normal tinder is a joke. Only tinder gold works. Instead of thinking tinder gold boosts you, think the right thing: normal tinder prevents you from matching with anyone.

Standing opinion in the room seems to be she's a dumb bitch, which, given the evidence, is probably the case.

>still a teenager
>a woman
>uses the "u must not go on a lot of dates lol virgin" attack right out the gate
>on tinder

Looks pretty open and shut to me boys. Okay let's pack it up we can still make The Frog And Feels in time for happy hour if traffic is good to us.

You're first fault was saying you're sorry for something you shouldn't feel sorry about.

don't listen to anyone who tells you to reply.
don't say anything, forget about this girl, and move on. trying to argue with a girl about why she didn't want to date you is some serious beta shit.

i'd go with number 2, so much less effort.

This, the only mistake you made was apologising for it.

>guy wants to eat ice cream offers it to girl and she says no
>"omg he sucks and he doesent know how to make conversation he is soo trash haha"
You women are biggest fucking manchildren its pathetic

>Im not autistic
>apologizes for being awkward and weird in pic related

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She was pretty obviously very young and was expecting a knight in shining armor kind of guy. See how she asked OP whether it was the first time he went on a date? It's very likely she was projecting.

You did nothing wrong OP, but
>Not talking
that's a bit weird, did you just sat there saying nothing?

makes alot of fucking sense

I used tinder for like a minute and gave up when I saw how ugly the bitches were. I don't even know what ELO is.

I would not have thought anything of you being the only one of the two of us eating ice cream. I mean you asked if she wanted anything and she said no. Also unless she was talking and you just didnt respond its a little ridiculous that she would just expect you to carry the entire conversation. you can do better, user.

This is what you two are doing. I would bet a pretty penny OP is not a wordsmith by any means

why are you using an 18 yo girls perspective as some sort of objective reality? she doesnt know shit about social conventions, shes barely lived yet

don't message her again - see if she messages back later

the other comment was me also but I wanted to ask: were you guys sitting at a table or walking around while you were eating ice cream? I could see her thinking it was weird if she was just sitting there watching you eat ice cream and waiting for you to finish but if you guys were walking around/browsing and you just happened to have ice cream i dont see the problem.

I have a feeling the problem was the "not talking" not the ice cream

want to know this answer too

Holy shit she asked if it was your first date? That's it op cut it off. She's a done deal

You all don't know what autistic is.

Post more chat

ignoring roasty passive aggressive bs is unironically based. good work, user

>We only do what I want to do
She did you a favor

Do your dates feel the same, or do you vibe differently with different girls?
It probably wasn't the ice cream part, but the silence on your part

>but why tho

Its a social convention, I dont know what the background is but it makes people feel awkward to eat when others arent and vice versa.

Maybe they feel greedy or alternatively like you care more about food than connecting/conversing?

It's dumb but an actual stumbling block.

Just goes to show that OP is always a cuck fag who can't get laid.

It's the same effect as yawn contagion: eating is an advantage (also why humans are naturally inclined to being fat, not staying fit, and why historically fatness was seen as attractive). Seeing someone eat leaves you at a disadvantage and therefore unhappy (different kinds of unhappiness depending on who's eating and who you are).

You did nothing wrong, shes a dumb thot

Why do wamen assume the guys are the only ones who have to start a conversation?
Whatever about her, user, find someone cool to date

Jesus just shut up and move on you faggot

this thread is still up lol

what a fucking legend

You're a fucking Chad. I think you know you're in the right here. Fuck that bitch, you can obviously score better.

it's only been an hour and a half

Don't be such a self-doubting virgin, she's being a bitch for no reason, you're supposed to stand up to her and have a backbone

Is she asian? FOB Asians have a sort of culture in which expressing reluctance to accept any gifts or offers are deemed as being well mannered. When a person seems reluctant on accepting some sort kind offer that you offer them, its customary for the other person to pressure them, at least 2 or 3 times, to accept their gift until they give in or actually refuse. An alternative to this is to just buy something beforehand and force them to accept the offer.

>tfw only been on...3 with one woman I was already fwb with
Dates are great if you already know the person.

>It's like my 13th?

It was your first date with a girl.

>gets roasted by his date
>is an absolute legend

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jesus OP, what were you thinking man? ice cream??? not carrying the entire weight of the conversation 100% of the time??

just kidding, she sounds like a cunt, forget about her and keep doing you.

>with a girl.
user go after women not girls.

Stop talking to the bitch, she already lost interest OP dont get attached. Youll be hurt when you find out shes fucking random Tyrones and Chads she met in less than a day.

>anything in particular?
>nope! It's my 13th!

This. This is what's wrong. You were probably autistic and rude during the date. She just didn't know how to pinpoint your rudeness exactly. Who the fuck asks for constructive criticism after a date? Also why would it even be her duty to 'teach' you what you did wrong? Lastly the fact that you actually counted the number of dates you've been to. Normies do not do that. You just proved her point - she asked if you were plain stupid with women and your reply indicates you autistically are.

I bet it isn't the ice cream itself.it's how it happened

What you trying to say is that she want Chad and she got Brad's younger brother who is still a perfectly fine guy but isn't the top 5% of males

>nope! Its like my 13th
Kek youre right user, the more I play this back in my head saying that just killed it for her. Who counts how many dates they have been on? Also

>exclamation points
Instant turn off for the girl

reply later with "oh okay, anyway wanna go get some ice cream some time?"

>not talking
this is the problem you tard, you have to speak sometimes

>You were probably autistic and rude during the date

No evidence to suggest that.

>She just didn't know how to pinpoint your rudeness exactly

She clearly said what she was pissed about, even though it seems a bit childish.

>Who the fuck asks for constructive criticism after a date?

People who want to improve on themselves.

> Also why would it even be her duty to 'teach' you what you did wrong?

It's not. No one ever suggested that.

You sound whiteknight as fuck to be quite honest, and I'm not even OP

bitch gets offended by fucking ice cream
tell her to suck a fat frosty one

>No one ever suggested that
OP suggested it in OP pic related. Are you mentally handicapped?

He was having a discussion you absolute autist.