You find this while walking down a deserted street. Wwyd?

You find this while walking down a deserted street. Wwyd?

Attached: Blood.jpg (1061x1589, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stick my wiener in if it's still warm

Google translate "HELP POLICE," and yell it until they show up

make her every single egg

Ding dong the wicked witch is dead

Wonder why I'm going in circles

that would be very funny if she were wearing striped socks but she's only wearing the magic slippers so it's just regular funny

Probably move on. Any female that wears booty shorts in public is asking for trouble, and she got it.

Is that a subtle way of saying you killed her?

you walk into your moms room and find that. wyd?

Wonder why she's laying in katsup.

Keep walking, but with a smile on my face for there's one lest female in the world

Another angle of the corpse

Attached: Blood2.jpg (881x1194, 62K)

Piss on her lol

>lightly kick her with my foot a couple times
>"you okay?"
>call 911
>probably grope her ass a bit if no one's around
>leave after the ambulance shows up

yo is that a penny? grab it while no one is looking

found the yid

Something something, stale comment about eggs.

>think to myself bitch is probably pro open borders
>carry on walking

Attached: Swede.png (324x382, 281K)


Put a band-aide on her.

Assuming I'm alone and confident no one is going to see me
>guffaw and chuckle for a moment as that is my gut reaction to absurd things happening
>look to see if she's breathing
>assuming she isn't or I can't tell, look at her butt
>want to really pull down her pants and see her ass, probably take a picture
>become anxious as I wonder whether she shit herself at death or not
>stand there awkwardly with sweaty palms as mull over it
>decide that I really don't want to risk getting dead person poop on me
>go to get help when I voice inside me says that this might be my only time to see girl butt
>eventually become convinced to pull her pants down regardless if she made poopy
>realize I can't get her pants off without flipping her over and undoing her pants buttons and belt
>use my pocket knife to cut open her pants
>do a shitty job and it takes me like 10 minutes because I'm incompetent
>instantly get an erection upon looking at her butt, assuming it's not covered in shit
>snap 10-20 photos from as many angles as I can think of
>pray I didn't leave anything that will lead back to me being there
>power walk to my house or the transportation to my house in order to masturbate to my new treasure

I really like girl butt.

Attached: IMG_4468.jpg (1280x1854, 508K)

Ahaha, this sort of shit would never happen in white, first world countries

Why would she be covered in shit?

thank god she was wearing a helmet

Your sphincter relaxes when you die. If she had fullish bowels when she died then she'd poop herself

It doesn't look like she popped herself

>walking down street
>see this
>what do

Attached: 14957145694.png (716x345, 394K)

Yeah I know, but I would be nervous that she had shit hidden in her ass crack or something. I don't want to pull down her pants and see a dribble of liquid shit down her ass crack and taint.

How long had she been dead in the pic?

~~~~twisted angel~~~~~

has she pissed and shitted her pants i can't tell, there's a small puddle it might be a shadow.

Is that a subtle way of making everything unfunny by asking the joke to be explained you utter fucking faggot?

Whoa. Am I the only one who has a guilty erection while looking at this dead chick's ass and legs???

Is that a subtle way of complimenting me for ruining a joke that deserved to be ruined in the first place?

Anyone has those pics of the girl that got run over by a bus? She was wearing pantyhose and a skirt, made me titanium hard.

The blood's still wet so less than an hour

This chick's ass is better

Attached: bus.jpg (474x297, 30K)

I'm going to cut your toenails off, put them in a bag, then wake you up to the sight of me eating them, you fucking retard

>I'm going to cut your toenails off
Thank you, I'm always too lazy to do that myself.

Is that a dead body?

What happens to it after an hour?

It dries
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

Now or never.

this and if you don't will do this then you're lying - link to story




Attached: 1446072844572.jpg (125x122, 3K)

Short video of the body

>Call police
>Check pulse
>Identify wound and apply pressure where it could reasonably help
>if dead speak with bystanders(if any) to try and piece together information to give to the authorities

Am I doing this right?

assuming i'm in my home country i call police
assuming i'm overseas i pretend i noticed nothing

Just imagine dying and having those shorts as your last clothes.

the shorts are ok but the blouse is no taste and ugly af

>Am I doing this right?
No because you were tampering with evidence and was around when the body was found. You're going in as a suspect. The best thing to do at a crime scene is walk away.

>Just imagine dying
i always do

Where's the based party rockers at

If she isn't dead I'd obviously stop at checking the pulse which should not be evidence tampering.

Which I would probably have been instructed to do after I called about the body(which I put first).

try to generate some empathy so the cops don't think I did it when I call them

Is that a dollar next to her head? I pocket that.

Look around to see if the area's safe/deserted, check if she's got a pulse, call the police, take her wallet.

turn 360 degrees and walk away obviously