True Robots drink wine as their alcohol of choice. So get in here, fellow Anons.
What are your favorite types of wine? Red wine is my preference, and my all-time favorite is Pinot Noir, though I am also particular to Grenache and Chianti.
True Robots drink wine as their alcohol of choice. So get in here, fellow Anons.
What are your favorite types of wine? Red wine is my preference, and my all-time favorite is Pinot Noir, though I am also particular to Grenache and Chianti.
those look like concord grapes
Port is the only wine worth drinking. Strong in flavor and especially good when spiced.
I only drink wine if the goonie bags are on sale.
wine makes me gag
i'm drinking beer like a good boy, not one of you flaming sissies
Cabernet Sauvignon is pretty good but really it depends on what I'm eating with it.
>drinking hops aka onions 2.0
Okay faggot, at least drink mead or whiskey if you want to pretend you're not the faggot here.
I'm drinking whiskey because i'm hardcore scottish like that and actually want to die
God-damn Robot, you have some shitty taste.
>ebin crazy scotman XDD
Fuck off redit
>not distilling your own moonshine in your neetcave
do you even robot?
7 moons red blend is surprisingly good
Shiraz and chianti are nice. I also like white jurancon and select rose. A gewurztraminer makes a good beer substitute for the likes of sauerkraut. I'm more of a red wine guy overall but obviously, right wine right occasion.
Well its true. I hadnt even known scottish people went to reddit.
Fite me. :DDD
A true robot beverage is tap water
>not distilling your own cum with coconut juice in a literal cave
do you even robut?
>get DNA tested
>can only drink Scotch 12 days a year
hold me lads
what is finnish liquor like
>12 days a year
You mean 12 hours a day...?
There's nothing beneficial in wine that isn't more abundant in the whole grape.
You should have googled before proving yourself to be such a fool.
>favourite type of wine
The grape variety is only like a 1/4 of the story, the climate it comes from, the soil it grows in and the specific weather in the year that it was grown.
Syrah or merlot from a warm climate in a warm summer produces piss disgustingly sweet wine. But from a cool climate in a good year and then allowed to breathe for a couple of hours can transform the flavor into a well balanced wine.
Actually I lied, fuck sweet grape varieties.
One shot a month ought to do er.
I did. Resveratrol is a stupid meme, and not a product of fermentation. Eat the whole grape, dummy.
Moderate drinking only looks beneficial if you count ex-drinkers as non-drinkers. If you omit the sick quitters, it becomes a linear detrimental relationship.
Are you clinically retarded or are you trying to make a joke while being too drunk to see the issue with your post?
A lot of the studies perpetuating the "moderate drinking is good for you" myth are funded by alcohol companies. Look it up.
>act like you know good wine
>drink pinot noir
>drinking literally the lowest quality of red wine
wine is for pussies who want to get drunk faster than drinking beer but cant handle the taste of liquor, i hope u feel like a fag because you are.
I prefer white Chilean sauvignon blanc, cheap as shit and gets you nicely fucked I understand why women enjoy the odd bottle of wine.
>drink cab's
>drink boozy stouts
>drink meme laphroaig
>drink muh gin n tonic
>drink 'girly' drinks (make it a double, barkeep)
fuck all IPAs though. i also drink semen
>i also drink semen
You already said that, no need to repeat yourself.