Why can't men handle larger women? Guys say they were feeling "disgusted" by me.
I can't control myself when it comes to depression eating. What makes tall skinny women so much better?
Why can't men handle larger women? Guys say they were feeling "disgusted" by me.
I can't control myself when it comes to depression eating. What makes tall skinny women so much better?
The fact they don't have meme depression and they can put down a fork.
It's the same for why women hate short men, it's not an attractive quality.
You can stop being a fatass piece of shit, you're actually flawed and can change yourself. It makes complete sense to not like someone who's fat as that shows a clear sign that they, as a person and their personality and behavior, is bad.
How does anyone think this is real?
self control is sexy
i dont want a gf who rivals saturns orbit
Am I degenerate if this is attractive to me?
Bait but I'm a chubby chaser
No you're just high test
This fattie looks very hot. Nice pussy that I'd gladly eat. Some are gross but this one carries it well.
But I'm a crossdressing loser, how could I be high test?
>tfw you're the wrong type of fat to attract other fat women who just want to be degenerate dead-end fatties together
Eh I've fucked worse
man this so much, i have skinny arms and legs, torso is skinny-fat with gyno
no one wants this shit ffffffffffffffffugg
Are you fem looking? If so be my feeder bf.
I'm a thrill seeker so i'd attempt to fuck a fat smelly cunt, i'm a fat fuck myself but the chick in the picture looks 7 inches shorter than me while weighing as much as i do.
Nice bait.
i'm 400 lbs and i just got fucked within the hour. some men can handle it and they don't think it's disgusting.
If you put a bag on my head I am.
Any fat girls interested in letting me use them to practice stone lifting and carrying?
Dude, that is the stupidest thing to do.... >:(
yeah, okay, but i eat a lot more than a stone and i also talk a lot more.
Feeding you wasn't in the original agreement but we can negotiate that. Where are you located. How much do you weigh and how much you willing to gain?
Not having to push folds out of way is always a plus.
And I like standing sex and manhandling girls without inviting a hernia.
OP's pic is too fat, but I like short and plump girls, like the one in . Much farther than that and you've lost me. Also, don't blame men for hating you, blame yourself.
Because not being a lard ass is literally the only thing a girl has to do live a good life and they still fuck that up. When I get depressed I stop eating all together and will go days without food. Depression eating is a fucking meme. Depressive starvation is what you actually do when your sad
It's possible that you're simply very confused about your sexuality
- My friends may end up mocking me for dating a fat chick. My family might also end up mocking me. This is the most important issue.
- She'll probably die sooner because she's fat.
- Women gain weight as they get older, meaning its only downhill from here.
- I won't be able to lift her up while I'm fucking her.
- Her being fat is just another negative. I would prefer skinny and manipulative over fat and manipulative.
- My children won't be greek gods. They'll end up being fat, or she'll baby them into weakling snowflakes.
- She'll get incredibly sweaty whenever its summer.
- She won't be able to walk for a short period of time without getting exhausted.
- If she does end up losing weight she'll have a ton of loose skin.
- I care a ton about my image and want to walk beside a cute thin girl. People will look at me different when I walk beside a fat girl.
Maybe. The first and only person I ever managed to have sexual relations with was some 5/10 thicc girl and I had trouble cumming from fucking her. The first few times she had to finger me and jerk me off, but I'm not sure if it was deathgrip from 18 years of masturbation or gay desires that caused it.
us of a
240 and like 40 more?
Wowee thats one fat fembot
tummy pics please?
the fact that I can pick them up and fuck them.