Why do men hate nice women so much?
Why do men hate nice women so much?
Everyone hates nice people. Fuck off.
Forced happiness is proven to provoke human behavior.
I don't hate women. I pity them more then anything.
I don't hate nice women. I hate hope.
Nice women provoke hope in me, because of the tiny, tiny degree of uncertainty their niceness creates. Sure, I know it doesn't mean anything, but maybe there's a 1 in 100 chance...
>Everyone hates nice people.
source for the pic? In an original way, of course.
It's Oregairu. Yukino is best girl btw
Lol I didn't know women like you existed but I do now. Remember that.
3rd season fucking when?
I think the anime stopped in the one before the last chapter, so probably won't be a 3rd season
I hate all women equally, you fucking scum
The trap is the best dummo
Because when the nice women turn around to take a shit all over you for no reason, it's much more hypocritical than when the not nice women do it.
we hate talking to overly nice girls because when we try talking about our problems everything they say is patronising
Nice women give loser men hope.
You can used to feeling hopeless when it's literally all you ever feel, but when a girl acts nice to you you can't help but wonder if maybe she likes you, and then when you inevitably learn "no she's just nice to everyone, you aren't special to her and you were stupid to ever think so" the pain of refreshes and comes back worse than ever.
It's not the girls fault and when they say "I hate nice girls" they really mean they hate the effect nice girls have on them.
The manga just started up again at the end of the second season, so that could mean there is going to be a s3.
Probably not, since there's no shortage of women complaining that men only want nice girls. Just put yourself out there.
I've had my niceness met with hostility. It's like people want to punish me for being raised right.
But he's right though, in the sense that nice people get stomped on by others. It's an easy target.
You can't hurt me emotionally if I don't give a fuck about you. We have ways of dealing with negativity but not positivity. Nice girls are Trojan Horses.
Nice girls are fucking friendzoners.
Stop your larping, dipshit.
>meet woman that says please and thank you
>fucking christ why does this woman put me into the friend zone
I don't travel to africa with a bag of wendy's and tell the locals to share it.
its not about that its about being terrified of becoming attracted to them becuase of your lack of experience so you have little control. I've asked people before how to deal with my bitterness and "entitlement" when they bring it up but they only know how to insult me.
If a girl acts nice to me i avoid her like she has plague and make every male choice before her. Honestly i tried telling women i was gay once but some of them love that and want you around them more so i have to immiedietly bring out te truth to get them to go away which is "i was hoping yo would be disgusted enough to stop talking to me".
I don't hate women i hate myself for not knowing how to deal with them and the frustration i feel everytime i ask someone how to figure it out because they have no answers.
Normal people only have vague words that have no meaning to anyone but themselves or friends who have their own interpretation of them.
The most obvious example is the very famous
When the fuck am i not being myself? Even people who are being mimics are still "being themselves" its such a vague thing that means nothing.
"just improve yourself bro" is also worthless and vague, i thought when someone said that i was supposed to study more at school and when i got a sigh from someone i had asked before i almost let across the room and started choking them out from the anger.
I hate it, i hate being alive, i hate waking up, i hate being so worthless and pathetic. I just want to be dead but i can't find the courage to kill myself and it hurts all the more to know that its "the easy way out" and i can't even do something that's easy.