Would you date someone who is asexual, r9k? You get everything a normal relationship has; romance, fun dates...

Would you date someone who is asexual, r9k? You get everything a normal relationship has; romance, fun dates, playing together, etc, on ONE condition: no sex AT ALL.

...yes or no?

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Probably not, no, sorry

Yes, as long as they leave me to jack off whenever.
I'm not that into sex either, seems pretty gross, I'd prefer a sexless relationship.

seems like they'd have less of a reason to cheat.
fuck it.

If it was a girl then yes.

I'm willing to bet an asexual ""fembot"" made this post.

That wouldnt be love.
If she loved me, no matter how much of an "asexual" she is, she should be willing to give me a bit of sexual release.
So no, not even close.

She would have to be nearby. Her cuddle game would have to be strong. She would have to be small and cute. She would have smell nice. She would have to love pastries.

No, because she's 3D and can't realistically be a fitting and supportive partner for a robot like me. I don't care about the no-sex, that's fine, so long as she lets me masturbate to her, but still, "Would you date someone", not specifying that she is an anime girl, will get a "no".

is there still kissing and cuddling? Hair stroking and handholding are a must. I can't feel like I'm in a relationship or intimate with someone unless there is tactile expression of affection.

No sex -> no children. So no.

how about adopting?

Never. I want my own children.

We may not have sex, but I will still do lewd things to her.

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Not even to procreate?

I'd honestly be ok with this. I've got a small dick anyway. Although the few people I've met that were asexual said they would still have sex for the benefit of their partner, they just didn't have any desire for it.

Asexual people can still put out, for of love for their partner. If she won't put up with me nutting in her once in a while it isn't worth it.

understandable. maybe envitro?

Asexual just means a girl is too ugly to score a Chad so they just don't have sex.

Honestly no at least have to give me a handy every night.

I knew an asexual girl at university. She went through like 10 bfs without sex until she met a chad hockey player and her vagina went goosh in the last year and ending up failing cause she was swooning over him.

asexuality is all in the chemicals and dating one risks her getting wet suddenly by a dude other than you and she'll have no experience in self control. It would be 100x worse than being cucked by a girl you had sex with.

maybe i'd give it a thought. if i could have children not having sex wouldn't be a total killer i think.

You can go to your favorite prostitute for sex and her for a relationship.

Yes, without a question. I would do anything for love that pure. Cut my balls off, I don't care. I hate needing to jerk off every day.

>implying the worst part of pregnancy is the conception, not 9 months of gestation, hormonal changes, body changes, possible postpartum depression, and other complications

Unless you mean with a surrogate?
Also it's spelled 'In Vitro'

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Can I bang other girls assuming there's no romance there?

Sex always ruins the relationship for me anyways because once I'm sexually atreacted to someone they stop mattering to me

>It would be 100x worse than being cucked by a girl you had sex with.
I'd fear that too. Maybe she just changes at some point and suddenly has a desire, but you two as a couple have gotten so used to not have sex that she can't really imagine doing it with you, so she seeks someone else, and boom, you can basically shoot yourself in the head.

Can we adopt a child together? And would she mind if I fapped to the thought of her?

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Only if she's 2D then I'd be fine with it.

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No I'm sorry, I need sex

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Everyone here saying they need sex and they wouldn't take an asexual gf is a normie and a male roastie

Would my partner be okay with masturbating me, or letting me do things like smell her butt/crotch while I blow my load?

If so, probably. I suspect I'm unable to ever have a normal relationship, and my dick is all fucked up from SSRIs, so if she was willing to compromise a little bit, so would I. I'm most terrified of being alone after my parents die, so I'd love a companion who'd stay with me.

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Not as a long term thing
I need kids because every one of my siblings and their kids are destined for being fuckups, someone's got to try and break the cycle

Sorry, I just need physical affection in a relationship. I need proof that she loves me.

Cuddles and kisses are 100x better than sex. Sign me up.
yes please. she would have to be small enough so i can hold half of her body cuddling in bed.

a sexless relationship is fine, everyone here is terrified of being cheated on in such a situation though.

Imagine being in a sexless relationship for 10 years only to find out she had been fucking your new neighbor because he flipped something in her hormones 180 degrees.

That's the kind of thing that would make you feel dead.

If anyone here is a genuine asexual female I will befriend you and we can hang out.

If you can screw 7-10 SMV prostitutes and have her for the love, romance, friendship and devotion stuff it would be the perfect relationship. Stacy fucks and Fembot love.

