Asianbots can I date one of you?

Asianbots can I date one of you?

Attached: guih.png (366x286, 6K)

you can date me if you like

Describe yourself, I need some details

Attached: cat.png (541x469, 325K)

I'll never lose to a pathetic white boy!

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But are you the cutest

I'm east asian
Black hair, brown eyes
A little out of shape, but I'm certainly not obese.

Date ricebot instead if you're located closer to him though. I'm not greedy.

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my man how u overweight if u fuck with speed so heavy?

Any fem ricebots

hi yes i am here

post proof, and i'll give a shot

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white girl with yellow fever here how do I get an asian bf?

Post your location today 8/6/18.

Asl and interests? Love me ricebot.

i'll send you a pic

brooke you need to go home, you rice cooking thot

hello im yellow with darkness please be my gf

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I live in the east coast but i'm rich enough to move anywhere
Describe yourself, what's your appearance and stats?

Tried to add didnt work

Doesnt work, gotta fix it user

m or f? interests age? cmon now user

black guy with nippon eyes and heritage. 5'10 160lbs

I don't want a black guy sorry. Are you saying you're mixed?

Add me if you're east coast.

riceboooooooooot your discord was wrong


it worked. added.

no accept tho

IDK why you too blind to read chart. Anyway mine is.

>asian "bots"

LOL no such thing. Asians are natural sex machines.

See what you get for chasing nonblacks retard