I'm highly sexual, even tho I only had sex a few times in my life, I talk about it a lot and want it all the time.
Tho I do agree that the most important part is love, and being happy around the persom, I can't really say I would be happy with that alone.

its more about the risks. Asexuality is not necessarily permanent.

a healthy midrange sexdrive is best because you can adjust to fluctuations. No sex drive or too much and you won't be able to handle anything if the brakes or accelerate is put on.

And god forbid someone develops their sexdrive as an adult when the bioclock is ticking instead of in early puberty.

I've seen that ruin a more relationships than when they go sexless later on (oldfag here).

Only under the following conditions:
- An actual female (XX, biological, blabla)
- Actually asexual, not just saying that to cheat on me.
- Not going to complain about my seeing a hooker at least once but likely multiple times. Normally this would be discussed in advance and well-documented, so to speak.

If these conditions are respected, then yes, absolutely. Also the 3rd condition is to counter the theoretical sexual frustration that can develop and erode the relationship despite the fact that sex is not the object.

there is no such thing as "asexual". sage

Asexuality is in fact permanent, the problem is that virtually nobody who claims to be asexual actually is. From low sex drive (not in any way the same as asexual) to just pretending, real asexuality is insanely rare. Basically, if she ever shlicked, she's not asexual. If she's ever gotten wet for any reason, she's not asexual.

I'm asexual, so yes. That would be my preferred partner.

biology is a bitch user, what seems permanent today can change on a dime unless you have gutted all your hormone secreting organs from your body (impossible).

a person can have zero sex drive their whole adult life and suddenly the clock ticks and hormones change.

arguing about "purity" or asexuality is just pointless because these are factors that are outside one's control.

>science and biology is all in the miiiiind
>woooow bro dude weed lmao woooooow so insightful

you don't choose to be asexual and you don't choose to stop being asexual.

there is no tripping required for something this simple. The reason your "pure asexuality" is so rare and pointless is precisely because those people had hormonal changes that altered their desire and the ones who stayed asexual did not.

It's not quantum physics user.

you would literally have to monitor and regulate various hormones in your body to a greater degree than trans do in order to guarantee you never "desire" sex in the rest of your lifespan.

if you look up what something as simple as birth control does to women's preference in partners you would see how little natural control we have over this process.

if she was a girl who i found attractive and really enjoyed spending time with then yeah, i could work with it. i've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that im gonna be alone and jerkin it for the rest of my life anyway so just the chance to have a close intimate companion, even if it meant no sex, would be pretty cool.

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>real illnesses are just mind memes lol I identify as a butterfly haha ebin I have sex every 5 seconds that means I'm a robot because I didn't choose to be a virgin kek xd

lol treating it like an illness also means accepting that it can cure itself/be cured just like depression or being an idiot who can't accept that your body will change over time.

I wish there was a simple way to flip the switch to off.

You are mentally ill. Check yourself into a hospital anytime.

No way. I had a girl pull that shit on me before. Basically just a way to friendzone me. She used to tell me about all the public sex she had with her ex's and now she's "asexual?"

Whatever. Fuck that. Never again. Always a lie.

It takes someone with iron-clad self-esteem to be in an asexual relationship. I envy people that can do this without feeling like an ugly piece of shit.

this is literally the perfect form of an relationship

it's called triggering dopamine. met a few scary pharmacy instructors back in school that felt with the right combo of drugs at the right time they could give anyone whatever fetish they wanted.

no u

are you fucking retarded, ace people have sex they just dont find people sexy

I wouldn't accept anything else. My parents raised me so prudish that the very thought of having sex with someone is repulsive.

Sex in a relationship can be the ultimate expression of love and passion. There's a lot more to a relationship than just sex, but I'm not sure how you can really love someone if you never have sex.

im asexual so it would be pref

there are just too many reasons why your switch could be off. Sexual desire is one area drug makers can't really play with in experimenting.

the fact that you wish to flip the switch makes you a "fake" asexual according to one user here though.

glad im not the only one

No, being asexual isn't the same as never having sex of any kind. It's just that you wouldn't enjoy it. I'd date an asexual if we could still have sex, or if I could at least get a handjob every once in a while.

If we could have limited sex for the sole purpose of procreation I'd be fine with it. I want kids of my own, so it would be a dealbreaker if kids are off the table.

>if she loved me she would do it for me
this post is underrated as fuck

I'd go for it as long as its a girl and we could cuddle in bed and sleep together half naked. I only want that.

Yes. And by date I mean go out together to enjoy eachother's company with zero romantic undertones or exclusivity several times a year.